Saturday, March 19, 2022

Kashrus alert: UPDATE: This LEGHORN Is a "treif" chicken- AKA- "Tarnogol" bi'ingerish

ואת הדוכיפת

This is the (false) Leghorn/Tarnogol/Minorka chicken cross bred with non-kosher birds and is treif. Rav Nissim Karelitz was never mattir, the Kabir, Braekel, Tarnogol, leghorn, Minorka, etc. breeds. They all don't have the required Mesorah.
According to Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z"L, Reb Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita, And Reb Moshe Brandsdorfer said "one must kasher their keilim if the cooked this chicken" - It is not a leghorn, They are out & out liars.
The group of backers brought a so called braekel chicken to Rav Shternbuch to examine.

Rav Moshe Bransdorfer was present at Rav Shterbuch at the time.
Rav Shternbuch looked over the chicken that had outer appearance (by the color of it's feathers) to the Braekel, yet the limbs and all other features looked like the normal chicken. הקול קול יעקב, והידיים ידי עשיו.
Reb Moshe Brandsdorfer took the chicken in his hand for a closer (forensic) examination, he tells Rav Shterbuch that they took a regular chicken and dyed the feathers to imitate the Braekel, he was able to show him where their dye did not take. Rav Shternbuch threw them out. That's the chicken that Rav Nisim Kareltz, Z"L was marttir??? "wake up and smell the coffee" Oh, they are Democrats.
Rav Landau, Z"L was insistent to go to the farm where they are raised.
When Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z"L taught me re: the Messorah of birds, he told me that one must also inspect the farm where they are raised.
Now the same group that failed in Eretz Yisroel (Braekel) brought the "Tarnogol" breed, claiming it's a "Leghorn" and our eggs are mostly from the Hyline breed of Leghorn.
But the fact is that's not a leghorn, but to make it kosher they changed the name "see the above Rashi in Devarim'.
Their Tarnogol so called leghorn, looks to me like the Minorca cross bred with the Mayco (a Dorais).
When the Tarnogol people approached me re: they wanted to show me all of the documents re: their chicken, They'll bring me as many chickens as I want to Inspect (a truckload),.I told them, My Mesorah from Rav Shmuel Wosner requires me to visit the farms. They refused.

I did inspect on 2 occasions, live ones, and after they were shechted.
BTW, the double crown on their leghorn/Tarnogol is the sign of the דוכיפת, 
This Minorca/Tarnogol/Leghorn is treif, no messorah, bred with the Mayco a "doi'res", etc. One must kasher their keilim if used.

According to what Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z"L told Reb Yehuda Shain, the American breed being used are in compliance with the Mesorah , and can be used without a question. The Israeli breeds are a concern.


  1. The chicken packaging says leghorn why is it treif? Because YOU say it’s not a leghorn chicken?
    Or are you not tell us something?


    Why did Pinny Lipschutz in his lead editorial where R' Dovid Feinstein is on the front cover, have to go so veit with his hakoras hatoiv that he has to laud the "gerus" of the tochter, nothing but a fraud by the farce beis din of Hershel Schlechter with a Chassidishe shyster & Open Orthodox Rascal Lookstein? She was not mekabel mitzvos so everyone agrees with R' Moshe there was no transformation with a Yiddishe neshomo! (They apparently skipped out Sheva Brochos when the first Shabbos after the wedding she was live blogging from an expensive Manhattan restaurant all the geshmake shrotzei hayam seafood she was fressing)

    That is the biggest prober, not that her husband & son couldn't be bothered here to put on a yarmulka for the White House mesibas Chanuka last year. This is who Pinny was fawning that she has a Yiddishe yingel.

  3. Nebach the 'West coaster couldnt snag the tochter to be his pilegesh. He had to find another cheerleader....

  4. To be fair R Nissim karelitz and his beis din permitted this. But since this is a daroissa and R Sturnbruch and R Wosner assured this we go lchumra.

  5. Rav Nisim Karelitz said it does not have a mesorah, so it's not kosher.

  6. It's cross bred with the Mayco and other treif birds, but aen't no Leghorn by any means

  7. The Agudah FRESSERS still LOSE with their US Supreme Court "win" over Cuomo.

    Cuomo has got 6 ways to Sunday to get even with the FRESSERS for going behind his back to be mevayesh him.

