Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sothern Comfort update

Southern Comfort
According to noted authority on alcoholic beverages Rabbi Shmuel
Semelman, who is affiliated with the Jerusalem Religious Council
Kashrut Division, there are three categories of Southern Comfort.

1. Produced in Ireland, with a hechsher from Badatz Basel and Badatz
Beit Yosef. This is ONLY the case if the kashrut symbols are visibleb on the bottles, which are parve. A special run has been imported with
approval via the Jerusalem Rabbinate due to the efforts of Rabbi
Semelman, BUT ONLY those exhibiting the hechsherim listed above and
they too are parve.

2. There is another produced in Ireland, which is “authorized” by the but it is NOT under the organization’s supervision.
London Beit Din,
This is categorized as dairy chalav akum (cholov treif). (Produced in the USA and
bottled in Ireland. This is sold in Israel and in duty free.
The alcohol is distilled from whey – DAIRY)
3. The third is manufactured in the United States, and it is not
authorized, and it may contain non permitted wine. (Produced and
bottled in the USA)

See Rabbi Semelman’s website for additional details.
For questions or comments please send me an email at
Jerusalemkn@gmail.com . I will do my best to respond.

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