Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Cause and Effect

הלכה ברורה ומשנה ברורה במקום אחד.'

תניא: 'רבי יוסי בן אלישע אומר: אם ראית דור שצרות רבות באות עליו - צא ובדוק בדייני ישראל, שכל פורענות שבאה לעולם לא באה אלא בשביל דייני ישראל,

שנאמר (מיכה ג ט) שמעו נא זאת ראשי בית יעקב וקציני בית ישראל המתעבים משפט ואת כל הישרה יעקשו [פסוק י] בנה ציון בדמים וירושלים בעולה [פסוק יא] ראשיה בשחד ישפטו וכהניה במחיר יורו ונביאיה בכסף יקסמו ועל ה' ישענו [לאמר הלוא ה' בקרבנו לא תבוא עלינו רעה] - רשעים הן, אלא שתלו בטחונם במי שאמר והיה העולם; לפיכך מביא הקדוש ברוך הוא עליהן שלש פורעניות כנגד שלש עבירות שבידם, שנאמר (מיכה ג יב) לכן בגללכם ציון שדה תחרש וירושלים עיין תהיה והר הבית לבמות יער ; ואין הקדוש ברוך הוא משרה שכינתו על ישראל עד שיכלו שופטים ושוטרים רעים מישראל, שנאמר (ישעיהו א כה) ואשיבה ידי עליך ואצרף כבר סגיך ואסירה כל בדיליך [פסוקכו] ואשיבה שפטיך כבראשונה ויעציך כבתחלה [אחרי כן יקרא לך עיר הצדק קריה נאמנה '

אמר רב פפא: אי בטלי יהירי - בטלי אמגושי אי בטלי דייני בטלי גזירפטי;

אי בטלי יהירי - בטלי אמגושי, דכתיב (ישעיהו א כה) [ואשיבה ידי עליך] ואצרף כבר סגיך [ואסירה כל בדיליך];

אי בטלי דייני בטלי גזירפטי - דכתיב (צפניה ג טו) הסיר ה' משפטיך פנה אויבך [מלך ישראל ה' בקרבך לא תיראי רע עוד] .

אמר רבי מלאי משם רבי אלעזר ברבי שמעון: מאי דכתיב (ישעיהו יד ה) שבר ה' מטה רשעים שבט משלים?

'שבר ה' מטה רשעים' - אלו הדיינין שנעשו מקל לחזניהם;

שבט משלים' - אלו תלמידי חכמים שבמשפחות הדיינין.

שבט מושלים = מקל אגרופין של מושלים, היינו דיינים רשעים שתלמידי חכמים שבמשפחותם להם למקל ולאגרוף: שעל ידיהם היו מעמידין אותן, ומחפין עליהם, ועושין סניגרון לדבריהם

מר זוטרא אמר: אלו תלמידי חכמים שמלמדים הלכות ציבור לדייני בור.

אמר רבי אליעזר בן מלאי משום ריש לקיש: מאי דכתיב (ישעיהו נט ג) כי כפיכם נגאלו בדם ואצבעותיכם בעון שפתותיכם דברו שקר לשונכם עולה תהגה?

'כי כפיכם נגאלו בדם' - אלו הדיינין;

'ואצבעותיכם בעון' - אלו סופרי הדיינין

'שפתותיכם דברו שקר' - אלו עורכי הדיינין;

'לשונכם עולה תהגה' - אלו בעלי דינין.


  1. Shlomo Zalman Kaufman

    Rabbi Chaim Flohr
    Rabbi Chatzkel Gold

    This "Bais Din" Bais Horah must be thoroughly Investigated for complete lack of Shimush !
    definition: several years (maybe 10) of practical experience serving under qualified,Rabbonim on established and recognized bais Din
    All three so called 'Dayanim'
    Never had shimush !!!
    How does one become a Dayan at age 71 ? without ever studying specifically for it ?

    Why/How are they practicing ??
    The list of VICTIMS just keeps on Growing and Growing
    Numerous people doing Long terms due to the Mesirah of these RABBIS!!!
    200 Gitten Rushed through impatiently leaving Loss of life and limb and economic distress
    Broken homes added to Klal Yisroel
    When questioned they Don't even Bother to give a response ???!!!
    Who is watching and asking Questions ?? Warning all Monsey residents STAY AWAY like from a disease.