    Conservative Chief Justice Roberts still sided with the Democrats on the bench, arguing the FRESSERS are shterring public safety during a health emergency. It seems some less experienced Justices - who are Catholic - were overridden by emotion because the FRESSERS joined with their Vatican shutfim. The FRESSERS had also joined with the Vatican when it came to their mutual interest in protecting child molesters.

    There may be a poel yotze from this that Cuomo clamps down even harder on gesheften so he that can continue closing shuls. That would sadly put a lot of people under. It would also come back to bite the FRESSERS as it would hurt their donor pool.

  8. Aless abee mattir zeinThu Nov 26, 11:56:00 AM 2020

    Where's Belsky when you need him?

    Can't you say the faygel is treif but the zup that comes out of it is not?

  9. Paysach Krohny WatchThu Nov 26, 02:00:00 PM 2020

    The OU needs a tutorial in poultry DA procedures via Gomco clamp & voila, problem solved!

  10. FYI all eggs sold today in the grocery store is from leghorn chickens. This information is readily available to anyone interested. I heard it from an egg farmer locally. So if you hold that leghorn is treif, we have to kasher every single pot and pan you own....

  11. Hospital heads in Israel unanimously agree the country's heading to a 3rd wave of virus infections, Channel 12 said today, after the nation surpassed 1,000 new daily cases.

    The hospital chiefs issued the warning in conference with Health Ministry Director-General Chezy Levy.

    The officials agree on at least 1 more surge, if not 2, before the epidemic is brought to an end in Israel thru vaccination.

    An unnamed source who attended the meeting told the network all the chiefs agreed with the assessment that a surge is on its way.

    The source said Levy gave no opinion on the matter.

    There were 1,068 new cases diagnosed on Wednesday.

    After topping 9,000 on Wed for the 1st time in 3 weeks, the active number of virus cases rose to 9,422 out of total 332,317 since the pandemic began.

    Despite the rising figures, cabinet ministers overnight approved to reopen 15 malls around the country.

    Outdoor market areas and some museums will also be allowed to reopen.

    Mall owners pushed to be open by Fri to take advantage of Black Friday.

    Senior health officials warned repeatedly of the necessity for a 3rd national lockdown to contain the virus, warning vs further easing of restrictions until a drop in infections.

    A basic reproduction number of over 1 indicates that case numbers will begin to expand exponentially.

    The virus cabinet, a forum of ministers dealing with the outbreak, decided lockdown exit should only start if the transmission rate is under 0.8. Under the Health Ministry’s plan, rollback measures are supposed to be halted if the rate rises. The govt, under pressure from Bibi's coalition partner UTJ-Agudah, ignores that benchmark however, pressing on with easing restrictions.

  12. Philly gets ResultsFri Nov 27, 09:01:00 AM 2020

    Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said on Wednesday that he’s being attacked by anti-vaxxers for his role in encouraging Israelis to be vaccinated for the coronavirus.

    Anti-vaxxers have dubbed him “Mengele” – comparing him to the notorious Nazi Dr. Mengele for “pushing the needle” and have also accused him of pushing the government to pass legislation forcing Israelis to be vaccinated, a claim Edelstein vehemently denies.

    “I’m being called Dr. Mengele, the cursed Nazi murderer because my office is obtaining vaccines for the entire public,” Edelstein said. “Being vaccinated is not an obligation – it wasn’t and won’t be. Being vaccinated is a right. It is my duty as health minister to ensure that we’ll have enough vaccines for all Israelis. If you want to vaccinate, then vaccinate and if you don’t want to vaccinate, don’t vaccinate.”

  13. Unfortunately the Pope and his following are not getting any results.

  14. Fresser Way or the HighwayThu Dec 03, 06:28:00 PM 2020

    Agudah lawsuits against Cuomo don't seem al pi Hatorah, because they are not

    R' Moshe wrote a teshuva to the rabbonei England telling them not to sue the country for discriminating against Yidden that yeshivos are the only schools with no govt funding

    ודאי פשוט וברור שיש להשתדל אצל הממשלה שיתמכו בבתי ספר שהיהודים יסדו לעצמן.


