Monday, June 22, 2020

Defining-The Askan [Shtadlan of yester-year] v. the Askan of today

The word Askan/ Shtadlan, the title public servant, has referred to a person characterized by selfless love for the Jewish people who sacrifices himself for the public good. We grew up hearing stories of people ran across Europe meeting with kings and governments in an effort to avert terrible decrees against the Jewish people. All this was done at their own personal peril and their own expense. The early klal workers in this country wanted nothing more than to spread chinuch and literally were moser nefesh for that ideal.    
Every good thing can be abused. This includes public service and community service when a trust of the people with interests other than those of the public they represent. If that happens, the people who suffer the most are all of us, all of klal yisroel, because the true askanim / shtadlanim-and there many out in there in the  trenches helping others lesheim shomayim will have lost the goodwill of the public due to the indiscretions and selflessness of the abusers.

There is a tremendous pitfall in askanus, a pitfall associated with all positions of power, especially those that are based on trust. In other words, the second an askan begins to think that it’s about me not about the cause; he is doomed to failure, because when there is a conflict between the “me” and the “cause”, the “me” is going to win and the “cause” is going to lose. That means that the little guy is going to lose.

The problem is that some Askanim become so swept up with their roles and their deeds even good deeds, that they often have a hard time separating themselves from the cause. They begin to think of themselves as the cause in itself.

If askanim want to retain the goodwill of the people and continue to help them; they must understand a few points. Firstly, it’s not about me. It’s about helping people. Secondly, an Askan is there to fill a need or a void. He’s not there to create a need and then becomes a knight in shining armor who will fix it. Don’t create a need or an organization that’s unnecessary or has already been created by someone else. If you do that, you’re not an Askan, but rather opportunist and a copycat to boot.

In addition, it goes without saying that if a person’s public service will in anyway benefit his own private business, mossad or interest, that person is not an Askan, but rather an opportunist utilizing the public to further his financial or organizational goals.

One particular form of askanus is that which exists in relationship between politicians and public servants. This is especially so when individuals with personal agendas and financial interests try to become liaisons between the frum community and politicians, taking advantage of the naiveté of so many in our tzibur.

These words should not be taken as an indictment on askanus. On the contrary, it is because we feel that altruistic public services are such an integral component of preserving the welfare of our communities and ensuring the flourishing of yidishkeit  that we must weed and out and separate the true askanim / shtadlanim, the true public servants, who selflessly give of themselves and their time for the public with little thought for recognition and remuneration, from the charlatans and  opportunist who sully the ideal of askanus and sully the name of our  communities in an unforgettable, unforgivable  way.

As a prominent Rebebetzin "in the know" said "I never saw an (ex)askan, without full pockets".

Based on an article by R' A. Birenbaum


  1. can you define the meaning of
    1)eihr hatorah.
    2) rosh yeshiva.
    3) daas torah.

    4) noted askan.
    5) behind the scene askan.
    6)protekzya askan.

    the answer is ask Benjamin franklin.

  2. Lakewood Capital of "Askanim"Sun Jun 01, 10:39:00 PM 2014

    we all have Lakewood to thank for the "Modern Day Asken"
    basically a person with a lot of time on his hand who cannot learn all day however at the same time does not want to work a 9-5 job as he feels it is benieth his dignity to get a regular job and work so he creates some orginization so that he can Hock around and go fundraising to pay his salary and walk around like a Shaina Klei Kodesh Yid

    and than there is the Askan with to much Money who is also bored with to much time on his hand and is in need of some Power and projects to keep him busy and entertained.

  3. yeder einer hut a deah

  4. Please define the Noted Asken,

  5. Thank you for the shtikel Toirah.

  6. Or someone who just loves controlling other people

  7. This site is the last place in the world to attempt to define a askan.

  8. The gedolei Achronim, Gr"a, Divrei Chaim & Toldos Yaakov Yosef, bring a Chazal that just like ayneklach of the Erev Rav will infiltrate into the yeshivos & mosdos of this dor posing as mechanchim & administrators, so too will many of today's reiche askonim be Erev Ravniks.

    As far as "Noted Askan", you may remember it was Pinny Lipschutz's favorite word over at the Yated in the first decade of this century. It was so overused by him that it was ridiculous. He then went completely cold turkey never using it again for over a decade. Recently, he started applying it again in rare instances only.

    What was behind this? Over at Mendlowitz's UOJ website they were upset not merely because it was overused, but because many of the undeserving shvantzes with the designation were convicted crooks or some other kind of criminal. They gave notice that if Pinny doesn't cut it out, they will put a chart on the internet of every time he applied it to which banditt, for which crimes. Pinny got the message.

  9. So Paulie besides being a first class sheigetz is a first class gangster too.
    No surprise there.

  10. "first class sheigetz is a first class gangster"

    You wouldn't reach his ankles in how many neshomos he was matzil.

    And you rip him because he stopped Pinny from doing an avlah? Al pi Hatorah there is a big problem to be mechanef reshoyim, so there's another area where he's more frum than you.

  11. Al pi Hatorah....

    Al pi Hatorah its asur to look into Paulies face.
    Al pi Hatorah its asur to contradict established gedolim of ones generation - even if you think its the right thing to do.
    Al pi Hatorah one respects todays accepted poskim and gedolim.
    Al pi Hatorah no nivul peh is EVER accepted - on line or otherwise.
    Al pi Hatorah you dont post venum or nivul peh. period.
    Al pi Hatorah Paulies is a oisvorf.
    Al pi Hatorah Paulies would never be buried in a orthodox cemetery.
    Al pi Hatorah Paulies has a din of moreedin V'lo Mahlin.
    Al pi Hatorah Paulie is a Roitzaiach who killed many innocent people on his 'fake' mission.
    Al pi Hatorah Paulie is a fraud in a modern orthodox outfit.
    Al pi Hatorah Paulie is not goires the torah from Sinai.

