Saturday, September 17, 2011


Many eggs come from Pensylvania's amish country, which have roosters in the coops-therefore a blood spot would be "ossuhr".

Lately the KREIDER eggs have a higher incidence of blood spots and or a "gershtel" which is a hard'ish piece floating in the white, usually beige but at times pinkish or red, etc.

Kreider responds:
Dear Mr. Shain,
Thank you for contacting us about your concerns and I’m terribly sorry it has taken this long to get back to you.

We are sorry to hear that you have found blood spots in our eggs. Kreider Farms label eggs, while not USDA identified on the carton, are inspected by the USDA. The USDA and our own stringent in-house egg quality audits have not revealed any problems with blood spots or small hard pieces in the white above any acceptable regulatory standards. Blood spots actually are a small piece of the reproductive process of a female chicken and on a very rare occasion, a blood vessel that has been nourishing the forming yoke may break off when the yolk is released. We do understand that clean eggs are a critical Kosher requirement.
Kreider Farms does not keep roosters with any of our 5 million laying hens. Kreider Farms meets and exceeds the highest standards in the egg industry for animal welfare and food safety at all four of our farms and processing plants. Please contact us if you have any other questions or concerns and rest assured that we will be ever vigilant to insure that those incidents are kept to a minimum and screened out before reaching final product.

Thank you,
Holly Bush
Kreider Farms Food Safety and Quality Department

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