    1. Is this a threat?
      The entire Monsey community knows that you _______.
      People that were close to you and your family will be harassing you, will be threatening you.
      Child Protective Services has been called in.
      If you don't do as I say, you will lose this wife forever and I strongly suspect that you will lose your kids.
      You will not be able to show your faces in town or worse.
      Your business will dry up.
      Your parents and siblings will hear and soon be shamed.


    3. Selmyn Kaufman Insurance
      Call to quote:(845) 356-4440
      This is where I Heard of sly man.

  2. I spoke to a well known Rav the son of a well known Rav in Monsey
    He related the following:
    His young nephew had martial difficulties
    So after hearing about this 'New' Baisdin created by reb Chaim Flohr
    and Shlomo Zalman Kaufman
    He considered to use them he spoke to Kaufman prior to requesting m to try counseling first ,kaufman agreed and said sure will will try counseling first
    ,So the young couple signed the four page document this bais din requires to be signed before they will even hear the case .
    The ink was still wet on the document and a sitting in front of Kaufman was scheduled , after not more then fifteen minutes discussion with each side Kaufman decided to not do counseling .when the uncle of the Young boy called back Kaufman asking about this change , Kaufman responded Oh! I met them and spoke to them both and I see it is not a Match!! so am proceeding to a Get!!
    But you met the for fifteen minutes!!!!
    4 months later they were divorced and the boy was also had payments large ones!!!
    This young marriage was destroyed by Kaufman..... ,

    When you ask him he says 'look at the paper the beroorin you signed I can do as I wish' !!!!
    'and I say its not Match , so a Get it must be' Now bring the rest of the

    $10,000 to the bais din (in cash)

    Again and agin and again.... when will monsey wake up???

  3. Reb Chaim Knievski said to run him out of Town "yizrikenu!"
    That is Shlomo Zalman kaufman
    But I think that Rabbi Chaim Flohr should Shutter Up His Bais Din and head back to normal Kolel and school administration and Mallachim business and stay Far Far, Far away from the Bais Din /Arbitration business He knows nothing about.
    This failing experiment is Just way to costly and a terrible footnote to an otherwise glorious fulfilled life of harbotzas torah
    May he see the light.

  4. The problem with using Shlomo Zalman Kaufman is that you must sign an arbitration that is so Lengthy and you relinquish all rights to Shulchan Aruch Psak ,

    Koufman can pasken in any way he wishes with out any explanation to you or to anyone, and the real truth oids that he is some what right because thats what you did sign,true you were tricked and naive to sign this.

    The problem is that he utilizes this permission extensively.... All of a sudden any item that was never even part of the Din Torah can NOW be changed to fit KAUFMAN'S WISHES SO THAT GIVES HIM EXTRAORDINARY POWER!!! AND HE sure USES IT!!
    Its like HE HAS A..NEED.. TO CAUSE PAIN!!



  5. Shlomo Zalman Kaufman
    requires all Ballai Din that wish to use Shlomo Zalman's Bais Din to sign a four page Shtar Berorin also uses as a legal Arbitration Agreement a four page paper handing over all power to Him
    Can someone post this Shlomo Zalman Kaufman Document please ?

  6. What people dont understand that by going to chaim flohrs bais din and shlomo Zalman Kaufman they will never get even a semblance of shulchan aruch rulings

    Only an agreement patched up hastily by Shlomo Zalman Kaufman and
    R Flohr senior
    Since you signed the arbitration agreement you essentially dont get shulchan aruch at all
    No mehaiche dontonu?...Sources?
    No real National Arbitration guidlines either, Not answerable to any one!!!! so it is basically just a Wild West 'make up the rules as we go along" situation.

    This is becoming well known and their traffic has slowed down a lot .B,H,

  7. Its Much worse then that! When you go to Shlomo Zalman Kaufman ALTHOUGH if you are talking about counseling ... you must STILL sign a four page Arbitration Doc Created by tricky Lawyers...WARNING...Don't!