  12. Wow Yanky! "Paulie" M really brings out the "best" in you! Lichvodo you've even added some extra "flowery" language. Does this mean he's the first person to surpass R' Yudel in how much boiling over sinah you can have for someone?

    histaklus bdmuso, oisvorf, kever Yisroel, lo mahlin, roitzaiach, moderner

    PM was never accused of stealing from anyone, so does that mean it's assur to look at your father's punim after he was convicted of embezzling from his clients, absconded to the Holy Land to evade justice, and had some "shverkeiten" with his law license? And while you're at it using sheker to be matzdik all your violent rock throwing when you were hanging around the Ir HaAtikah, Rav Sternbuch says people like you are actually possul for edus. That doesn't exactly sound like you're in line to get stared at either.

    Get your facts straight as most of what PM does is shtel tzu to the gedolei Eretz Yisroel who are leagues above the posers you worship. This is no coincidence. When he's in Israel he visits them. Even in America, the big gedolim have not been Agudah affiliated for the last 35 years. Bdavka Agudah NON-affiliated Rav Shmuel Berenbaum actually referred to the newbies as the college boychicks.

    Nivul Peh he is not & was not guilty of, al pi the definition in the Gemara Shabbos. Did he use a few words (at the very beginning only) that were gutter language? Yes, well no one is perfect. His kavonnos were certainly lshem Shomayim and it did takka work to stop Kolko & Margulies while your "gedolim" were sitting around making excuses in the Agudah Board Room (except Rav Pam who kept being passionately moiche against them). Sometimes there is a hoyroas shaah min Hashomayim that for a bzunder tzoirech what is normally considered an avlah is mostly knocked down from it's teviyos. It would not come as a shock if that's what they ultimately decide.

    You have the nerve to talk about who's zoyche to kever Yisroel? Why don't you worry about the mechuton's father who was meabed himself al hadaas after he was outed decades ago as a child molester in Denver? Not that you would care one way or another actually, considering how you struggle to cover up the Queens Vaad atrocity of ripping toizent yesomim from their resting place & dumping their bones in trash compactors to resell the plots.

    Yup, you keep playing the drums on your big boich that PM is a murderer (gasp) while you cover up for the child molesters in your mishpooche. You are as transparent as the blister package on Rubashkin hotdogs. The halacha is that child molesters are the roidfim. But you spin it back at PM. You hate his guts because he exposed your mishpooche

    You think you're funny mocking PM while throwing out the shprach modern orthodox. No one is laughing along with you. Worry first about your modern orthodox 1st cousin who went off the derech to become a Conservative Cantor in Hillcrest, Queens. And what about your shvugger who websites record him being mesachek bkuvya at Atlantic City casinos? That certainly isn't yeshivish behavior.

  13. Paulie never asked anyone a shayleh in his life. He never claimed that he did.
    Paulie will latch on to anyone who he hears or thinks is on his (apikorsus) team.
    If Paulie ever visited a (Jewish) godol he would not be Paulie deh oisvorf.
    You have to "steal" any money, as you claim (unsubstantiated) in your dream guy's pop's career
    in order to be a meen and a apikoires as Paulie is uncontested (you of course don't count).
    As far as nivul peh - your a moideh b'miktzas on that.
    "His kavonnos were certainly lshem Shomayim" Paulie has no clue of Kavanos or what L'shaim Shamyim means in real life. Otherwise he wouldn't be Paulie the OTD (if he ever was on the derech.)
    "hoyroas shaah min Hashomayim that for a bzunder tzoirech" - Paulies whole life is Hoyr-
    oas Shaah - how to be a bigger menuvel using his grandpa credentials. - Nebach.
    He also knows the definition of "Bzunder tzoirech" when it comes to his private live - HaShem yishmoreihu.
    " dumping their bones in trash compactors" why would anyone dump bones? one can make lots of money selling them???? (giving you some more fodder to dream up stuff).
    Last but not least. You have to be a molester yourself (maybe not minors - not sure about that either). There is no one in the world who claims to know each and every molester and how each and every one of the alleged molester operate, do and are related to. If you weren't one of them you could not know so much details.
    Just for the record, there is no one in this world who I hate. I judge everyone positively including you and Paulie. If I saw Paulie or you stuck anywhere I would try to follow the Halacha to best halachic interst of you and/or Paulie.

  14. Chronicles of an OU mashgiachFri Jun 26, 02:26:00 AM 2020

    There are tzvay dinim with OU mashgiach Yanky in KG.

    When he is stam blogging potshots at the countless tayera Yidden who he maligns as avaryonim, apikorsim, etc, dos iz ain zach that's already noted in the annals of psychiatric disorders.

    But you'd better really watch out when someone reminds him that Rav Yudel Shain once found episs a problemm by West Side Kosher or if anyone mentions that the "Paulie" einikil of R' Shraga Feivel ztl is a repeat offender in Hamatzil Nefesh Achas Miyisroel. Because then he transforms into a raging monster obsessed with destroying the targets along with anyone else in the firing zone. It's not clear if even the strongest DEA controlled prescriptions can slow him down when these switches are activated.

    Yanky is either lying about the einikil oder veisst gornish fun 'em when he says he never asked a shayleh. The einikil has written about being meyaetz by gedolim. People have seen him with gedolim. Starting when he was 17 in 1959 it is yadua that R' Yaakov Kaminetzky asked the einikil to accompany him to assifos rabbonim. And before he started the campaign to take down the kleineh ir hanidachas at 555 Ocean Parkway, he was seen by the Eretz Yisroeldik gedolim.

