Monday, April 22, 2013

Hirsch on SUCCESS

 Rav Hirsch notes that one of Man's greatest enemies is success,
 for, when he achieves it, 

he easily forgets his Creator and views himself as master of his own destiny.

One must recognize that success is our enemy, and that humility is our savior.


  1. Plenty of Examples of That In Lakewood where peoples Money, Powe,r Or Positions, got to Their Need Not Look No Further Than Beis Din Vaad Hadayonim They were on a High for a Few Years when they first opened and had the Potential to Build Themselves into a First Class National Beis Din Until all That Power Got into their Young Heads and They Thought They owned Lakewood and Klal Yisroel and Can Boss, Threaten, and Intimidate,Make Up Lies, and Black Mail whomever They want. So Now Finkel is a Joke. Ephraim Birnbaum is Out of The Beis Din Scene. Avrohom Gutman Is out Looking for a Job.However No One wants Him The Guy Made Himself a Bad Name and Reutation.Rav Shlomo Miller Bais Horah Does Not want him, he is Despretly Trying to Join his old Rival Maysharim However They Dont want him either

  2. Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz is a Hirschian. Yeden mole vos er loift on behalf of the Queens Vaad to shake the hands of a shmitzika politician, he gets ready for the musser haskeil when they have a mapolla, like in the case of Anthony Weiner.

  3. neemas chaim will start paying taxes soon!!!!!!11 what about toras ahron??

  4. Der shmitzika Veiner iz shoin gegangen in Mikvah of KooKooGardin - inter deh shtengeh shgoocheh fin K'vod K'dishis Kranke Admor shlit'a.
    Bald vet shoin zan inzerer Mayor.

  5. "Bald vet shoin zan inzerer Mayor"

    Is that an endorsement of Weiner?

    Such kfuyei toiv you are at VHQ after Christie "mayseh eretz Mitzrayim" Quinn threw the 50th birthday bash for the Queens Vaad in City Council chambers!

  6. What A Nebach on Avrohom Gutman that He Cannot Get a Job as a Dayan. He is a Young Man with a Large Family to support, why cant Rav Shlomo Miller or Bais Din Maysharim Hire Him to work as a Dayan on their Beis Din? Why should Gutman Be Punished Because Vaad Hadayonim and Gavriel Finkel Took advantage of him and used him for Their Own Purposes It Is not Gutmans Fault They Took advantage of HIm They Know He is slow and Handicapped

  7. Such kfuyei toiv

    Der Kranke burned down all his bridges all hes got left is blog, blog ,shtusim, shtusim.

  8. "success is the enemy" that's yudel's motto!

  9. Gavriel Finkel allways looks for young inexperianced Kollel Yungerleit To work for Him as Dayanim, so That They will Not Challange Him and so that he can Manipulate Them to do whatever He wants to "Pasken".

  10. Ephraim birnbaum is the biggest "ganof" and I heard his school is on the level of bais kaila!! That's bad!

  11. Neemas hachaim should not pay and no one else should pay also!

  12. Back to Doheny scandall, any news re: the RCC coverup?

    The woody allen (glasses)from Brooklyn arrived in LA to continue the coverup. When the hashgocha is to blame, woody allen coversup. He's a great coverup artist. He knows only how to talk, but kashrus he knows nothing about only kullahs.

    Watch him ask that he wants to be hired as a consultant.

  13. Yudel why isn't the other halls paying taxes?

  14. Woody Allen the menuvol, his real name is Konigsberg

    Once when he was being filmed for a movie on the Lower East Side, he bumped into a choshuva alter Poilishe who would be 98 if he was still alive today. It was the Pilzno Rov, R' Yosef Singer ztl.

    Woody Allen yelled at the rov the krumkeit from British philosopher Toynbee that Yiddishkeit is a "fossil".

  15. Why Cant Avrohom Gutman Get a Job with The Lakewood Public works Department? Who said he Has To work as a Dayan.

  16. Ephraim Birnbaum Has a Reputation as a Crook Going Back to the Days He Worked For Finkel on Vaad Hadayonim? I wonder who Taught Him How to Be a Crook???

  17. Is it true that all the girls left out of high schools are being divided and told to go to BBY, BK, and Oros since these schools have room and the other schools are full!

  18. Anyone Who Thinks Ephraim Birnbaum Belongs Around High School Girls Should Have Their Heads Examined By a Phycologist

  19. Birnbaum is a haughty person he thinks that his Shimmel doesn't stink they should kick him out of town

  20. Time to repost this , men do not belong in girls High Schools