    Kaufman does not allow you to appeal any where not in bais din or Court and No' Mehaichon Dontonu?' , no explanation not even ONE TIME .
    If you decide then take him to court you have signed to undertake to pay all His costs of His defense !

    Also he can make any kind of compromise he sees fit even if it is unworkable and Lopsided.
    Even if on any old matter already decided and you won!...
    he can now revisit and decide and change it.... He has all the powerover you for ever ! . Be Warned.
    No matter what he will never change his lopsided view even when confronted with enormous proof that he erred ....no recourse !!! He doesn't care one drop.
    There is serous talk in Monsey about his removal,
    Imagine a true innovative reformed forward thinking Maverick Beth Din ...for Malochim!

  8. There was just the case of Abraham who authored a treatise on the publishing company Oz Vihadar
    He was complaining about the Timon Targum that Oz Vihader has been using and how it is from non misoiras Ashkenazim but rather from non frum sources .
    All very valid and laid out for the public articulately and also respectfully
    Yet Rabbi Kaufman came out with an Eeickol from his (FLOHRS)bais din against any one purchasing rabbi Abraham's Sefer !
    Later it was found out that he Kaufman has very close relationship with rabbi leifer of Oiz Vihadar company!
    And rabbi leifer who also runs the assorted neislosss mikvahs in monsey last yer appointed R Kaufman to its board of rabbis
    one hand washes the other!!
    Ach Nebach! not only did he not recuse himself he did the opposite! he actually blatantly offered his rapid 'eekool services' !!!!
    to help his friend
    What a joke!

  9. Why do you say Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Kaufman issued an eekool??!?
    Its not accurate, It was a SIRUV!!!! Yes a Siruv
    Even though rav Abraham had in fact responded to the Flohr/Kaufman Bais din in WRITING three times that he is Fully willing to attend a Din Torah and Requested a time and date.
    Still that was not sufficient
    A SIRUV It Must be !!
    We Must protect BIG Business (Friends Who appointed Rabbi Kaufman to the Board of rabbis of the Mikvah 1 year ago)

    What doesn't one do for a friend!
    I'm talking for rabbi Leifer the owner of both Oz Vihadar and the monsey Mikvaous (Neishloss)
    We must protect His business investment from a Birur Halacha about questionable Targum used in all the new seforim!

  10. Why do you say rabbi Kaufman issued an "eekool" against rav Joel Abraham
    and his new sefer about the problems with Oz Vihadar Chumashim?
    No It wasn't an eekool, It was a complete personal 'SIRUV'!!!!
    A Siruv
    Even though Joel Abraham responded in writing that he Will attend the din torah they should name the time and place and he will attend.
    but Rabbi Kaufman said No a Siruv it must be
    ("I have to protect my good friend rabbi leifer of OZ Vihader/Monsey Mikvaos") (....payback for Mikvah appointment? No....! ) this Yoel Abraham revelation must be extinguished!!
    They Oz Vihadar have millions invested.

    No court Date !
    Siruv .
    Rabbi kaufman you are being watched by Rabonai Vi'askanei Monsey be WARNED ......

  11. The complete sefer Shal Avicha against Oz ViHadar By Rabbi Yoel Abraham was posted online free (make a search online under rabbi Yoel Abraham or Rabbi shlomo zalman Kaufman) last week it already has 8000 views! in five days !
    It is amazing that the Kaufman siruv has not only not hindered Rabbi Abraham but actuually helped his cause!

  12. I had a din torah by rabbi Kaufman and I found him to be heartless and unfair also did not spend sufficient time to truly understand the case at hand, I would never ever recommend him to any one !Fairness, justice, understanding ,don't exist
    in his court , I am truly surprised he is still practicing his Dayanus!! ??? !!