    Zet men you're back again to denying in your monumental hypocrisy that your own tatten is a convicted crook who was disbarred at the time. Memory serves correct that someone already linked the court documents including how the final appeal was denied. Keep akshening zich and I'm pretty certain one of the many victims you've smeared will chazer ibber to link the websites noch a mohl.

    Megaleh ponim Batorah shelo kehalacha much, vos du bist. The einikil had no leshem Shomayim when stopping molesters you scribble. The halacha is the molesters are roydfim, you do anything needed to stop them. He was mekayem the halacha, so what do you want? Oh avadda, silly me! Your whole tachlis is to protect molesters, even not the ones in your mishpuche.

    Proof again you have no hartz from your latest dishonest angle trying to cover up the Queens Vaad's destruction of over ten thousand kivrei yesomim. Dumfkop! They dug up the bones to steal the karka & resell it for $millions. The bones were put in the trash to destroy the evidence of the crime which is a felony in NY State apart from being one of chomursteh aveiros in kol Hatayreh kulah!

    And when all other neurotic behaviors fail Yanky, he always falls back on shreying his opponent is going to the Tehoim, or WORSE THAN HITLER! or a molester (even as he argues there is no such thing as a molester anywhere else). Of course you already knew there are websites that list all the molesters next to the newspaper articles about them + court papers, which is how much of the public knows who they all are. Even if you didn't spend so many hours on the internet you would know because your mishpuche is pretty upset over being listed there.

    Now everyone don't all jump up at once to say you believe Yanky's remarkable claims that he loves every Yid & is dan them lkaf zechus! It's just so "believable" when Yanky screams various Yidden are apikorsim, shkotzim, oissvorfs vos zeinen "WORSE THAN HITLER!" and who he claims as fake judge, jury & executioner will be roasted in a worse oyfan than the chicken wings at the Queens Vaad batoloh BBQs

  15. Asks all his shaylahs to REAL gedolim. Really??
    Based on what PAULIE, deh Eisaf einikle wrote??
    Based on “Yadua”?? Based on what the Coogrdneh chelemeh Zoogt “people saw him”?? Really???

    Gedolim would convict someone and label them Rodfim based on a newspaper article???? Based on “arkous” records ???
    And you believe PAULIE based on his tall tales???
    And you claim to be a real shomer Torah and mitzvos when secular newspapers and secular courts are the basis of your life??? When all Loshon horah and rechilus has priority to anything else in this world???
    You and PAULIE make a great pair. You and PAULIE may be are a failed gilgul of dasan vaveerahm. I would watch my steps in case the ground under you splits open....(no need for a queens plot for you).
    Haven’t heard about that hunch that it takes one to know one cheshash regarding your orientation.
    Does that mean your admitting it???

  16. There is a very spooky mayseh with the Bach that is episs in some sefer, maybe the Pinkas Krackow, about a Yid named Chaikel who almost got killed by shluchei beis din shel Maylah because he indirectly caused someone to be buried in the wrong kever. When the Bach found out about the avlah at the last minute, he was able to save Chaikel's life (after mamash giving it to him over the head with musser) by forcing the wronged neshomo to come to a din Torah on this velt instead & working out a compromise with him.

    Can anyone even imagine how they view it Above when some wheeler dealers posing as rabbis in Queens were digging up even a single yasom to be mevazeh and sell the resting place to a chazir fresser. Then multiply ELEVEN THOUSAND x !!!!!

  17. commenting because i've seen this excited guy at 4:08 jumping up & down more than once, all excited that anything from big bad goyim is nifsal period, chok veloy yaavor

    one of the bmg dayanim told me that goyishe mumchim & documents are considered reliable enough that lehalacha we can use it for many things. a specific example that came up was a lowlife in the rabbonus who was exposed doing something very bad which only someone with a highly specialized expertise would know. so even though it was a university researcher who was either not frum or not jewish, we are allowed to believe him that yener rav is very sleazy

  18. Epes ah mayseh in epes ah Sefer....

    Get the logic here. Right? Ahuh...

  19. Yanky feels compelled to disqualify the kenackdik mayseh lest the Queens Vaad look bad, azoy vee ess passt that they should and do smell like skunks.

    Too bad for Yanky and the Queens Vaad however that the Bach mayseh is very well known and resurfaced during the Churban when the Nazis ym"s tried to methodically obliterate Krakow's ancient feld. The neshomale that came to the Bach's beis din was the secretive Lomed Vovnik whom on his kever is inscribed Yagid Alav Rayayhu which is tied to his chavershaft mit der Megaleh Amukos. After repeated obstructions fun Himmel, the Nazis finally gave up and left alone the two remaining kevorim, those of the 36er & the Ramoh.

    I know someone who had shaychus with R' Zelig who had an einfall bnogayeh dem. It was actually once written on this very website either by him or someone who heard it from him. Krakow was the only city where the Nazis were not satisfied with merely killing the Yidden but went to great lengths to dig up every last dead one & burn them, both from the feld & from the mass grave of the ghetto. What was different about Krakow? Ken zein that they were the only city where the residents ate treif for many years thanks to a maachil treifos.

    I will add that the Krakow culprit was like a Moish Finkel & Queens Vaad all rolled into one. And halevye that the Kedoishei Krakow should also be a kapporah on the toshvei Monsey & Queens. Derveil it's just another incentive to join us yechidim who do not eat from the Queens Vaad otherwise known as the big bluff orchestrated through Chaim Schwartz by his modern orthodox masters and covered up by PR agent Yanky who is on a really odd double dipping mission while with the OU.

