Friday, March 28, 2014

You can be a גדול!

עין בש"ע אורח חיים סימן קכ"ד סעיף ז' You can be a גדול ע"פ הלכה
מי ששח בשעת התפילה "הוא חוטא וגדול עונו מנשא וגוערין בו



    Grape farmers in New York have a big reason to “wine” about this year’s brutal winter.

    Upstate vineyards are suffering through an agricultural “disaster” triggered by the vine-freezing cold, the US Department of Agriculture declared on Thursday.
    Farmers near the Finger Lakes, for example, are expected to lose between 75 and 90 percent of their crops due to grape “bud injury,” according to an estimate from Cornell Cooperative Extension, an agricultural branch of Cornell University.

    Eileen Farnan, owner of Barrington Cellars near the Finger Lakes added, “We might need to completely replant our vines — it would take four or five years for the buds to grow back. It hasn’t been this bad in about 20 years. When the lake freezes solid, we lose the temperature-moderating effect of the water . . . and buds fall off and shrivel,” she said.

    The federal “disaster declaration” could help hundreds of grape growers in 19 upstate counties score federal relief, according to Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, who pushed the USDA to authorize disaster funding assistance.

    Farmers will be eligible to apply for federal “emergency loans” to help them recover.

    Nobody will know the full effect of the winter’s wrath on New York’s $4.8  billion grape and wine industry until this summer, when grapes are harvested.

  2. another typeof GADOL

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