    If I am wrong and you disagree with me dear reader of this post kindly refute me !!!
    I would welcome that ... But I KNOW None will refute me because anyone who went to that place knows exactly what I am referring to.....
    NEVER NEVER sign his arbitration... he is friendly until you sign it ,
    After you sign it he treats you disdainfully! and acts as if doesn't feel he has any obligation responsibility to you at all ! ... But he does !! he must break his head to pasken and he must delve into the case and he is required to feel achraous But I didn't see that all I saw was a uninterested superficial not thorough forgetful uncaring of the facts and circumstances of the case , How in the world he can issue a psak if he truly doesn't understand the case ?/
    Why does he not have a fear of misunderstanding the facts ?
    Where is yiras shomayim? where is Lo tamod al dom raocha ? where is hashovas avaidah ? where is Hen tzedek iaifo tzedek where is mesinoos hadin ?
    I doubt he write any tshuvos because he never delves into the cases but mainly relies on his Pisharah decision you agreed and signed for
    But this is wrong because no one who signs agrees to not be properly heard !They think it will be a real din torah but that Never happens
    I think it is a mitzvah lifarsem NEVER SIGN a BAIS DIN Document by rabbi Kaufman in Monsey You and even you opposing litigant will both end up unhappy
    He takes big money cash you wont save nothing by going there .
    If I am wrong please tell me your experiences ....

  13. Elul post:
    Rabbi Kaufman and Rabbi been operating a Bais Din for the past 4-5 years It is a relatively new Bais Din
    I'm wondering have they issued responsa : Tshuvos
    They have all kinds of complicated cases where is the copies of the Halachic responsa?
    They have issued many Important and even Life and Death like Questions all have been Quickly and rapidly resolved !
    Where are the Shalois Vitsuvios ??? How did they arive at the psak where are the records ? has anyone viewed them?
    Have they Never had difficulty with certain difficult cases that arise ?
    Do they consult with other Rabbonim ? If yes Where is the Correspondence?
    Monsey and World Jewry deserves to this and MUCH MUCH More.
    Why is bais Horah inc listed with a #3 Nancy lane address , Who owns the bais din ?
    Doesn't the public have a right to know?
    When and where did the Dayanin obtain Semicha ? and for what part/ section of Shulchan Aruch ?
    How about the Shimush experience prior to opening and practicing in Bais Horaah?
    This must be opened up and disclosed to all potential temimousdik yidden so they are aware !!!

  14. I hear a Siruv was issued to rabbi shlomo zalman kaufman

  15. Yes I just made a search of rabbi shlomo zalman Kaufman and a whole bunch of discussions came up SHREKLACH
    Why does flor keep him?

  16. Rav Shneibalg was overheard telling his Shul members that if even 10 percent of what is said about Shlomo Zalman Kaufman is true ,and the complaints that he constantly hears on Kaufman if even ten percent of that is true ,he would best be to be run him out of town!
    Heard from a Shul member .

    Also heard that Reb Yisroul H. called a meeting to discuss S.Z.K. Chutzpah to zkan monsey Horav M Green .B H
    Times are changing!

  17. I heard that this Siruv against rabbi slomo z kaufman from Givas Hamorah BD was posted In Reb Chaim Flohrs Kolell wall!
    And as a response rabbi Kaufman had posted and passed around a letter stating that he will go to skwere bais Din or mechon lihorah and with this he hoped to lessen the impact of being the recipient of a SIRUV.
    However this is a repeat of his (Fried) letter and response to the Givas Hamorah Bais Din SIRUV which was REJECTED by them, for if this was accepted Anyone can respond to a Siruv stating he will go elsewhere! and Shoin! ,
    The main thing is to actually SIGN a Shtar Birurin!! forcing you to really go , and thereby NOW giving that new Bais Din total jurisdiction!
    but just announcing that he will go to skwere is just a voice in the wind and a bad attempt to PR and damage control.LOL!
    (aside issues from his cozy relationship with toen Fried..)

  18. This is Good News!
    Finally ,He will be Forced to answer in a COURT! and answer to someone for his cruel methods and his lack of compassion and why? he is misusing his power given to him by innocent unfortunate people mostly kosher innocent young men thinking that he will be Ehrlich and careful thorough and fair !! How wrong they were! clueless of his ruthless uncaring and sadistic approach .. Good!!

