Monday, June 30, 2008

Kinor David Meat. 43 Rte. 59, Monsey, NY 10952. Rabbi Weissmandel.

The Truth hurts-Did RABBI WEISMANDEL, Shlita instruct everyone kasher their pots & dishes [again]? Why not?

Why did they close up?????????

T-h-e a-l-l-e-g-a-t-i-o-n i-s:

It was a SHEVACH performance-all scenes & acts were identical.....They served you "TREIF-poultry!

One Scene was different "The Rav Hamachshir buried the story & had them close up:"....

Therefore (before anyone discovered the story) the Rav Hamachshir dropped all of his Monsey Hashgochas......He is starting to surface again...Consumer-Beware.....

Now back to what's new with his kashrus at Rubashkin? R"L

I'll give you 2 guesses.

Wasn't he in the forefront by Shevach...Only pre-paks, only proper Hashgochas & Mashgichim, new Takonos etc....

Now you know why the don't wait for him at the end of "Kiriyas-Shema"-He can't get to the EMES.

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