Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Chevra- RITA'S IS TAKING YOU FOR A RIDE R”L- THERE SHOULD BE A חרם @ RITAS-עבדא בהפקירא ניחה ליה ?

In the Yated’s letters to the Editor; KASHRUS AT RITA’S

Although Rita’s has advertisements that say [in big, bold letters cholov Yisroel giving a false impression that everything is Cholov Yisroel Reality, It only means that some items are cholov Yisroel. Not everything is pas-Yisroel either, including their soft pretzels (not for sfardim). Rita’s cones are Star-K “D” (treif ).

Also, Oreos used in the cookie crumb are cholov akum (treif), and numerous other toppings are also cholov akum.

Some of this franchisee’s RITA’S stores are open on Shabbos. (with a hetter מאה).

The Franchisee responded in the Yated with numerous factually incorrect statements.

There is a lot more than is written here.

RE: Ritas Ices, etc. The Pritzus & nisht fun unzereh should keep all of the children & adults at bay.
Their dairy is from Cholov treif, & they use the same utensils without cleaning in between.
The Kashrus? Oif vemen farluzt min zich? efes-gornisht.. in short there is no Mashgiach(ata), etc
So there answer is NO.


  1. Isn't he the same one that has the HOT-BAGELS franchise?

    Then I wouldn't use their bagel store either.

  2. yudel your a joke the milk is not טריף, rav miller from Beis horah says not like you

  3. Just about everything in America is treif anyway.
    All hashgachas rely somewhat on the OU which slows cholov stam ( I mean treif).
    Thus one should not use any hashgachas since they all rely somewhat on a “non- kosher” hashgacha.
    Of course Pesach is a different story. Not sure why but that is the rule.

  4. Reb Yudel Shain discussed at length with Rav Eliyashev, Reb Shlomo Zalman, Rav Shmuel Wosner,etc, they all agreed that the procedures make it a vadai treifah. Reb Moshe has a teshuva also that one of the procedures makes it a treifah, the other procedure was discovered after Reb Moshe wrote the Teshuva..

    1. They all agreed that according to what Reb yudel says it’s treif. But obviously it’s not exactly what he described otherwise all the hashgachas would not give a hashgacha to it.
      Classic this site.

  5. It can't be that Reb Shlomo Miller would say something that is treif, that it's kosher.

  6. There are other mitigating factors besides for the surgery. It may be battel and yudel is basing himself on weak info regarding the percentages of sickly cows

  7. Rav Eliyashev met with veterinarians and ascertained the facts without the input from Yudel.

    The percentage of operated cows in the USA is 5-8%, Shishim is 1.6%.

    All of the milk goes into large holding tanks. Therefore there is never shishim.

  8. Where does it say that is the percentage of operated cows? Present the facts and let me decide

  9. יש אנשים שרוצים להתיר השרץ בק"ן טעמים, ר"ל

  10. Yudel Wake-up, Reb Ahron, z"l was kicked out of Lakewood long ago.

    1. That’s a big big issue here. Otherwise HoRav yudel would still be controlling the BMG kitchen.

  11. Rita’s worked great.
    They got Rita’s and now a big BIG name agreed to be guest speaker.
    Go Adirei Go.
    Go Rita’s Go.

    After this event Rita will longer need a hechsher it will be automatically kosher. At least in metro Lakewood.

  12. When I read the bickering against R' Yudel on this page it forces me to ask: Avrohom Gordimer, is that you?

    1. A real righteous man. He is too righteous a person to be involved here for either side

  13. Who are all the idiot commentary on here. And why does the moderator allow them. Why can't we legitimately discuss hashgocho issues. This has become so stupid and rendering this site irrelevant.

