Sunday, December 15, 2024

DE JA VU- Another kosher certifier recently removed their Hashgocha as the Mashgiach was playing games

 What I don’t understand is why Tornopol allows this company to still be used in his establishments. He dropped and then bad mouthed them but still allows them to be used. Sounds like more to the story than..


  1. Bugs
    Not נקי מחשש
    גם זה יעבור

  2. Yes, the co. couldn't operate with Tarnopol standards because level of infestation issues.

  3. Vk is עובר בטל

  4. Is this better than veggivash??

  5. What I don’t understand is why Tornopol allows this company to still be used in his establishments. He dropped and then bad mouthed them but still allows them to be used. Sounds like more to the story than..

  6. The Mashgiach is playing games so it was never kosher. The Rav fires the Mashgiach but does not replace him. Did the Rav Hamachshir return the money to the co owner for never giving a kosher hechsher???

  7. all people that play games and lie to the consumer are going to HELL ….
    imagine one day you find out that a sofer was selling mezuzas that are barely kosher our town would be in a uproar but subpar kashrus in a yeshiva town is not a priority! crazy world

  8. People should just start eating israeli salad cucumbers tomatoes peppers onions plenty of vitamins in there and no checking issues. The whole leafy vegetable and other veges have just been turned into more of a buisiness than kashrus !
