Thursday, July 07, 2011

Humor in Kashrus

Subject: New Hashgochos -Humor rime!

Robitussin and Triaminic syrups: to be supervised by the Cough-K.
(On a serious note: robitussin is not Kosher & has an ingredient that's dangerous and can cause G-d Forbid a stroke).

Shtaros for Heter Iska:  supervised by the O.U.

Corrals for cattle: supervised by the O.K.
Safrus and Divrei Sta"m: to be supervised by the Torah-K

Architectural designs: supervised by the Badatz of Square and the Triangle-K
European Cars: to be supervised by the Volovo Rav

Raw Eggs in the shell: to be supervised by the Yoka Rav
Super-Glue: to be supervised by the Hisachdus

Alarm Systems: to be supervised by the Bais Din of Belz
Cardiac Hospitals: to be supervised by the Heart-K

Jewish Celebrities: to be supervised by the Star-K
Medications: to be supervised by the Tablet-K

Precious gems: to be supervised by the Diamond-K

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