  20. Everyone agrees that the corruption of the vaad of Lakewood beats all of the other corrupt asskanim.

  21. Ah.
    The mayselach fun himmel to Prove that every tragedy in this world is directly connected to eating imaginary treif theory comes Straight from the CooGardn lamed vavnik who is part of the “US YECHIDIM” club and its president, chairman of the board and the daiyah zoogeh.
    The new and improved “US YECHIDIM” membership drive seems to be failing for quite a long time.
    Hope you already have the nusah for your matzaiva
    Vee es past Nohr fahr a Qveens lamed Vovnik.
    And for all your energy and kaiches wasted on those imaginary - fake - news - graves it only pahses that you already prepare ah groiseh oihel
    For all the chasidim, talmidim plus Talmiday talmidim who will be hanging out at the oihel for all kinds of special “US YECHIDIM” Tikkin consisting of “US YECHIDIM” BBQed flaish from the the only non queens vaad gesheft with special “US YECHIDIM” BBQ sauce. The daily topic of shmoozarei will be “US YECHIDIM” Loshon Horah,
    “US YECHIDIM” Moitzee Shem rah, “US YECHIDIM” rechioos and some PAULIE taireh all on rotating basis.
    Wow. The vt is already lining up at the gate to be the first to spend quality time beim tzeeyon fun the “US YECHIDIM” Rebbe, roov, rosheh sheeveh, and the one and only “US YECHIDIM” chef, deli counter man and gourmet grilled.
    The iz pops hit mekaneh ah zelcheneh zadeekim.

  22. Yanky once grepssed on the blog that "there are no Charedim in Queens"

    Charedishe Yidden takka only generally move to places with a kashrus standard. Moish Finkel did a much better job hiding the fakery what he was doing in Monsey because even when a single sleuth caught on he just had the YSV gangsters shrey he's a meshugenner. And Wiesner's Shvartzas switch the salamis at 3 am when they think no one is looking. Walk into Queens Vaad gesheften however & it's easy to spot the gigantic "mehadrin" FARCE what Chaim Schwartz has been farkoifing. So it's not like we were expecting a line up down the gantz Metropolitan.

    1. Seems the CooGardneh is not happy with the lamed vavnik Smichah.
      OK. Will change that to the lamed zayinik.
      Thus he shall be the one and only lamed zayinik that ever exsisted and ever will.
      As. Lamed zayinik he does not have to worry that he is the only “US YECHIDIM” not only in Qveens nohr eichet in gantz America ehnd Kenedeh.
      Hope he feels better now and iz now giving his BBQed baichel a gezunteh pahtch.
      Sisee mayahy.

  23. An anchor is the haymishe Lakewood version of the Italianisher cement shoes.

    this article is incorrect ... NYPD divers discovered a cement shoes victim in the East River in the 80s or 90s

  24. "had the YSV gangsters shrey he's a meshugenner"

    One of the most apropos lines in history is when R' Yudel labeled Yeshiva of Spring Valley, "the root of all evil"

    Bada-bing became a mantra for mobsters and aspiring mobsters.

    After the decade plus Finkel cover up, YSV became the biggest achzorim of all the Monsey yeshivos who refused to take the hundreds of kids with no where to go. Rechnitz was given the wrong information because the Lakewood problem was only a drop in Monsey's bucket. YSV had the most empty space but they still wouldn't lift a finger. They feifed on all the gedolim. They made up halachos that don't exist outside of their evil, selfish minds. After they stole the yeshiva & the binyanim from the mishpocho of R' Shraga Feivel ztl, the gedolei Eretz Yisroel told them that even if you paid for it the halacha is that yeshivos belong to the rabim. The YSV mechutzofim sniffed back, NO, it's our's, it's a 'privatta' moysad, we do what we want. You can't even imagine what kind of cold hearted rishus they did to Yiddishe mammas crying rivers of tears for their kids to have a yeshiva, what kind of sickening indifference & even threats they treated these tzebrochena neshomos to when they came to the office to beg for rachmonnus!

    And what do the YSV reshoyim have to say for themselves now? They followed Philly on the death wish to stay upon until the very last hour before the Sheriff would have arrested Sruly Orzel & his puppet Yudi Frankel for not sending everyone away altz pandemic. Way to go YSV, your rebbi Rabbi Wosner had a stroke triggered from the virus & at least one of your moros is dead. And how many others had the virus damage their organs & blood cells which will cause a lifetime of daagos from side effects? You own it YSV. Like when you did the hatchet job on R' Yudel for treif chickens, and like when you arrogantly mached avek the gedolim and threatened Yiddishe mammos crying for a yeshiva, you do what you want. Nisgalgel from this there are kids already not frum. Mushchossim! One of the gedolim says on you asidin litain es hadin!

    1. Why is YSV (is that a yeshiva??im not a in Towner) the black sheep in Monsey where all the mamas come to cry??
      There are hundreds of Yeshivahs in monsey ( see the tax exempt map) and each and every one turns away hundreds of applicants and make it sound like there is only one yeshiva in the whole of greater monsey.
      So tell us what run in did you have with YSV? Did you get kicked out of there? Did they reject your kids? Do they owe you money? Do they owe you kovod? Are you a tune bagel trying to get you little bagels into YSV when you really belong in some other Heimish Yeshivah?
      Something don’t add up here.

  25. Atlas, the nafka mina is nor ober that even though the Italians are going to "whack" the victim, they still speak very politely to him.

    But when you called the Chabadsker yungerman who was oisek in starting a girls school that didn't meet Vaad approval, you were kind of aggressive & insulting, even telling him that he comes to shtot with all his "baggage".

