Monday, June 04, 2012

All the "show n tell" of properly cleaning infestation from vegetables & fruit,

All the "show n tell" of properly cleaning infestation from vegetables & fruit, etc does it work in the real world?

[see Chasam Sofer # 130, brought in Mishnah Berurah-Pesach]-First, one must be trained to become profecient in knowing what to look for. Second, one must be trained in the proper methods of cleaning. One must have patience and good eye sight. The chasam Sofer sstates, otherwise one may not do his own checking As the Ramoh says in hilchos nikur "these thing one can't learn from books, only from experts.

An person that was not trained & tested by an expert remains unqualified to check infestation for himself, others or as a mashgiach. R"L

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