Saturday, November 01, 2014

olive oil shortage= adulteration fraud big time

Shortage of Olive Oil Predicted
This year's harvest appears to be twenty percent lower than last year
October 20, 2014
Harvest reports from the major olive growing areas around the world indicate a significantly smaller crop in 2014, and combined with the steady growth in demand for Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the news has experts expressing concern about a shortage of top quality olive oil. This year's harvest of 2.56 million tons appears to be about twenty percent lower than last year's, and more important, falls well below the 3 million tons consumed last year. 
 "As with all agricultural products, olives and olive oil are subject to the whims and vagaries of nature," says Ann Sievers of Il Fiorello Olive Oil Company, who makes olive oil for some of the top names in the Napa Valley. "Here in Northern California, there are many concerns not only about the size of the crop but also the constant issue of the olive fly. It looks like our harvest will be just a bit below last year."

Sievers predicts that if the production of Extra Virgin Oil drops sharply this year, then basic economics predicts that prices for top quality oil will increase. "It's going to become even more important that consumers know how to read an olive oil label, so they know what they are getting," she says. "You'll want to look for a certified Extra Virgin Olive Oil—the highest quality grade of olive oil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a natural balance of fruitiness, bitterness and pungency, and cannot be adjusted or adulterated."

The University of California at Davis and the California Olive Oil Council (COOC) certify domestically produced olive oils. This certification is a two-part process and is based on 1) a chemistry test to prove that it is a true olive oil with specific chemistry profiles and 2) a master taste test to prove the balance of fruitiness, bitterness, and pungency. Each oil must pass both parts of the certification process to be called extra virgin; look for the certification label on the bottle.

"Olive oil is a perishable product," adds Sievers. "Reputable producers indicate on the label when the olives were harvested and milled. A 'best before' or 'use by' date doesn't tell you when the olive oil was made. This is going to become even more important during this shortage. Last year was a big production year, and there still may be some of that oil making its way into the market. Olive oil degrades over time, and a stale oil won't taste the same."

Fraudulent activities have long been a problem in the olive oil world, Sievers notes. "As a consumer you should be skeptical about the actual quality of any product, especially when its price seems too good to be true. The secret is to know your product and its source. Look for the seal which indicates the producer not only made a good oil but cared enough to follow the rigorous process in California standards to certify the oil as Extra Virgin Olive Oil."



    Inspections, Compliance, Enforcement, and Criminal Investigations

    Kosher Vitamin Express 2/11/13


    TO: Abraham Landau

    FROM: The Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission

    RE: Unapproved Products Related to the 2012/2013 Flu Season; and Notice of Potential Illegal Marketing of Products to Prevent, Treat or Cure Flu Virus

    These products are called “Zahlers Kosher Abreve Advanced Cold & Flu Formula,” “Sunshine Health Kosher Cold & Flu Support,” and “Nutri-Supreme Research Kosher Cold & Flu Plus with Olive Leaf, Garlic and Oregano Extract” and are labeled as dietary supplements. The marketing of these products violates the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDC Act). 21 U.S.C. §§ 331 352. We request that you immediately cease marketing unapproved and uncleared products for the diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, treatment, or cure of the Flu Virus.

  2. טרגדיה רודפת טרגדיה: אמהות ואבות צעירים מסתלקים בחטף ומניחים יתומים ועוללים רכים, אסונות נוראים פוקדים את בתי ישראל יום יום, לכן באתי להתחנן בפני אלה הנשים החרידות ההולכות בבגדים צמודים צרים וקצרים המושכות את עיני האנשים והבחורים... ומביאות אותם שלא במודע לידי חטא חמור ביותר ר"ל. והן נודע מה שכתבו חז״ל שכל אשה ההולכת בצניעות תזכה שבניה יהיו גדולים בתורה וביראה וכו' וכל להפך. והאם בדור אשר כזה שבעוונותינו הרבים, רבים וטובים נופלים ויוצאים מדרך הישרה, ואסונות נוראים פוקדים את בתי ישראל יום יום, תינוקות מתים בעריסותיהם , אמהות ואבות צעירים מסתלקים בחטף ומניחים יתומים ועוללים רכים , העל אלה לא נבכה ולא נעשה חשבון נפש ? הגיע הזמן שד' ישמור שלא יהיו עוד מקרים כאלו, אבל אך ורק אם נתלבש בצניעות ע"פ הלכות בשולחן ערוך, כדי למנוע אסונות בעם ישראל!!! עיקר שכרה ועיקר עונשה של האשה בעולם הבא תלוי בצניעות. ולכן דוקא במצוה חשובה זו משקיע השטן את מלוא מרצו בהחטאתנו. "טרגדיה רודפת טרגדיה"

  3. Kosherica Cruises under MGK KashrusMon Nov 03, 09:12:00 AM 2014

    me darft mefarsem zein?

    Ketchikan, Alaska

    stroll the boardwalk that once led to Ketchikan's red light district.