  26. I have to say I am really turned off from when Torah Umesorah under the spell of Philly pushed takkeh for the yeshivos to stay open and then there was a whole propaganda blitz after the blunder by TU-Agudah-Yated to cover up for R' Shmuel to shield him from outrage when all the dead bodies started dropping fun der alleh zeiten. It was nothing but a pack of lies that R' Shmuel was 'listening' to the government. Do they think we are all stupid that we suddenly forgot what R' Shmuel was pushing just weeks earlier? And even as the cover up was getting into gear, R' Shmuel was busy pressuring all the poskim who learned in Philly to approve illegal minyanim. He never moved an inch from trying to ensure people die and from creating aivah. And then someone sent me the letter issued by YSV where they were covering up for themselves in addition to R' Shmuel. Mamash no shame, falsely boasting they were all shtelling tzu to the government. How is this whole gang entrusted with the chinuch of tinokos shel Bais Rabban when they can't even keep track of their many lies and there is hardly a dvar emess coming from their mouths?

  27. Terrible! There was recently a report on UOJ of YSV covering up another avlah a couple of years ago. That one in the girls building.

  28. YSV explanation

    I can give some input here as an observer living in Monsey who has heard many parental complaints which I have verified with rabbonim & even some Chassidishe Rebbes who got involved with some of the heartbreaking stories.

    For the record, my kids were not kicked out of YSV, I send to more haymishe places than YSV.

    Yes there are many yeshivos in Monsey but the County Health Dept are like the Gestapo always looking for ways to restrict yeshivos so they constantly come with tape measures to make sure there are only so many kids per square foot.

    Avadda because YSV has become much more modern over the years it is not the first choice of many mishpochos but YSV are from the few yeshivos that actually has room to comply with the Health Code if they take more kids. And they have mamash a lot of room. So it becomes a choice between YSV and schools that are in gantzen Modern Orthodox. For some mishpochos there is an even worse choice because sometimes the Modern Orthodox don't let the kid in unless there is full tuition paid of around $30,000. If the parents don't have it, the kid sits at home until the School District finds out & threatens the parents to send to public school or else the police will come to remove from their custody.

    Oddly, YSV girls is more yeshivish by a small measure than YSV boys. But the place is fort cuckoo. YSV b'shita does not take any Tuna Beigels, they even say it out loud.

    One day around 2015 things started getting out of control in Monsey. Everyone was piling in from Brooklyn. There was even a movement from Lakewood because mishpochos didn't want their kids to see the mechalel Shabbos Shababniks. Rabbonei Monsey signed a kol koray put in Brooklyn newspapers to not move in unless the yeshivos were basically choisem bdam your kids are accepted. They were moissif "do not take this azhoro lightly because if not you have no mussag what kind of tzorus may await!" But it came too late for many who moved in before the warning. Then just in a single summer there were 700 new mishpochos who moved in with 2100 kids which was just the count from heimishe real estate agents, not including those using non-heimishe agents or no agent.

    One of the mammas who cried bitter tears by YSV was from a Europeyisher mishpocho who moved into Monsey from across the Atlantic, having no idea what kind of disaster was awaiting them. One of the kids is not so frum anymore thanks to YSV achzoriyus.

    A cheder menahel in another city said that YSV & some other yeshivos with powerful boards are krank with a machalah that is completely against the Torah. They don't want to take gerim because they have dimyonos that it will make them look to the knakdik mishpochos that they have a nebichdik student body. Or sometimes it's the loser administration who think the board will view it that way even if it's not the reality of board thinking. YSV has in fact been so cruel to gerim that rabbonim have cried as well, not just the victimized gerim. Someone very high up in YSV is a koifer who arrogantly blurted out there is no such thing as making special accommodations for gerim when he was told there is a chiyuv al pi Hatorah.

    And it is true that YSV has zero respect for gedolim. For public consumption to impress mishpochos they advertise a rabbinical board. But the metzius is they don't listen to them & make bizyonos from those rabbonim. It's a big kashya why those rabbonim don't quit (except for the anti-vaxx Philadelphian as he must be in gantzen tzefreeden that YSV follows some of his anti-doctor meshugassen)

  29. ... was recently a report on UOJ of YSV...

    Another lamed vovnik...
    Och inn vay...

  30. Thank you for your irrational explanation.

    Yeshivah MUST take every misfit and every yoitzeh doifenik because they have room and others supposedly don't have no room.why would a chasidish person even think of sending to YSV ? As soon as he registers there the parents are already 'oogefoorehn'. The Chasidish Yeshivah can put up another trailer, another basement, another bribe (they are very good at that), another emergency appeal, another kolkoireh from the rebbeh etc....
    But no. YSV iz shildik. because they have a nice building waiting for some chasiidis to buy it by hook or by crook. We know these sob stories. Nothing changed only the names and the towns.The fact that only YSV is on your hit list and not any other yeshivah - beis doovid - beis mikreh, monsey Chaideh plus all the other yeshivalach tells us all that the real issue here is something personal. Not sure what but it makes no difference what just that you have some issues with them.
    The more you post and talk about it the more the truth will come out.


    CEO endorsements more karov to Satmar-Skver, who gives the most GELT

  32. Arraus fun Chinuch!Mon Jun 29, 08:15:00 PM 2020

    Rabbonei Monsey were having emergency meetings with Yeshiva of Dingaling Valley about the crisis with the hundreds of kids who had no place. A YSV employee went to the gedolim that when the meetings concluded, the YSV big shots were basically slapping each other on the back, laughing that hey we just gave our local hadras ponims a good shpiel, so now let's go right back to doing nothing to help. They could only pull this so many times so they eventually changed the story to no we are not mechuyev to lift a finger, we don't answer to anyone. And they would make up fake hitztadkus that doesn't have a leg to stand on.