    לתבוע למשפט אשר נמצא במדינה אחרת שגם ענגלאנד שייך להם ולבוא בקובלנא לפני השופטים על השרים של ענגלאנד אשר עושים עוולה נגד היהודים ודאי יש לחוש להטלת איבה מהממשלה להיהודים שזה אפשר שחס ושלום יביא לתוצאות לא טובות בהרבה … כי צריך לידע שהשנאה לישראל מכל האומות היא גדולה גם ממלכיות שנוהגין בטובה, וכבר אמרתי על הלשון שהביא רש”י בפירוש החומש… על קרא דוישקהו אמר רשב”י הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב דמה שייך זה להלכה, דהוא כמו שהלכה לא משתנית כך שנאת עשו ליעקב לא משתנית דאף אלו שנוהגות באופן טוב שנאתן גדולה בעצם

    R' Moshe is referring to the Sifri Bamidbar:

    וישקהו – נקוד עליו, ויש חולקין בדבר הזה בברייתא דספרי, יש שדרשו נקודה זו לומר שלא נשקו בכל לבו. אמר ר’ שמעון בן יוחאי הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב, אלא שנכמרו רחמיו באותה שעה ונשקו בכל לבו

  15. Today’s poskim are all Am Meratzim.
    Only the Pope and his followers know how to quote “keitzad mehasrin es hateven” issues.
    If today’s gedolim and Poskim allowed then to sue then it’s OK for today’s generation. Whatever Reb MosheZatzal paskened may of been and probably was a specific psak to a specific shahlah to a specific group.
    But Paulie got his training otherwise and of course he knows better...

  16. That exact excerpt with the Sifri was first publicized by a rabbi who is criticizing today's Agudah in general but might've been trying to shield the particular "Fresser" who posed that 1968 shayla to R' Moshe.

    The "Fresser" was Efraim Kestenbaum (of the infamous matzos) who was already warned by Dayan Padwa that you don't incite goyim in Golus with such lawsuits. But Kestenbaum wanted to play the part of American Cowboy & went posek shopping which R' Moshe was not impressed with.

  17. ....went posek shopping....

    So the Krankeh Neshoomeh did learn "posek shopping" from his favorite Rabboy Meevhak.
    Nu. Nu. Maybe one can excuse this Krankeh Neshoomeh - under his circumstances.


    some milchdik seasoning for your meat tacos?

  19. Seems like Taco is not on the street fressers list.
    There are plenty tacos not “PoipeFresserdik”. Even though the Maariv Pope should really know about fester fleish tacos especially raisinette tacos.

  20. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun Dec 20, 03:58:00 PM 2020

    The mashgiach is defending likely basar bchulev mixups with taco mix?

    I guess paradoxical milchig taco mix is then also a stock item at WEST SIDE KOSHER!


  22. Sun Dec 20, 03:58:00 PM 2020

    The real fessteh street fressers (the ones who can't get in to any orthodox dinners or conventions) are not goirehs fish tacos or chesse, egg or other taco fans. Very simple: all they know is gehzoonteh grobeh shtik fleish - Ah Chaticha. Thus if something is D its automatically no good and of course is automatically Basar B'Chalav. All except Raisinettes.... That straight.......

  23. The gedolei Eretz Yisroel & virtually all talmidim of R' Aron Kotler, Brisker Rov, Chazon Ish, etc, say to protect against the virus, but the Agudah keep following Philly into deathly oblivion. Go figure

    זאת חנוכה תשע"א December 17, 2020

    To the Members of the Community: The number of Covid-19 cases in the Greater Toronto Area has sky-rocketed over the past few weeks. As a result, both Toronto and York Region are under lockdown. Our community is not immune. Many people have tested positive for the virus and some of them are suffering terribly.

    The Covid-19 pandemic is a genuine סכנה. Of course, having בטחון is essential and תפילה is our greatest weapon. However, the Torah tells us very clearly that in such a situation, ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם. During this Pandemic, that means our השתדלות are to obey Health Care professionals and strictly comply with all Covid-19 restrictions and measures. These include wearing tight-fitting masks, social-distancing, limits on gatherings, etc. Every effort must be made to avoid both חילול השם, and the very real possibility of spreading the virus, ח"ו.

    We all look forward to the day when this Pandemic is behind us and families and shuls return to their regular routines. For now, however, we must behave in a manner appropriate to these extraordinary and dangerous times.


    Vaad Harabonim of Toronto

    Rabbi Dovid Schochet (talmid of R' Aron Kotler)

    Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Lowy

    Rabbi Yosef Oziel


    Rav Yaakov Hirschmann attacks Agudah style carelessness & their ridiculous lawsuits against Cuomo.