  14. I seriously am concerned about DE. I do not work for the OU ( I promise) and I stopped eating DE because of the טריפות. now I saw a sefer with different statistics I forget what its called and I am asking yudel here to tell me why he doesn't like it, and what his facts and percentages are. And all I get is stupid responses. Why should I be listening to Yudel, if you'd ask me it seems that he doesn't share information and that sefer did

  15. First, we go with the Mesorah in klal yisroel.
    Second, Rav Eliyashev thoroughly went through the entire parsha with vets, with Tenuvah among others.
    Rav Eliyashev told R' Yudel that Rabbi Belsky's heteirim is based on non-existent facts among other issues where he's wrong. This Sefer is also based on those types of facts.
    You just can't be מטהר השרץ בק"ן טעמים

  16. We all can answer for Reb Yudel.
    The sefers stats are factually wrong.

  17. in what way ar they wrong it allegedly said that machmirim were misled. does that mean your facts too

  18. Yudel's Mesorah is all from Reb Mosh, Reb Yaakov, Rav Pam, The Debretziner Rav, Rav Eliyashev, Rav Wosner, Reb Shlomo Zalman, etc.

  19. They know about this new metziyus?

  20. Rita's on Route 59 is now under the OU with a long line up of heimishe riff raff.


    Then there are these guys opening which someone has been telling rabbonim that they are "Aron's" of Queens & West Orange in disguise, itself a front, hiding that they are the ones kicked out of Gourmet Glatt many years ago for kashrus violations and might even have a connection to the Chinese restaurant scandal in Passaic

    1. And the Chinese place in Matawan and Cleavland and all Chinese restaurantsg

    2. Due to this background no one wanted the hechsher - due to extreme pressure from the 5T - so who took the hashgacha ??
      You guessed it Babad.
      CCRC aka WC Pope Reverend

  21. Did they run out of Ritas at the Sunday Concert in Philly or just the food ??
    We want to see how much SYD"S the Satan had there.

  22. If no one ate the Rita’s, as it was assered by BMG’s Haupt Mashgiach, there was plenty left.

  23. The Land Down UnderTue Jun 13, 11:00:00 AM 2023

    Farentferei on Facebook:

    Konjo Eatery

    Statement Regarding Konjo's Kosher Certification:

    Dear Jewish Community,

    We feel it is important to address the recent decision by Kosher Australia to revoke our Kosher certification at Konjo. We want to assure the entire Jewish community that Konjo has always maintained the highest standards of Kashrut, and there is no need to worry about
    consuming non-kosher food at our restaurant. The reason behind the withdrawal of our Kosher certification was solely a financial decision & not a reflection of our level or standard of Kashrut. We would like to present the facts surrounding this situation:

    1. On Sunday, our main Chef who is also our Mashgiach was unable to work due to COVID-19-related circumstances. As a result, we faced a challenge in ensuring continuous supervision in accordance with Kosher Australia's requirements.
    2. Kosher Australia suggested that we hire one of their own Mashgichim during this period. However, based on our previous experience with this arrangement, we felt it was not suitable for our specific needs. Consequently, we made the difficult decision to temporarily shut down the restaurant during the absence of our own trusted Mashgiach, who
    Kosher Australia was ok with.
    3. Regrettably, instead of allowing us the opportunity to resolve the issue in a professional manner, Kosher Australia chose to publicly make baseless statements within our small yet vibrant community, suggesting that Konjo was not kosher.

    We would like to clarify that these statements are far from the truth. The decision made by Kosher Australia was purely business-oriented & did not adequately consider Halacha or Kashrut. Given the existing challenges our small business faces, hiring additional staff would not have been a viable solution, and we believed that temporarily closing was the most responsible course of action. Currently, we are actively working on establishing an alternative arrangement with a stringent Halachic authority in Melbourne. We implore Kosher Australia to provide the community with an accurate account of why they made this decision without prior consultation with us, and we kindly request them to retract their public statements. We want to express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your ongoing support. We want to reiterate that Konjo has always been committed to upholding the highest standards of Kashrut, and we are determined to continue serving you with the same level of excellence.

    Thank you,

  24. At the, yet to be announced Womens Adiraiette affair, the MKV - the Philly - lakewood - Brooklyn - Queens - and soon to be 5 Towns true kosher hashgacha (With lots of Baggage) is giving the Hashgacha - Super Hashgacha on Ritas. Thus Yoichlee Anoovimette VeYisbooeey.