    Someone also went to a Rebbe who is a major talmid chochom by Litvish measure to tell him about the mothers and sometimes also fathers who were crying rivers in there, only to be met with icy, glazed over eyes & complete indifference. If the mothers made a habit of returning they were actually threatened with harm. I found this story hard to believe so I went to the Rebbe myself to find out first hand. I mean wow! Not only the Rebbe was mamash taking it to heart but he lashed out at Frankel, calling him "Mr. Eitz va'even"! And two Litvishe gedolim told me about the slimy runaround they got from Orzel. Incredible how some of these rich guys think they can act like ferds when a gadol Batorah calls.

    One more story that I know the people first hand. A yungerman who once learned in shpitz yeshivish places became modern orthodox. He married late & eventually moved to Monsey right when all the modern were leaving in droves to Teaneck so he regrets the move. He applies to get his kids into YSV. That year they were not even telling anyone no. They were draying a kop through the whole previous year, then summer & even when Elul started they still had not told some mishpochos NO, which the creeps anyway planned on doing the whole time. And of course when it's already Elul you for sure can't get into any other place. Anyway, the modern guy keeps nagging them just tell me because oyb nisht I will just put my kids in modern school because it doesn't make a difference to me. They still wouldn't answer. So then he gets a connection to a rich guy on the YSV board. All of a sudden they take him even though they could have used those spots for mishpochos who can't send to modern schools. And on top of it, he was pushed to the front of the waiting list which the YSV liars had long claimed is a constitutional quote unquote matter that they don't even make exceptions for Orzel's kids!

    1. For ‘a ah achzoriyousdik Yeshivah’ it’s surprising that every one is crying there and not doing their crying at the better yeshivahs.
      Something just ‘don’t add up here’.

  33. I'm in NJ but I read the YSV criticism very carefully and did not see any clue of what 4:13 is attacking over. YSV was called the worst of Monsey yeshivos which implies that some others are also bad in that regard. And I did not see any indication that Chassidim are trying to get into YSV. It is a modern leaning school who if they don't take ex-Chassidim it is a kal vachomer they don't take actual Chassidim. What was irrational? If anything, 4:13 sounds like a very angry person. Over what? Go figure

    1. Why in the world does YSV or any other Yeshivah have to accept chasidish EB rejects???
      These rejects already are shkotzim since they crossed their mesorah line.
      The crying is just crocodile tears.

  34. Yeshiva of Bada Bing ValleyMon Jun 29, 11:54:00 PM 2020

    Misfits you say? If any of the gerim are reading this you are oiver dozens of lavin. What a nasty person you are, just like them! There are no Chassidim in YSV, are you seriously that ignorant?

    Only Chassidim are mumchim in the bribery you say? Not exactly.

    Yoitze Doifen? There were hundreds with no place so a nice chelek are run of the mill, either YSV shnit or more yeshivish but with no other options.

    Yes there are problems with some other Monsey yeshivos but none as bad as YSV. Here are a couple of bones for you to chew on: the savage with the violent beatings was arrested for molestation so he is not allowed by court order to step foot in his own yeshiva. And the rebbitzen that "wears the hoyzen" in Pomona with her sidekick husband were so "nice" to so many mishpochos over the years that their own eynecklach could not get in anywhere in Lakewood.

    Who are you anyway? A corrupt shvantz from the YSV board who is playing dumb? Great corrupt upmach you've got there with the phony fake elections to keep the power among the sleazy chevra, many with a "history".

    1. So you found some shkotzim from Lakewood who HAD to move out and now it’s YSV’s problem.
      Tell me you didn’t have some run ins with YSV.
      Maybe your the molester who got ‘courted’ out of YSV. Please tell us that it’s not true. PLEASE.

    2. Thank you for the YSV update.
      Let’s not forget that the”Monsey Toishov” should have plenty of knowledge about YSV.
      Remember in his days in Monsey there were not too many choices for yeshivas if any. Thus the odds are very high that the Rebbeh Reb Yudel did Greenbaum.
      The CooGardneh conveniently for it to enlighten us about the principle from that frimmeh Yeshivah falsely accused of molesting. But according to CooGardneh along with his holy partner PAULIE, fin Yemen eck Amerika, they irrefutable proof that it is Emes lahahmitoy.
      1. It was in the newspapers.
      2. There are court papers
      3. Deh “poisek fin deh Arkoois” gave out a psak agreeing to this.
      Mamesh irrefutable “lechol hadaious”.
      To add icing to this undisputed fact iz that CooGardneh together with his “Partner” are the biggest mimchim in the molesting parsheh. Which just proves that they either are molesters or they are way past that. Like the velt soft: it takes one to know on (in this case it’s it takes two to tango).
      Just relax and wait for the Briskeh Lamden to give yet another shiur on why this not so and shiur part two will be on more yedious about his non exsisting and imaginary molesting mishpoocheh.
      But he have to sleep a bit first to dream up some more stuff and then check it out if it jives with Paulie dreams.

  35. For those of you not familiar with the OU mashgiach Yanky, it is vadai him trying to stir up trouble now about Yeshiva of Spring Valley. Not only are there multiple giveaways from how he talks mit shlechtkeit but this is right up his alley. R' Yudel has a legitimate beef against YSV so therefore it's imperative that Yanky be pro-YSV and attack anyone criticizing YSV even if their beef is completely unconnected to R' Yudel's.

    It's just like Yanky to play dumb when he knows all about YSV because his "bosom buddy" Chaim Schwartz is a (proud? / ashamed?) YSV alumnus despite the fact that it doesn't fit the "yeshivishe" profile he promotes of himself!

    YSV gets high marks in Yanky's book for an additional reason. R' Nuchem Rosenberg had warnings on his blog about two Chassidishe rebbeyim who although YSV threw them out for molesting talmidim, YSV still covered it up and made all kinds of threats to the victimized mishpochos to not press charges. If Yanky was awarding an equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, he would gift it to the YSV gangsters besimcha rabbah!

