Wednesday, July 25, 2018

UPDATE: Why are there Gezeiros against Milah? because of these Mohalim.

Reb Elchonon, Z"L in Kovetz Mamorim says  Why are there Gezeiros against Milah? Because of these Mohalim.

As soon BP Hatzolah Rabonim saw the Video, they immediatly Cancelled Krohn's speech.

No responsible Organization should allow him to speak.
No one should use him for a bris.

The professional of botched brissim


  1. I don't get the issue. Rabbi Krohn inspires many people with his powerful speeches. He once said that if someone prays for someone else, his prayers are answered first. That particular speech made a tremendous impression on me. Either way, if he screwed up, he shouldn't be doing brises. I'm just not sure what I'm looking at that's so bad and is this a systemic issue wth Rav Krohn messing up? Please explain. Thank you.

  2. I have my youtube blocked, and that's the way I want it. Could someone tell me the general contents of this clip.

  3. What other bros did he botch?

  4. What other bros did he botch?

  5. Can someone please explain this to me??? Are we just smearing his name around?? If there is a real explanation, then fine, but so far, I just see nothing. Please explain or don't post things that make others believe there is an issue. I'm not here to argue any point. I just want to see a point.

  6. Ok, here's the deal.
    He's obviously not wearing the "Levush" he usually does. (He prefaces not to take any pictures.) He uses gloves that aren't sterile, on a table, not on the lap of a Sandek, is Mafsek in middle of the Brachah and does the circumcision with a clamp not "al pi Halachah" of any orthodox Posek. It's not even a Mogen which some MO use, it seems to be a plastibell or the like, but we can't tell, because it's at the end.
    I don't know why they wrote "botched" bris, we can't tell the result anyway. What we can tell is that it's a circumcision not a Bris.

  7. I also heard that he only sees out of one eye. Can someone confirm this?

  8. He is cross eyed and focuses with one


    much better

  10. So he can't see and he cut off the baby's fingue instead of the Orlah. Now thats a big problem. Also issues with a "bracha l'vatalh".
    But the parents must of been happy because the Rabbi is as busy as a mohel would dream of.

  11. I also heard that another reason for bris gezairos id because he wears cloths not checked by the right lab.
    Shatnes = Bris Gezairos
