Monday, September 05, 2022

OK and the chin'aizer-this was in 2015, just after Yudel shain left the restaurant- We would question the kashrus since one year later.

The OK labs wants to deny that they allow OK certified Chinese owned restaurants to have the keys to the restaurant.

There is a video available where OK Mashgichim that worked in OK certified Chinese owned restaurants substantiate that the OK does allow them to have the keys.

When the mashgichim complained to the OK about serious kashrus violations , they were told by the OK,

"It's lean times, we can't afford to drop the hashgocha". 

WOW! The Chinese say "the OK is the way to go"


  1. I'm still confused.

    You have been an advocate that these chevra cannot be trusted even if they supposedly don't have keys.

    Anyone can have a locksmith make him new keys and there have been stories like this already.

    Even the OU doesn't trust these chevra with NO KEYS.

    I hate to sound like the Yudel misnagdim who always take pot shots at you, which I have been anything but, but please explain how you are justified to all of a sudden trust people from this country where as you yourself have always highlighted are prone to cheat because it is the minhag hamedina dort.


  2. Also Interesting- is the fact that finkel who was frum, gave a daf yomi shiur, was the baal koreh, etc yet he gave treif to all of New York & Lakewood customers. Doheny in Los Angeles, also a frum owner that gave treif to all of Los Angeles.

    A kosher butcher in Frankfurt, Germany, recently admitted in court that he sold doctored tons of non-kosher meat for years as glatt to all of the observant Jews.

    There was at least 4-5 episodes in Boro Park, Flatbush, Queens, etc areas where frum owners were selling treif to their customers.

    All Goi'ish owned food service or eateries that had a capable Hashgocha and a trained capable Mashgiach was not found to be selling treif.

    Bottom line? Where can one eat kosher food in Lakewood?
    Where you either rely on the owner or on a capable hashgocha and capable mashgiach.

  3. This chinese restaurant hashgocha is nothing new to Reb Yudel. This is the 4th chinese restaurant that yudel shain gave a hashgocha to over the past 15 years.

    As long as you have a capable hashgocha and capable mashgichim.

  4. Did you ever taste R' Yudel's potato kugel? All I can say is WOW!! He really knows what he's doing in the kitchen. B'emes, on a serious note, it's really good.

  5. "As long as you have a capable hashgocha and capable mashgichim"

    Not true!

    Even with a mashgiach standing on the back of someone, if that someone WANTS to CHEAT he can do so at ANY little interval that the mashgiach is distracted!

    You always said the Chinese factories are choshud no matter who the hashgocho. Why should a restaurant be any better?

    If the oylam absolutely must fress this particular food, besser mit a heimishe baal habos who hires them to cook.

  6. Sure look at finkel, doheny and the rest of the frumies in monsey, borough park, flatbush, queens, 5 Towns, etc that gave treif to their customers. All frum owners.

    It wasn't the chinaizer with yudels hashgocha that gave treif, maybe the OK after yudel left Manalapan chinaizer when der heliger don yoel the fetter fin weinfeld allowed the chinaizer to have the key.

    A hashgocha that's not out just for the money, control and kovod [kcl blaz] and looks for the emmes like yudel will have siyatah dishmaya in not being machshil yiden. Reb Shnuer and Reb Noson saw it in Reb Yudel, as they were looking for the emes as well.
