Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spirits Unlimited is Jewish owned

Spirits Unlimited is Jewish owned, It's alleged his chometz was not sold properly therefore it's חמץ שעבר


  1. The Co-op is also jewish owned and if he didn't sell his chametz it would also be Chametz Sheavar.....

  2. I saw some tape with your name printed on it in a shul in the bronx. Was that really your hashgacha? Or was the tape 'stolen'?
    Because there was rice on the menu (for all of
    pesach) and certain items were made by the Host - not the caterer.
    I assume it was made in their private home.
    Just trying to understand kashrut standards of different hashgachas.

  3. There is no "kashrus" tape with my name in the Bronx. there may be security tape with my name on it, there is no place that says kosher tape.

  4. A couple of years ago the Blumenkrantz guide started completely omitting the listings of which chain stores have owners with Jewish and Jewish-sounding names and we are left to do all of our own research (while the guide keeps getting more expensive year with few chiddushim in other areas).

    I wonder if some of the corporate executives were irked that they were publicly identified as Jewish & threatened to sue the Blumenkrantzes.

    Plenty of the secular are Rachmona litzlon so far removed that they are ashamed anyone knows they are Yidden or worse.

  5. Good to see some real kashrus standards available to the oylam with Solomon's shechita at Costco & Meged Yehuda at Fairway, because there have constantly been problematic shechitos farkoyfed by the Queens Vaad.

    C.S. will not publicly admit it but the Spotlight has information that he told his modern orthodox masters at VHQ that certain shechitos have big problems and was ignored.

    (Queens Vaad's) Mazur's Marketplace, a 54-year-old, second generation kosher market that sells meat, groceries and take-out foods in the Little Neck section of Queens, will close down next week. Located in a strip shopping center on the Queens-Nassau County border at 254-51 Horace Harding Blvd., the kosher store once drew customers from both sides of the border.

    According to co-owner Eddie Mazur, the business is a victim of increased competition from the likes of Fairway, which opened nearby in Douglaston about two years ago, and Costco.

  6. "Rachmona litzlon so far removed that they are ashamed anyone knows they are Yidden"

    There is an executive in Manhattan who is nasty to frumma Yidden in gesheft. He tries to hide from everyone frum & frey the fact he is Jewish, despite that everyone knows he is a Yid.

    Two doors down from him is a company that does specialized work for billionaires like Bill Gates & Spielberg. A woman working there you would think she is an upper crust shiksa but she is not. The executive meets her one day and thinks he is going to impress by baredding Yidden to her. She started yelling at him, identifying herself as a Jewish woman who is very insulted and telling him what a lowlife he is for trying to cover up he is a Yid in the worst way possible.

  7. Belsky, in an independent non-OU capacity, has a letter up in supermarkets vos tzorich iyun.

    He says that he sold the chometz of a large master distributor C&S that supplies A&P, Pathmark and many other supermarkets.

    I am nervous that this letter might be misleading for multiple reasons.

    I find it hard to believe that C&S supplies ALL the chometz to these chains. Perhaps most of the other master distributors are also Jewish owned.

    Belsky claims in the letter that the sale was done according to the "strictest Halachic standards for Passover" and then repeats with the lashon "the required standards". What exactly does this mean? In the past, there were mechiros of master distributors where the Yid owner continued to trade in chometz without the goy's permission. There is a shita that bad behavior as such makes the Yid a thief and oyver on chamuros of chometz but does not in gantzen invalidate the sale. But that is only one shita lehalacha.

    Belsky has a history of fudging facts like he did with anisakis, purporting to speak in the name of R' Moishe (which Rav Elyashev & even R' Dovid Feinstein alein had no idea what he was talking about) & many other things, so it would be very interesting to know exactly what transpired with this mechiras chometz.

  8. re Fairway 4:39 pm

    Maybe you are confusing the catering manager with the fleish manager?

  9. all wines are kosher lpesach.

  10. all wines are kosher lpesach

    Even yayin nesech?

    But seriously you are being foolish because wine barrels can have chometz paste & other issues.

    And "spirits" means whiskies, etc, too

  11. "Spirits Unlimited is Jewish owned, therefore if his chometz was not sold properly it's חמץ שעבר [Image]
    posted by Yudel Shain at 10:44 PM on Apr 23, 2014"

    Is that the equivalent as saying that Yudel Shain is a Jew and if he did not sell his chometz properly, you can never trust him, also???

  12. "The Co-op is also jewish owned and if he didn't sell his chametz it would also be Chametz Sheavar....."

    Meal Mart is Jewish owned and if they did not sell their chometz properly, then you can not buy from them.


  13. Maybe you are confusing the catering manager with the fleish manager?

    No Im refering to the meat manager. is he shomer shabbos or not? And even if he is is he reliable? who is it? whats his name? I heard from someone that he was told the guy wears a yarmulka but he is not shomer shabbos

  14. Does anyone know the owner & if yes, was his Chometz was sold properly??

  15. er iz a yid, und an anteh samit oich

  16. er iz a yid, und an anteh samit oich

  17. Which spirits unlimited, I know the one on the 9 near the 70 is owned by an Indian.
