Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shocking? No, not at all

The infestation by Blueberries is a well known fact since at least  the past 4 months, yet the kashrus certifiers are just sitting back (besides the Magrova Rav). Shocking? No. They say" in G-D vee trrrust".
Yes, and it's printed right on the the almighty dollar, thereby obstructing the insects.


  1. The shopper had a "restaurant review" on 4 places in manhattan.
    The one on the upper west side has Mehlman hashgocha. Who from Lakewood relies on him?????

  2. I'm sorry. Just checked and they changed hashgocha to the OK.

  3. Yudel, you know that not all blueberries are infested, I'm sure the ones that are certified were checked carefully.

  4. Who from Lakewood relies on him?????

    That's easy. The chabura of party animals & bums from Long Beach that came back from Israel over 20 years ago that the roshei yeshiva were very not tzefreeden with. They were called in a number of times to get grilled by the roshei yeshiva when they were bochurim and even when they were married yungerleit.

  5. R' Yudel,

    Since you mention Mogrov . . .

    What is the story with Mehadrin Cholov Yisrael (cheese, cream, ice cream, etc.)? Has it gotten better or worse since Mogrov took over from Volover?

    Thanks for your guidance...

  6. Mehadrin did improve under the Magrov Rav. He resonds to all questions, he calls back, he makes necessary improvements, etc

    You can be sure if he wouldn't, I'd be telling you about it.

  7. Tzelemer is not at least as good as Magrov?
