Wednesday, June 30, 2010



Corn on the cob is infested. Strawberries are infested.

How can one eat them?

Corn- kernels should be cut off from the cob & rinsed.

Strawberries- Cut off green, being carefull not to cut too much fruit & make a hole. Peel the entire outside. After freezing it's easier to peel.

Chinese Honey Trade Tainted By Dirty Dealings

Chinese Honey Trade Tainted By Dirty Dealings-ALEXA OLESEN-Associated Press Writer - June 30, 2010
Many of the Heimishe honeys are from China.

BEIJING (AP) — Businessman Yan Yongxiang was trying to get around stiff U.S. levies on imports of cheap Chinese honey. So he sent 15 shipping containers of cut-rate honey to the Philippines, where it was relabeled and sent on to the United States. It's called honey-laundering, and the subterfuge let Yan skirt $656,515 in taxes before he was caught in a bust and pleaded guilty.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What ‘natural’ means in food regulations!

Breaking News on Food & Beverage Development - Europe-By Special edition: Natural and clean label, 18-Jun-2010

What ‘natural’ means in food regulations

‘Natural’ has become a word consumers like to see on food product packages, while ‘clean label’ is an industry term to describe an E-number-free ingredients list. But exact definitions depend on who you are talking to, and what additive you are taking about.  A colourful discussion At the beginning of July any food products sold in the EU that still contain the so-called Southampton colours that were implicated in a study on hyperactivity in children will have to carry a warning label.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Child in car? Always leave back windows open 3 inches. Regardless-leave it open

As soon as you ebter your car & may be having a child in the car that day, leave the widows open 2-3 inches.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fish update

There was meeting in Lakewood yesterday. Among those present at the meeting were Reb Shlomo Miller, Reb Gershon Bess & his son, Members of the Bais Horah, Kloizenberg Rosh kolel.

The outcome was, depending on whom you ask.

Emanuel update

Lead found in baby food & juices.

A US legal public interest group has filed violation notices under a Californian safety law against dozens of companies after alleging it has detected levels of lead in a range of food and drinks for babies and children.

The Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) said it has lodged the notices on 9 June, 2010, under the state’s Proposition 65 Toxic Right to Know law against 49 companies. The non-profit group said its tests had revealed lead in apple juice, grape juice, packaged pears and peaches – including baby food – and fruit cocktail.

Companies who have been cited in the notices include Del Monte Foods, Hansen Beverage Co, Motts, J M Smucker, Safeway and Dole Packaged Frozen Foods Inc.

CREST toothpaste up-date


Procter & Gamble very recently has decided to eliminate animal derived ingredients from all their Crest toothpastes both in USA and Canada.

It is a good news but we have to be very careful because Crest toothpastes with animal derived ingredients are still available in the markets. They are not giving any date when all the stock of animal derived ingredients Crest toothpaste will be sold out.

So please buy only the following four flavors of Crest toothpastes until for next 6 months or a year:

1. Crest Cavity Protection Regular flavor
2. Crest Cavity Protection Cool Mint Gel
3. Crest Cavity Protection Icy Mint Strip
4. Crest Cavity Protection Kid

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sothern Comfort update

Southern Comfort
According to noted authority on alcoholic beverages Rabbi Shmuel
Semelman, who is affiliated with the Jerusalem Religious Council
Kashrut Division, there are three categories of Southern Comfort.

1. Produced in Ireland, with a hechsher from Badatz Basel and Badatz
Beit Yosef. This is ONLY the case if the kashrut symbols are visibleb on the bottles, which are parve. A special run has been imported with
approval via the Jerusalem Rabbinate due to the efforts of Rabbi
Semelman, BUT ONLY those exhibiting the hechsherim listed above and
they too are parve.

2. There is another produced in Ireland, which is “authorized” by the but it is NOT under the organization’s supervision.

Rav Belsky's letter of recomendation to Yudel Shain

This letter was written to the Sfardik Rabonim that wanted to open a National Kashrus Organization.

After this letter of recomendation, I did question Rabbi Belsky & challenged many of Rav Belsky's "facts".

About 10 years ago at one of my visits to Rav Shmuel Wosner, Shlita I asked the following; Most (85% +) cows that are shechted are treif due to lung issues, so how could we drink milk?

Rav Wosner asked how old are the cows when shechted? 10-12 years old. So he said that many of treifahs we don't use is because of sofek.A sofek treifa doesn't live more than 12 months, so for the 11 years it wasn't a treifa which would be 95% of the milk. The last year we would asser the last 3 days of milk when we find that the cow is a treifah due to lung issues, etc.

The last three days of milk is not sold commercially, because it's removed from the milking herd to be sent to shechita.

Monday, June 14, 2010

"Never doubt ...., committed citizens... "Indeed, ................"

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,

committed citizens can change the world.

"Indeed, it-is-the-only-thing-that-ever-has."

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

CHEWING GUM-Some of the concerns

What is chewing gum made out of ?
Most chewing gums innocuously list "gum base" as one of their ingredients, masking the fact that petroleum, lanolin, glycerin, polyethylene, polyvinyl acetate, petroleum wax, stearic acid, and latex may be among the components. Because of standards of identity for items such as gum base and flavoring, manufacturers are not required to list everything in their product. According to Dertoline, a French chemical manufacturer, their adhesive "dercolytes" are used as a label and tape adhesive, as well as a chewing gum base. Many brands also list glycerin and glycerol as ingredients on the label. Both of those compounds can be animal-derived.

What are "E" numbers?

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Pedestrians within a crosswalk

MOTORISTS in New Jersey MUST stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk. Failure to observe the law may subject you to one or more of the following:

2 POINTS- $200 FINE (plus court costs) -15 DAYS COMMUNITY SERVICE

Driver to stop for pedestrian: exceptions, violations. penalties.

A. The driver of a vehicle must stop and stay stopped for a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, except at crosswalks when the movement of traffic is being regulated by police officers or traffic control signals, or where otherwise prohibited by municipal, county, or State regulation, and except where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided, but no pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. Nothing contained herein shall relieve a pedestrian from using due care for his safety.

ALL Shnapps, Whiskeys, etc must have a reliable hashgocha

ALL Shnapps, Whiskeys, etc must have a reliable hashgocha. This list is intended just for the chometz status if one wants to give as a present.