Friday, December 10, 2010

RONZONI elbows infested

The following information regarding insect infestation is from the with additional information from the OU and posted on December 7, 2010. reported insect infestation has been found in boxes of Ronzoni Elbows. People who keep yoshon and others should be aware that improper storage conditions may be a factor in insect infestation.
They suggested that consumers check for insect infestation either by emptying the box and checking for small dark specks, or after cooking in water checking the top of the water for black spots or other items that have risen to the top.

Ed. note: Info from the OU: There is no infestation at the plant level. Improper storage can cause problems. Products should not be stored in humid areas and should be sealed well.

The previous alert can be cited with the URL:

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