  25. Bellhop in Kew GardensTue Jun 13, 05:29:00 PM 2023

    The Queens Vaad's self-appointed defender (despite being an OU employee) can't get over that Queens Vaad accounts are defecting to VKM so he keeps manufacturing kindish haichee timtzos to bash the rav hamachshir Rav Altusky.

    While a couple of suitcases can handle VKM's baggage, darfen zey industrial size dumpsters for the langeh trail of garbage exclusively of the Queens Vaad's doing!

  26. https://www.koshervaad.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/LogoVKM-black-back-transparent-706x800.png

    VKM's outside vaad has been informed that the 'professional' maligner is running a guerilla campaign against it on blogs. Guerilla is interchangable with the word that's pronounced the same way.

  27. Greenwald is now using VKM for all catering outside Lakewood (except when he has a Chabadsker crowd). So that big mouth OU mashgiach will have to answer to Itche Meyer if he keeps up his slander campaign

  28. The Vaad to Expose the Queens VaadWed Jun 14, 12:54:00 AM 2023


    The Queens Vaad filled up dumpsters when they dug up the 1000s of kivrei yesomim from the 1800s, throwing the bones out to the City dump so that they could resell the plots they stole to shkotzim & frey Russians for many millions of dollars!

    When Rav Elyashev was moiche & the Attorney General started investigating, askonim got death threats & one was even murdered before he could testify. The NYPD classified it as unsolved & a "professional assassination-style hit". A Mirrer kollel yungerman who tipped off Rav Elyashev was screamed out by the Queens Vaad "Av Beis Din" (a Mendel Epstein co-conspirator) that he will also be eliminated by Italian mobsters. A mispalel by Veretzky Flatbush who was later found dead, floating in the Gowanus Canal, had told Rav Landau's oylam while pale from pachad that he believes Mendel put out a contract on his life with mafia. The Flatbush nirtzach Hy"d was brother of kashrus mashgiach Reuven Frank who was lynched by the OU for whistelblowing on covered up kashrus violations at the Mt Sinai Hospital cafeteria. The OU also fired his mashgicha wife & they had YU ban the couple from the shul at YU's Einstein campus in the Bronx.

    Every time this comes up, that same OU mashgiach who doesn't have much to do in Queens, makes his entrance on these pages to deny the massive bizayon meissim because one of the main culprits is nunt mit zein corrupt mishpooche. Birds of a feather if there ever was flocking & hocking together!

    1. Also the Queens KGB is responsible for all the Cemeteries piling up our “Russisheh Bridehlach” kevorim in the walkways and front yards of all kevorim thus filling every inch of land space that fits a picture matzaivah. The QKGB makes about 80 to 90% on each of these kevorim. It’s a real shame because on the “yesoimim” lots they made 100% - as REY said so many times that’s it’s unfair to take a full 100% one must leave epes far andereh.

    2. BTW did the Vaad pay for the plot of that murdered guy that “they” whacked??? How about the matzaivah ?? Was it with a picture or did that cost too much.

  29. https://hudsonvalleypost.com/coffee-sold-at-popular-new-york-grocery-store-may-contain-glass-trader-joes/

    Lav davka al ydei the mazik "Tvoiach" on erev Shavuos, ayein baGemara

    1. You missed the point big time.
      Star k gave hashgacha to the glass not the coffee. It was a recall since the non kosher conservative coffee accidentally got mixed up with the orthodox kosher glass.

  30. Tue Jun 13, 10:50:00 PM 2023

    Is this the third hashgacha or the forth - that we know of - for IMG?????
    Any more coming soon? or are they cheap enough and/or cool enough ???

