Friday, January 07, 2011

New Vegetable Inspection Training Program Has Been Launched

New Vegetable Inspection Training Program Has Been Launched

A new ongoing training program for inspection of vegetables (and fruits) to see that they are free of any insects has been announced by KASHRUS Magazine with classes to be held at the Pos’tiv Produce plant in Allentown, PA and follow-up classes leading to certification to
be held in Brooklyn, NY (and possibly Lakewood, NJ).
“People like to believe,” explained Rabbi Yosef Wikler, Editor of Brooklyn-based
KASHRUS Magazine, “that they can check produce themselves. They can, but only if they
have been trained to do so. Anyone checking for insects must know that each kind of insect may come in a variety of different types, colors and sizes.”

The first group went to the Pos’tiv Plant on December 22 and returned with valuable training, eagerly awaiting part two of the course. They started out in vans from Brooklyn and Lakewood at 9:00 AM. Along most of the two hour trip from Brooklyn, Rabbi Wikler led a group discussion on the relevant issues regarding the need and the manner of checking vegetables.

Arriving at the plant, the participants — a heterogeneous group of rabbis, mashgichim,
and interested consumers who had learned about the program from the pages of KASHRUS
Magazine — were treated to a tour of the modern Pos’tiv Produce plant. Pos’tiv is a vegetable company specializing in greenhouse grown products with a state-of-the-art washing facility.

They own greenhouses in Mexico and the washing plant in Allentown, PA. On the first trip, some participants came from deep into Long Island, and some from Allentown itself. Among those booked for the second trip include one from Wilmington, DE and one from Monsey, with people inquiring from as far away as Chicago and Montreal.

Rabbi Goldstein, the head of the Kosher Lab at Pos’tiv, led the tour of the Pos’tiv plant and, together with the company’s mashgichim, conducted the training in vegetable and fruit
inspection. Each participant was shown videos of the insects being searched for and was
then given vegetables to examine. The room erupted with excitement as one after the other
the participants discovered (live) insects in the produce that they were examining, all of which had been purchased from a local Wegman’s supermarket.

When the day had finally ended and the Brooklyn group departed, the Lakewood contingent
requested to stay for an extra hour of training. The discussion on the way back to Brooklyn focused on what the participants had seen and when would the second part of the
training be held.

Men interested in attending the training program, whether or not they are in the field of
kashrus, should contact KASHRUS Magazine at 1-718-336-8544 for future dates and details. For further information- Contact Sarah Netanel,at Kashrus Magazine

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