Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Kashrus Alert: Asian Pears-Infested


  1. What kind of bugs? Easily removed?

  2. Don't you mean asian american?

  3. Many seforim are known to have bookworms. Maybe we should ban seforim too.

  4. JJ, you are confusing things.

    "Bookworm" is the term used for masmidim and/or yodai sefer of the secular persuasion.

    Bookworm when used to refer to bugs eating seforim is incorrect. In rare instances you will find seforim where there are worm holes but there are only two ways that can happen. Either the seforim were transported by ship and were attacked by a species of shell-less saltwater clam called Shipworm that is shaped like a worm & grows up to a meter in length and bored it's way through the hull of the ship. I have seen seforim hundreds of years old that have the marine worm holes. Or, the seforim were sitting next to woodpiles & were attacked by two species of beetle that eat wood & otherwise do not seek out seforim.

    There is such a thing as Book Lice but they are tiny & do not feed on the pages, only on shmutz on pages & bindings.

  5. Yudel is lucky he said Asian instead of the racist term Oriental. There used to be nothing wrong with saying the word Oriental but we Liberals every so often decide that certain words are now off limits & asser everyone from saying them ever again.

  6. To linguist. Do a quick look in wikipedia on bookworms and u will see that the term bookworm refers to insects and not masmidim.

  7. Book lice feed on bindings which is enough of A reason to let the ohlam hamasmidim know. Especially the masmidim who eat over the seforim while learning/noshing.

  8. I once visited a pretty well known yeshiva. It seemed that they don't run the air conditioning much in the summer in the humid environment they are in. I thought I was going to sit down in the beis medrash to learn but when I went to the seforim shranks, the seforim were all sticky and then I noticed they were crawling with book lice. I ran out and felt itchy until I took a shower.