    Talmid of R' Aron Kotler

  25. The gedolei Eretz Yisroel & virtually all talmidim of R' Aron Kotler, Brisker Rov, Chazon Ish, etc, say to protect against the virus, but the Agudah keep following Philly into deathly oblivion. Go figure

    Go figure !!!!!

    You do not protect yourself. You don't wear masks - at least at the onset of this virus,
    you get sick, you ignore common sense rules of distancing and covering up. Even those who did cover up refused to cover their noses (which is like not covering up at all). You go to simchas unmasked - a virus hotspot - Superspreader. Then some get sick and some more get sick and you complain about those who begged you to follow the common sense rules??? You complain that there is a lockdown??? You brought it upon yourselves. Your totally at fault.
    All the drashos are just to blame every one else for the disease except your own ignorance and neglect.

  26. Tue Dec 22, 4:09 PM can speak for himself, tzebissiner dray kop vos er iz.

    There are mishpochos who are still in lock down mode as per the REAL gedolim, who wisely ignore his anti-vaxx Amerikanner posers.


  28. Hust gehert there is an OU mashgiach with "issues" who has a peculiar sinah of certain gedolim? Oh well.

    The rest of us can wax nostalgic with these gedolim of yesteryear

  29. Tue Dec 22, 05:16:00 PM 2020

    They are on permanent Loickdown BECAUSE they are anti vaxxers and are afraid to leave their own shadow..


    Some more jokes here.

    Paulie also knows about multi colored Raisinettes. He had to go to court to help him choose the right color by telling the court he HATES born Jews.
    Of course Paulie and Co. keep going left as in off the cliff. The part where life is about 'shteiging' and getting more religous he heard SO WELL that he took it to the social and finacial worlds where there is no one so 'oisvorfish' as him and his followers. He conveniently omitted the religious parts as is well documented in his Apikores/Meen Blog. There is good reason why he named it UNorthodox - because that is his essence.

  31. Loickdown? Only big nuts try to prove they are yeshivish by introducing Ashkenazish nekudos to English.

    Are you crazy? The anti-vaxx have merged being in favor of corona infections with their warped hashkofos.

    The ones locked down are absolutely pro-vaxx, which is the shita of ALL the gedolim starting with R' Aron Kotler ztl.

    Fake "gedolim" vos dreyen oif Philly's Drexel don't count. And for this purpose neither does the gadol who a Drecksel collaborator manipulates to be on the anti-vaxx side, going so far as to manufacture a picture of him "learning" on Chol Hamoed, propped up on a shtender while UNCONSCIOUS from corona's high fever. And he fell off the shtender when they stopped holding him in place for the fake photo op.

    1. Is he saying what he knows or does he know what he saying?
      Answer: neither.

  32. Someone disgusted with Yanky Kanievsky's constant manipulation (in cahoots with Philly / Agudah) of the zayde R' Chaim, leaked that video to Arutz Sheva of R' Chaim nebich falling off the shtender

  33. Er veisst vos er redt, which unlike the dishonest propaganda of yener OU mashgiach at Dec 24, 9:58 pm, are painful facts.

    If you don't like inane outbursts from yener OU mashgiach, then you cannot criticize OU, WEST SIDE KOSHER, Queens Vaad, molesters, Agudah or any entity / person that R' Yudel has a problem with, as the mashgiach has appointed himself the anti-Yudel

  34. Correction:
    ....or any entity / person that R' Yudel has a problem with...
    Should read:
    ....that R' Yudel has a problem with or does not have a problem with...
    Meaning all people and all mankind - Jews or not.


    Star K says you can eat cut fruit at treif breakfast buffets at hotels because they supposedly come cut from a fruit slicing factory.

    That's odd, because I've been in name brand hotels where I saw the workers cutting the fruit right at the buffet table.

    It is a relief however that Shalom Tendler is finally choizer from another Star K krumkeit, that they use to be mattir eating hot from treif kelim in hotels. What was Star K's hava aminah to begin with when the Shulchan Aruch assers it?

  36. Star-K?
    Moshiach arrived at the Star-K, and the חזיר became mutar a long time ago.

  37. Listen to video instead of bashing Rabbonim.
    He is very clear that you must check out the sources in the back and if it’s not the right sources you can’t eat it.
    There is no reason for you comment other then to publicly display your ‘Dinah’ for star k and rabbi Heinemann shlita


    quinoa all over the US were found to contain booklice

  39. "you must check out the sources in the back"

    If you arrived after the frucht was sliced, you will never be able to prove where the fruit was sliced. Even if they show you an invoice from an outside company, you can't prove what day / meal it was actually served & in which dining room.

