Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kashrus gathering re: worms in fish "VIDEO"

NEWS: There should be coming out some new Pisokim from the Eretz Yisroel Poiskim.

A. Equipment and materials-Sharp knife, pointed tweezers w/ curvature
Candling table.
Rigid framework to hold light source below rigid working surface of white, translucent acrylic plastic or other suitable material with 45-60% translucency. Length and width of working surface should be large enough to permit examination of entire fillet, e.g., 30 x 60 cm sheet, 5-7 mm thick.

Light source. "Cool white" with color temperature of 4200 K. At least two 20-watt fluorescent tubes are recommended. Tubes and their electrical connections should be constructed to prevent overheating of light source. Average light intensity above working surface should be 1500-1800 lux, as measured 30 cm above center of acrylic sheet. Distribution of illumination should be in ratio of 3:1:0.1, i.e., brightness directly above light source should be 3 times greater than that of outer field, and brightness of outer limit of visual field should be not more than 0.1 that of inner field. Illumination in examining room should be low enough not to interfere with detection of parasites, but not so dim as to cause excessive eye fatigue.

If fillets are large (200 g or larger), use one fillet for each of the 15 subsamples. If fillets are small (less than 200 g), randomly select fillets to prepare 15 subsamples of approximately 200 g each. Record actual weight analyzed for each subsample. If fillets are more than 30 mm thick, cut with a sharp knife into 2 pieces of approximately equal thickness (not to exceed 30 mm per fillet). Examine both pieces as described below. If fillets have a thickness of 20 mm or less, examine whole.
Fish blocks. Analyze 15 subsamples randomly selected from 2 thawed and drained blocks. Prepare the subsamples as described for fillets, above. Note separately any parasites observed in minced fish added to block around subsamples.
Steaks, loins, chunks. Prepare as for fillets.
Minced fish. If frozen in blocks, analyze 15 subsamples randomly selected from 2 thawed and drained blocks. Prepare subsamples as described for fillets, above. Select portions from different parts of block. If not in blocks, analyze 15-200 g portions. Do not further shred or chop minced fish.
B. Examination
Parasites near the surface will appear red, tan, cream-colored, or chalky white. Parasites deeper in the flesh will appear as shadows. Remove representative types of parasites or other defects found. Record general location, size, identification, and other observations as outlined below. For minced fish, spread portion on light table to depth of 20-30 mm for examination. Select representative parasites for descriptive analysis.
Ultraviolet examination of dark-fleshed fishVisually examine each portion (de-breaded or de-skinned, as necessary) on both sides under a desk lamp or similar light source. A magnifying desk lamp may be used. Report findings as described below. Conduct UV examination in darkened room. Examine each portion on both sides with reflected longwave UV light (366 nm wavelength). Parasites should fluoresce blue or green under light of this wavelength. Fish bones and connective tissues, which also fluoresce blue, may be differentiated by their regular distribution and shape. Bone fragments will be rigid when probed (6).
CAUTION: Never expose unprotected eyes to UV light from any source either direct or reflected. Always wear appropriate eye protection such as goggles with uranium oxide lenses, welder's goggle, etc., when such radiations are present and unshielded. Keep skin exposure to UV radiations to a minimum.

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