  19. Any one see this? about Rabbi Kaufman!

  20. A Second Cherem has been issued to Rabbi S.Z. Kaufman !

  21. I agree. Stay tune. This "Rabbi" will soon be in civil court. Any person who had a Get shoved down there throats and were told to pay excessive
    amounts will soon get real Justice.
    Never, ever sign any arbitration agreement w/o having your lawyer read it! Once u do Kaufman can make you do almost anything. But now we, a group of men who got hurt illegally and against Halacha will be suing him in court. he is proud that he already signed off over 150 Gets. Information will soon be posted where people will be told how to get Jewish Justice.

  22. On Rav Gesetner's tel line Shiur he calls this Flor /Kaufman Bais Din the 'SHATNEZ BAIS DIN'!????
    in a few different Shiurim
    a False Not Kosher! Bais Din .

  23. In Rabbi Chaskel Golds s shiul
    Was hanging a siruv against Kaufman all shabbos and Sunday past week !

    Seems that rabbi Gold is now distancing himself from Kaufman and his oncoming Downfall!

  24. The Siruv against shloima Zalmen Kaufman was posted and also floating around rabbi golds Shul for two weeks and was not removed by the Gabbi ! Very telling !
    I think that rav Chaskel Gold is disappointed with Kaufman.

  25. I had a very positive experience with Rabbi Kaufman. in a very difficult case he stood up for the victim and voiced a non popular opinion against a lot of pressure from big power sources in the community.
    I feel as some people are pushing an agenda because they were not happy with the result of their Bais Din Proceedings.
    you'll know for sure if that is true ones you see my comment is removed

  26. Congrats: Beis Shifra Miriam: fully complaisance as Mandate Reporters principles and pass principles from Hebrew & English studies of the Elementary and High School. CONGRATS...

  27. I heard from an inside source that the insiders(ahem) of that community are well aware and truly distressed about rabbi kaufman ,But their hands are tied because of so many open(Large money)&Martial cases semi active that have signed arbitration in Bais Horah and the revenge that will most definitely be severe repercussions!!

  28. QUOTE: 'in a very difficult case he stood up for the victim and voiced a non popular opinion against a lot of pressure from big power 'sources in the community'
    yes He does that often !!!!
    But anyone who observe his cases over a period of time will clearly see a pattern of Militancy and misguided advocacy Leaning Heavily to one side in many cases AND DESTROYING THE OTHER SIDE COMPLETELY without ANY justification at all,
    He abuses his power
    This is well known in Monsey By most toanim and Batei Din.

    A Bais Din Is here to pasken the Halacha Not to be activist
    Bais din is here to clarify he din Thats all.
    RABBI Kaufman's cases all end with one side winning and one side consistently losing with out any Real justification,
    So yes many times the underdog wins big !
    But that is not a PSAK true din torah it is only a Misuse of the psak bais din
    A bais din has No Mandate to be Activist !
    and a Bais Din must write tshuvos Stating THE BASIS OF ITS PSAK ???
    Where ARE HIS TESHUVOS ?where?

  29. Kaufman has a history of lopsided rulings and psakim.

  30. There is a old tale of a corrupt rabbi who would administer din torahs in the past , he would be wearing tall boots and it was whispered that when he held court the litigants would stuff coins and money in his boots and he would then rule according to whichever boot seemed heaver !
    Well, one day during his proceeding he felt that one of the boots on his right felt quite heavy , So he quickly resolved the case of course favoring the man on his right side.
    Well, when he got home he took off his right boot poured out the contents and lo and behold it was just some smooth stones !
    He muttered to himself "Ach these days its such a Falsher Velt"!

    This is today !!


  31. רמב"ם סנהדרין כ' יב' כל המטהמשפט אחד מישראל עובר בלאו אחד שנאמר לא תעשו עול כמשפט

  32. See here:

  33. shlomo zalman kaufman kicked out!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. This is true Shlomo Zalman Kaufman was removed and relieved of his position as Dayan Bais Din of Zichron Menachem in Monsey, New York

  35. רמב"ם סנהדרין כ' יב' כל המטה משפט אחד מישראל עובר בלאו אחד שנאמר לא תעשו עול כמשפט

  36. Selmyn Kaufman dresses himself up in frock and hamberg for Mincha in Viznitz.

  37. Please tell us why "Oct 7" happen..