    And the Heinemann chusid of course didn't even try to farentfer the years long "advice" against Shulchan Aruch of fressing what was cooked in goyish kelim.

    And speaking of book lice, Star K were the first to jump in the ambatya rosachas of quinoa after very brief & shvache 'research'.

  40. If you come after its served you NEVER can eat anything even if you see empty boxes and invoices unless you have a eid echod testifying that its Kosher.

    If you hate star k and R. Heinemann you can just post that all of Baltimore is treif because R Heinemann lives there all the other none sense you keep on posting.

    Or just post: I Hate Rabbi Moshe Heinemann and anything associated with him. There is no reason for guys like to beat around the bush...

  41. Baltimore the City that BreedsFri Feb 05, 03:53:00 PM 2021

    Someone asking goyim after the fact questions is NOT eid echod. This is far from the first time that Star K instructs the blind in improper halacha.

    You don't have to believe me. Ask all the gedolei Eretz Yisroel & most of the gedolei Artzos Habris veKanada to see the teshuvos they wrote against Star K being machshil the rabim with their chilul Yomtov appliances. Ask Rav Sternbuch shlita about Star K maacholos assuros out of South Africa. Ask even the mediocre Amerikanner hashgochos why Star K ingredients are not allowed in their establishments.

    But before the Star K defender loses all hope, there are still two ways to be politically correct in Baltimore:

    When Phil Jacobs exposed the dozens of child molesters protected by Ner Yisroel-Star K, Rabbiner Heinemann put up a handwritten sign in Agudah Baltimore that Jacobs should be shunned as a "kelev choizer al keeyoi".

    When Philly made bizyonos out of the Baltimore beis din to further their lucrative mamzerus scandal, not only did the beis din lay on the ground to take all the filthy foot-stomp-prints of the Philly fraudsters enabling the zoyna-noyefes, but if anyone defends the beis din, the beis din bizarrely attacks those defending the beis din itself, because the first priority is to defend filthy Philly.

    1. Like was posted earlier - it would be much more truthful if you just posted:
      “I hate R Heinemann thus everyone else must hate R Heinemann”.
      The fact that R Heinemann consulted with most, if not all, poskim here and in Israel before he worked and got the major appliance companies to change their electronics to suit all people especially Jews has been eradicated by the anti star k terrorist. The fact that they terrorized these same poskim to change their minds, or to be more truthful, to just issue a “anti Shabbos mode” letter is just not convenient and/ or politically correct for the terrorist and their hate filled followers. Thus swept under the rug and into the yam Hamelech.
      But that does not make it the truth or justify their agenda.
      Just get the “whole history” instead of “fake news” version.

    2. Why do you have to post you shut sim here?
      Just stick to your Reform Jews site ( unorthodox...)

  42. OU or Star K psych evalMon Feb 08, 11:36:00 PM 2021

    Oh my gosh! The gedolei hador wrote teshuvos against the huge michshol of Heinemann's money making appliance scheme. Yet the Heinemann groupie will still stoop to any vast conspiratorial fantasy when he makes up the whopper sheker that a reader of Yudelstake & his followers terrorized the gedolim to write the teshuvos against - after they had originally backed Heinemann!

    Is there anyone that crazy & vild besides the OU mashgiach who lives in Queens to concoct such a wild work of fiction? Or is someone in Baltimore smoking a controlled substance?

    The OU mashgiach generally fights for the honor of any non-OU but fort establishment hashgocho as well. Although Star K is the shvartz shepsela of American hashgochos & the OU has a few bones to pick with them, the mashgiach may have a personal reason to defend Star K, tied to someone in his gantze mishpooche. The molester mechuton Bryks for instance is a Ner Yisroel guy who when he runs his small time personal hashgocho is likely using Star K protocols. Bryks actually certified Pesachdik Coke in his Winnipeg days & certifies a line of women's cosmetics (something that the other Kew Gardens [before 5 Towns] menuvol, Dovid Weinberger, certified for a different manufacturer. "Great" minds think alike. These mumchim in how to be oiver on kol davar assur must've figured it would score more access to victims)

  43. The 'Sonay Hadaas' in general and the Hater of Star-K and OU not to talk about all and any community Vaad commenter is so 'arain gehtohn' in molesting, with all the "briskeh" (L'havdil) chimrehs, that by now one can safely conclude that there ain't nobody into this as him. To defend and veer off the public of his "molesting mitzvahs" he just calls all others molesters, as he has proven and posted again and again and....
    He uses the kol haposel gimmick, the turning the tables gimmick, and all any other distractions - such as philly shtisim, BBQing likshen - just wait until the snow goes away - Paulie tzidkis, pulls yesomim cards plus much more. It all a distraction to keep the public's attention away from his evil dreams.