    And Yanky, how smug of you to call anyone a misfit. No yeshiva in their right mind (outside of KG) would take you when they see the historia of your gantze mishpooche.

  36. YSV.
    Thank you Coogardneh. Didn’t know it’s Yudel’s favorite Yeshivah. Being that Reb Yudel’s iz ah Alteh Monsey Toishav (As he sometimes uses that alias to sign off) the odds are pretty high that he did Greenbaum.
    As our CooGardneh Molester mumcha keeps blaming YSV for the one and only molester moishas in gantz Monsey, and thus should take in all meshoogoyim and crocodile tearing parents’ offspring. He conveniently forgot to mention the molesting principle in that other Frimmeh Yeshivah.
    The whole wide world knows that it was ah groiseh bilbul but since the CooGardneh uses newspaper reports and stories as well as court records AND “pesokim” from Arkooisplus plus his “partner” holy Paulie fin yehneh zait velt as irrefutable proof and he himself being deh mimcheh lorabim on molesting (proving that himself hut ah Zach shaichis to molesting if not a molester himself)
    It’s only right, according to his “marbles in kup” that the other frimmeh yeshivahshould at least take in half of these Oorei miklatniks coming from deh gantze velt to Monsey.
    But that frimmeh Yeshivah was not around for the Monsey toishov to get a real good look also he with the CooGardneh let this one slide.
    The CooGardneh will soon explain why this is so.
    But the bottom line is: it takes one (molester) to know one (molester). Also get ready for more details on the non exsisting, imaginary “molesting mishpooche”.

  37. Yudel, has never used the "Toishuv Monsey" as a name. BTW-Toishuv Monsey still lives there, a very highly respected Talmud Chochom, etc.

  38. No one ever vouched for anything posted here. So big deal that it may be fake news.

  39. There is something very odd about who is obviously the same person both defending YSV and who for months & years prior has consistently taken up fighting for every position that is the opposite of this website.

    In less than 20 minutes last night, Mr. Contrary posted two screaming bilbulim whose logic are difficult if not impossible to identify. But in both bilbulim he yelped farvos nisht there is no attack on the menahel of the "frimmeh" non-YSV place.

    One of the anti-YSV comments actually very clearly criticized the "frimmeh" and cited the court order banning him from his own yeshiva.

    The anti-YSV crowd are correct that most of the yeshivos in town are at capacity as per the law.

    Still there are taynos on the "frimmeh" place because gedolim were pleading with him that there must be episs a way he can help which he did not deal with in a mentchlich way. But this is not widely known so it cannot be a tayna on the anti-YSV that they are not constantly attacking him too. I know two major details there from an adam gadol I am in frequent contact with. The "frimmeh" was insisting back & forth to the gadol that he would never ever violate even a kutzoi shel Yud of Dina deMalchusa. But the "frimmeh" was not telling the truth. And it is very unwise to tell sheker to a gaon baTorah. Within a couple days the government raided the "frimmeh" place & found an entire small class of talmidim (who had major protekzia from the "frimmeh molester") being hidden in the building. The "frimmeh" was given a huge fine & deadline to send them off or else he is looking at even bigger fines plus jail and other oinshim.

    Ironically, the "frimmeh molester" probably did not intend to molest when he committed a crime that is legally defined as molesting. But not many are shedding tears in any case after the years of savage physical beatings that he is known for.

  40. The truth was never a strong point of Yanky the OU mashgiach whose latest obsession is attacking anyone not having a high opinion of YSV. Part of this new branch of his psychotic shpiels is to pretend he knows nothing from nothing, not that R' Yudel is not a YSV fan, not that he would know a little something at least from his YSV alumnus buddy Chaim Schwartz. And didn't Yanky dorm in Monsey for Ich gedenk nisht shoin if it was Beis Medresh Elyon or Beis Medrash Letorah? So cut out the fake act already that you know nothing about Monsey.

    And stop taking every item in posts you don't like to twist them around as the shakran you are, putting words in the mouths of the mechabrim that they never said.

    No one said YSV is the only base of molesters that you should gurgle "blaming YSV for the one and only molester moishas in gantz Monsey"

    No one except you said "should take in all meshoogoyim and crocodile tearing parents’ offspring". And the fact that you relabeled feineh, tayereh Yidden with such horrible descriptors proves what a low creature you are. And what a hypocrite you are who spent years growling that your opponents have shvartz neshomos. LOOK WHO'S TALKING!

    No one except you said "shkotzim from Lakewood who HAD to move out and now it’s YSV’s problem". The point made was that gore frumma yungerleit wanted to shield their kinder to never see the types of mechalalei Shabbos who are down by Lake Carsaljo. It was interessant to read here that it's somewhat of a movement. I happen to know a Brisker yungerman who made the move for that reason.

    It doesn't come as a shock that you keep akshening zich to deny the existence of molesters and criminals & psulei edus in your mishpooche while falsely blaming others, so now that you have squandered the warnings, the oylam has been shmuzing that you need another set of links to chazer ibber. Stay tuned.

    For anyone else reading this who was not around to view Yanky's freak show from the beginning, when someone posted the teshuva from Dayan Wosner in Monsey that menuvolim must be removed from chinuch & rabbonus according to several Rishonim-Achronim that he gave the mareh mekomos for, this does not fit Yanky's agenda. Despite all Yanky's tummeling that it has to be al pi daas Torah, not the police & courts, he is bluffing as his only goal is to cover up for all molesters so that no one focuses on his own mishpooche. So what was Yanky's reaction to the teshuva? He mocked the Dayan and he mocked Rav Zimmerman of Monsey-Gateshead who backed Dayan Wosner.

