Monday, May 26, 2014

Coney Island Ritas "store" kosher certification is a fraud

 Coney Island RITA'S web site "falsely" claims to be certified by the OU and the KOF-K.
The Kof-K says they do not certify any Ritas Stores.


  1. The products coming from the head franchise are all certified kosher. The store itself is not supervised. Depending on your standards, this is acceptable. I don't think the store is misleading customers personally.

  2. The store is not supervised? At the end of the day, they wash the utensils. Do they wash it with kosher soap? What else are they washing - if the utensils are treif and they are hot, then whatever they touch is affected.

    Dito for starbucks, and dunkin donuts. If you have no standards then those are also acceptable.

  3. reb yodel

    who gives the hechshar for the ritas in Lakewood? is there a mashgiach always there?

    Please let us know

  4. If you want a mashgiach there all the time be ready to spend 10 bucks for a serving. In all seriousness though, what does shulchan aruch require in such a situation? Does it help if an observant jew owns the store? Real answers only, no what if the worker dunked a pig in the ice cream machine scenarios.

  5. So they wash with non kosher soap. Soap is not food. In any event even if ice cream is served with a really non kosher utensil the ice cream is not affected. Its ice cold, I hope.

  6. Read what the signs says. It can only mislead someone aho can't read English and has no sechel

  7. The store deserves no appology at all. Rabbi Shain publicized the fraud. Then Ritas contacted the Kof-K re: obtaining kosher certification.

    Then the O-U notified Ritas they will be sued for ilegally using the O-U registered trademark. BUT, If you go under O-U certification ....
    Now you know "the rest-of-the-story.

  8. It's amazing how suddenly everyone becomes poskim, It's kosher it's not kosher what the hell do u guys know did u by any chance finish shulchan aruch only a real imbicile would state his opinion
