Sunday, November 24, 2013

DO NOT Patronize any of the VOICE's advertisers, WHY?

After the last Election a writer asked a question "why so many did not vote"?

The simple answer was that the Gedoilim in Eretz Yisroel said in order to avoid a chilul-Hashem & make a Kidush-Hashem in Lakewood "don't vote in this election".

Someone wrote the following response in the Voice, which is very much on target "al-pi-halacha". The ערב רב aka BMG's VAAD "mouthpiece" the voice put out a robocall to apologize for the Emmes.

Therefore it's time the Tzibur should "not-patronize" any of the Voice's advertisers.


  1. For the Fire elections we'll have our next chance to start fixing some problems in our town. Soon after that will be the filing deadline for some worthy candidates to run against Cory Booker, and Steven Langert. Wake up, Lakewood, before it's too late!

  2. its all about $$$ when it comes to my door I throw it out.

  3. What's wrong with the fire department? It's one of the few that's running ok. Yes I am a fire fighter.

  4. Fire department voting location, and money that was allowed to leave with the secretary that writes and signs her own checks.

  5. Reb Yudel, shlit"a, it seems Hershel Herskowitz has retired from politics but word among those in the know isn't that if Akerman is not the mayor this coming year, he may come out of retirement. Kindly post it.

  6. Roshei yeshiva that tell bnei toirah to vote for a meshumad. What else could be their reason if not money. A busha to our our hatoirah. They should do teshuva for all the years that they have been making us vote for singer. And he is still there with our blessing.

  7. The voice is an embarrassment yo lakewood. It shows us to be a megushamdik town that has only the highest standards for our selfish selves. Pictures of fancy Homes and cars. Food for kings. The yeshiva
    should ban these magazines. They don't because they use it for their propaganda. This is not what lakewood was about. We used to be a ruchniosdik town. Oy what have we been reduced to? Who brought us to this? AK? The Vaad? Money talks and the only truly insulated community for torah in the us is gone

  8. I can't comment on it but the issue with her writing the check to herself will be explained in due time and we will all finally see who was behind the lies and issues.

    In regards to the FD budget it is very watered down and there is a lot of equipment that we need. There are several members that are going to quit if we don't get the bare essentials that we need. Unfortunately it's going to take for a tragedy before people wake up and realize.

  9. I didn't say anything about the fire budget, I said that the voting location should be at the town hall as well.

  10. Nebach the powers that be are very sensitive these days...No one would have looked at the coffee room comment but now with the robcall everyone is! Shows you the brains behind the operation..... What is the number to call the voice to say chill -all is good no reason to get vervous and you did nothing wrong with the coffee room comment.

  11. Lakewood Mental InstitutionTue Nov 19, 11:52:00 AM 2013

    Everyone outside of Lakewood knows to stay far away from Lakewood People as they are The Most Spoiled Megushem People on The Face of The Planet (all in The Name of Mesiras Nefesh For Torah) Be Very Careful around Lakewood People who have lived in this town for 2-3 Generations, as They will sue You in a NJ minute and Press Charges against you if They even Think You Looked at them the wrong Way or interfere one Iota In Their Gashmius

  12. Whats Wrong With Steven Langert? He is From the Best Commitee-men Lakewood Ever Had,
    The only People who have A Personal Vendetta against Steve Langert is The Bursztyn Family, over The Sukkah Fiasco That Took Place at Congregations sons Of Isreal When The Bursztyns Called The Police To Tear Down Sons Of Isreals Sukkah. (which Backfired on The Bursztyns as One of Their Supporters was Arrested at The Scene)

  13. Aside from getting S. R. a raise in salary, what has Langert accomplished in office since his reelection? There's a good reason for Aisik and Menashe (and the Dems. too) to not allow Steve to be the Mayor this coming ng year, v'hamavin yovin. Mark my words. Steve will not be Mayor in 2014.

  14. Taxes are going sky high this coming year!

  15. Steve is very vulnerable in next election put anyone with a chance of being electable and he/she will win.