  31. What "background"?

  32. Ironic that even the usually grossly dishonest 'You Know Who' accurately refers to the Queens Vaad as the KGB. But he would takkeh know first hand after assisting some of the Chaimel Schwartz "investigations" to find out which 'dastardly' individuals know the dirt about covered up kashrus violations while Schwartz pumps out his "mehadrin" propaganda shpiel

  33. Who's the big beard at the ice cream counter?

  34. Rita is Teflon. You can say, print, announce, hock all you want. The oilom wants Rita’s. They need Rita’s. And they have Rita’s.
    So stop wasting tour time with Rita’s.

  35. The filthy murderer John Gotti was known as the Teflon Don altz his evading arrest for so many years.

    Nice to know what kind of association Rita's makes for itself.

  36. I personally reached out to Rabbi Yaffe about the ad, as I was very disturbed by it. He promised to speak to the owners about it. That was months ago. I have heard from numerous visitors who witnessed the mixup of their utensils and putting milchig toppings on what was supposed to be pareve. The fact that so many in this town aren't makpid on kashrus must be driving the OTD crisis. No I don't have Ruach hakodesh but I know a Rambam or two.

  37. Shidduchim Roundtable at YatedWed Jun 28, 08:59:00 AM 2023

    Rita's Lakewood gets very snippy when you bring up any of their kashrus shortcomings. When someone wrote a letter to the Editor about it, Pinny Lipschutz published the Rita's response of chewing up the letter writer & spitting him out.

    Hey R' Boruch Ber Yoffe: "Hatzlocho!"

    And don't expect Roundtable moderator Yitzy Hisiger to come to the rescue either. At his father's KIC Flatbush they cover up for bad kashrus when it's politically expedient, protecting bad guy certifiers in heimishe or yeshivishe levush. They only do everyone the favor of publicly calling out the shyster Sfardi & Modern Orthodox certifiers. And if you push the issue against the protected class, Yitzy's shvogger Beirach Steinfeld will chew you up & spit you out too! Especially if you tchepper with his baby Kehilla Cash R Us, he goes really savage & starts sniping like "I bet your wife makes everything treif in your own kitchen"! The look on his face is like he wants to rip you apart with his bare hands!

    1. May this year be a year of less loshon horah and bashing people…. And may the people who do that may it be for kashrus reason or money reasons or simply they love fighting , be taken from this world and return to their creator.

  38. why are you calling Rita's D (treiff). what does trieef got to do with this

  39. There is only cholov yisroel and cholov akum in the USA, there is no cholov stam in the USA per Reb Moshe Feinstein in a Teshuva.

    Note: in Germany there may be cholov stam per Reb Moshe.

    All cholov akum is treif as there are 5-8% treif Vet procedured cows, so there is no shishim.

  40. Really? How come I never heard of this

  41. Never heard of this?
    Remove your sunglasses, and ear-plugs, etc.

    Sorry that the facts are confusing to some.

  42. Let’s rephrase it:
    IF the facts are TRUE then there is an issue. But the source of this data may well be inaccurate thus it’s not such an issue.
    Let’s not forget that ALL National hashgachas DO YES think that it’s NOT an issue. But if history is a signal Yudel has been right in a lot of cases even if it took 8 years.

  43. The OU emailed me its not so, to terifes kashruss

  44. Sorry to say, but in the 45 plus years Reb Yudel was always right, it takes time for others to pick up or to play Ostrich.

  45. You say was always right.
    Please don’t post it that way just say mostly right.
    We don’t this to get to Yudel’s head and become a Baal guyveh even for one second. Please have rachmoonis on Reb yeedel.

  46. https://i.etsystatic.com/29815321/r/il/1256dd/3371541928/il_fullxfull.3371541928_idoo.jpg

    Ostrich adif miPick up

  47. Reb Nota Koslowitz, Z"L, was no ones fool, he said that over the many years he has been associated with Yudel, Yudel was never wrong. He said further, that when Yudel says something should not be used and one does not follow they are a פושע, because he is batting 100, was never wrong.

  48. It’s getting to head too.
    Easy. Please.

  49. For those who are mehader to use SA meat, Rita is the perfect desert.

  50. everyone is a bigger tzadik than thou, many poskim hold all dairy is treif, even if chalav yisrael.