  44. R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ztl was a huge 'fan' of Heinemann's bogus loopholes for bishul Akum. Ayein beMinchas Shlomo on Star K's contribution to intermarriage. RSZA must be turning in his kever now that Star K 'graduated' to homosexual "weddings" that even the OU is too grossed out to go near.

  45. The constant 'veering' is a tzoirech when the OU mashgiach keeps trying to whitewash mechuton Bryks & by extension all the other molesters as a buffer to veiter protect Bryks. Even the OU kicked Bryks out from their membership.

  46. There is no such thing as a "Homosexual wedding".

  47. We all waiting to discover the real CooCooGarden Molester.
    Lucky for him In CooCooGarden the don't kick out molesters.
    They totally support molester such as CooCooGarden - deh Or'gin'ellah Karanke Neshoomeh.

  48. JBAC and Paulie are the cause for all the Yiddisheh Tzoorehs, Lo Oolainee .

  49. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachMon Dec 13, 12:33:00 PM 2021

    "the cause for all the Yiddisheh Tzoorehs"

    The mashgiach didn't like it when they exposed all the ganoovim, molesters & worse in zein gantze mishpooche. But exposing those lowlives is not what he defines as "Yiddisheh Tzoorehs". The mashgiach keeps attacking "Paulie" as the "Pope" when it's the mashgiach with the Vatican-Agudah shita to protect molesters & veiter harm victims.

  50. The Vatican Pope does not have a "zaideh" card to play. Thus Pope Paulie wins this one.

  51. OU mashgiach, you can play your zaideh card with the character on a television show named for your zaideh, thanks to Shiya, your Conservative Cantor first cousin who is a script writer.

  52. The Baki in TV shows. Who else other then the Pope’s number one shayfehleh CCRC…

  53. The OU mashgiach can't think straight that he tries to pin his cousin Shiya's bizyonos of the zaideh on others. He must be fressing too much harif with the Morrocan Habadniks at Mamma Kitchen on Main St. That stuff does things to whatever functioning brain cells he still has.

  54. At least he has brain cells whats your excuse?

  55. Any coincidence that Rabbi Gornish long held that Hellman's mayonnaise is treif & despite all the loose ends in his accounts he absolutely assered them from using it?

    Minorca is one of the Balearic Islands that currently belong to Spain but have been owned by many other countries over the centuries after conquests by Minoans, Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, Vandals, Muslim Cordobans, Spanish, Turks, Barbary Arabs, Italians, British, etc. During one of at least 2 times that Minorca was conquered by France is where mayonnaise originates from. The capital city of Minorca is Port Mahon. The chef of French conquerer the Duke of Richelieu invented what was originally called mahonnaise which means of Port Mahon. When it entered the first English language publication in 1815 it was called mayonnaise.

    Even though in the year 418 there was a Roman law prohibiting mob attacks on Yidden, Minorca islanders with their galochim ganged up on the Yidden for forced shmad, forcing any Yid off the island who didn't cooperate & burning the shuls to the ground. These fanatics claimed they were exercising a kepeida of the alter koifer Stefanus who the Sanhedrin put to death a few decades before the Churban for being from Yoshke's chevra. The British later invited 500 Yidden to move in to Minorca but the next conquerer from France the Duke of Mahon immediately put them on boats to kick them out.

  56. Leghorn are perfect for the Chelemeh Agudistin. The fress the the leghorn and claim that it has a din of a convention. Brisk Style as in Kosher style.

  57. One MUST kasher all keilim if they ever used Chalav Treif as well.

    My new frimkeit (Brisk hasn't pick this one up yet but soon will) I kasher all my keilim everyday in case another skandaal (kashrut skandaal not money skandaal) is discovered by anyone especially Reb Yudel.
    Its not really a new chimrah - the koihanim used to do this eons ago.

  58. Paul Mendlowitz is Leghorn
