Sunday, April 29, 2012


"Perseverance is not a long race;
it is many short races one after the other."

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why many stopped completely eating Lamb?

Many shechitas shecht lamb at the rate of 120-160 @ hour. The ratio of glatt runs between 60-80%+. That means the bodek has to check about 95 @ hour (1.5 @ minute?).

There is usually 1 shoichet & 1 bodek & they change off. They feel very uncomfortable with the quality of the bedika especially after the first 100 at that speed.

Are the International Kosher certifiers rubber stamping the Heimish certifications?

Yes they are! sadly, to the kosher consumers detriment.

"Broineh-zeklach" pesach hashgochas.
Pesach "grubbeh-zaltz" Salt packaged "without a mashgiach" in a facility that packages chometz  items all year. Pesach Potato starch from a foreign facility without a mashgiach. Pesach Sugar packaged in a facility that previously had flour in their silos. Pesach Oil processed with citric acid, (in a facility that uses chometz, kitinious citric acid) without a mashgiach for the production. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MasterMind is one of the "only" systems that work

BS"D- MasterMind LA presents: The Building Blocks of Jewish Education With World Renowned Educator: Rabbi Jonathan Rietti

MasterMind LA teacher development workshops provide participants an opportunity for hands-on learning, discussion with colleagues and curriculum planning. Interactive and experiential workshops will be taught by veteran educator Rabbi Jonathan Rietti. The workshops are designed to appeal to both new and experienced teachers. Our goal is to challenge teachers to teach Judaic subjects using multisensory learning techniques to enhance their students’ learning experience and their ability to engage every student in the classroom.

Reb Nosson's take

מה  שיעשה  הזמן  לא  יעשה  השכל   

וואס טוט מען ווען איינער האט נישט קיין צייט אונד האט נישט קיין שכל?

It will usually boomerang