Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Alert: Lakewood Moisdois medicate 1/3 of children-R"L- All for the $$$$$ from the Government

There was a student that made a lot of problems in class; he fought with classmates, made a lot of noise The teacher tried a lot of things, but nothing helped. He decided to tell the father about his son’s behavior.

Father: What do you want me to do? Teacher: Maybe take him for a check-up. Father: How is that going to help? Teacher: Maybe the child should take Ritalin (a calming drug). Father: How am I going to get this Ritalin? Teacher: No problem, I’ll get it, and the child should take the pill every morning and everything will be o.k.

Father: Who is going to remember to give it to the child every day in a house full of children? Teacher: I’ll worry about it. I’ll make sure he takes it every morning. Father: But I don’t want the whole class to know about it. Teacher: No, no, I’ll make sure that no one sees. I’ll put the pill in the teacher’s room next to the coffee machine. Every morning I’ll send your son to make my coffee and at the same time he’ll take his pill. Like this no one will know.

The father agreed to the plan. Every morning the teacher prepared the pill next to the coffee machine and went into class. After a few minutes the child would come in with the coffee, and everything went fine. And now the atmosphere in the class was calm. The child wasn’t sent out of class and there were no fights! After a few weeks, the mother asked the child: Nu, what’s doing in class? Child: Great! Mother: What happened that everything’s so good?

Child: It’s very simple. Every morning the teacher sends me to make his coffee. I go into the teacher’s room and there there’s a special pill! I put the pill into the coffee and after he finishes to drink it, everything in the class is 100%!!!


  1. Like all people. Vos tit mean nisht fahr parnoseh.

  2. The whole of Lakewood is ain shtick Gov't Money. Why should this be different??