  41. Got this one TaggedWed Jul 01, 05:26:00 PM 2020

    "savage physical beatings that he is known for"

    He can just start a new money making career with frum appearances like the other guy did by nagging the BMG Mashgiach until he relented, to promote an assifa in a major stadium that was al kol ponim 20 years too late

  42. Auh. Now the next frimmeh place is on the same page as Qveens Vaad.
    So that makes one frimmeh joint and one non-frimmeh joint.
    It classic Monsey and of course CooGarneh ‘laugik‘
    to bahrehd anything and everything that is not his business.
    Auh. Ah Yeshivah has “square footage” that means they must stuff in there kol zauv verzaree’oo so the mammeh ihn deh tatter should not chas veshoolim spill the crocodile tears with the fake news that their Kaddish zoogeh won’t be able to say Kaddish for them if they don’t accept their tzatzkehleh.
    Square footage is not a excuse to destroy a moisad even if you think that Alleh mishoogoim and Alleh logos.
    The are no gedolim who issue pesokim without hearing both sides. It’s against haloocheh. So anytime CooGardneh claims that they went here and there and they said this and that we automatically know that it’s part of “all the news fit to print” club along with CNN. FAKE NEWS.
    Nd the criers gave the option of starting their own yeshivas and chadoorim.
    Once again, these loud mouths have or had issues with YSV but not with that frimmeh place - that they Shtook Ed under the rug and all the overflow CooGardneh took to the Bais Oilom dort in Qveens with the pesokim from the gedolim which they were seen within deh tchim shabbos from the city they live in claiming that it’s enough to say we saw the gedolim....
    Another point about CooGardneh. How would he know who iz ah Godol when all his cronies are Shtarkeh talmideh chachoomim? And the genuine Talmiday Chachomim are all zeros in his book based on moireinee hagoon Kevod Kedishas PAULIE benon shel kedoishim fin the heiligeh los ahgelehs nisht Beir fin holyvood.

  43. The disturbed man who keeps cluttering the page to defend YSV is not interested in any kind of rational debate. He keeps launching attacks based on lies & rubbish that he makes up as he goes.

    It was clearly stated that all kinds of rabbonim were going in there to plead with YSV and that the gedolim issued a psak nogeya all yeshivos, bifrat in Monsey and had already refuted the baseless excuses from Monsey & the like. Disturbed man is only trying to generate a lot of noise to stop the points from getting out so he screams in denial that NOOOOO the rabbonim "didn't hear" both sides. Disturbed man is like the Liberals who ad hayoim scream that Trump is a "Russian spy".

    For the civilized readers here I will add that Rav Shteinman said he was personally told by the Brisker Rov that even a horse thief has a recht to put his kids in yeshivos & al pi Torah they are mechuyev to take those kids. Monsey has it's troublemakers like everywhere else, but there is nowhere else like Monsey where degenerates like YSV administration would not let in normal mishpochos & kids either. For disturbed man I will add that if everyone listens to the Brisker Rov maybe there is hope for you too!

    The excuse that whoever doesn't have a place should get together & make your own place is just YSV being bedavka facetious & rude as they usually are. They know good & well it's almost impossible. There are so many kehillos in Monsey which is now spread from Hillburn to Nanuet & from inside the NJ border to Haverstraw, that no one knows how to find each other, let alone that can all see eye to eye when their hashkofos & needs are all over the map. An even bigger obstacle as everyone knows is that the same Health Dept makes it even more difficult to open new yeshivos than the tzorus they give to existing yeshivos.

    and that so called rabbi ohn a bard Justin Schwartz who gives hashgochos on caterers, he snoops around & will masser on new yeshivos opening if they don't have tons of room like YSV. He even said it on TV that because of how much space he is against all yeshivos except YSV and Ashar.

    I am tending to agree with Disturbed man's makirim in Queens that he obviously has a lot of problems. We see now he is even throwing around the Hungarian nasty insult "logos" that Brooklyn Satmar street people use to belittle KJ Satmar

    When disturbed man was hocking about Chassidishe yeshivos he didn't know what he was talking about either. Many Chassidussen in Monsey no longer take all of their own kind unless they can shake big bucks out of them, minimum $15,000 to $20,000 per kid on top of full tuition. And they do not listen to the Rebbes (unless MAYBE it's a game where the Rebbes are secretly in agreement with the hanhalos. Who knows anymore?) But these Chassidishe have yeshivos that cater to them, that take Chassidishe rejects of all stripes. And not even talking about the Tuna Beigels who have their own places to go.

  44. It's very troubling that a callous individual is ridiculing the cries and grieving in Monsey. Do you have any idea what kind of raash in Shomayim that crying creates? I do not envy the lot of those who improperly caused it nor the meanie who gets his jollies from laughing at it and being moysif further insults & pain.

    The Gemara Gittin 35 records a din Torah where an almanah was toveya gelt from someone. The Amoyrah who was presiding Av Beis Din announced the psak that the nitva is pottur. The almanah was mekalel him and he became a bezunder choyleh mikoyach the klala. The Kortchiner Rov who was ken zein the biggest talmid of the Divrei Chaim fregt in his sefer on Shas, vos iz geshain dort? We cannot say that the beis din would have poskened not like the halacha. And if the almanah had no excuse to curse she would have been punished. But we see she was not punished. The Av Beis Din was punished. Why? The terutz is the beis din saw she had tzaar & she had tzrochim which were dire to her. So it is irrelevant what the original din Torah was about. There was now a new chiyuv on anyone in shtot who saw her tzaar to do something about it to alleviate her pain. And if the hamon am were a bunch of do-nothings, it then fell to the Beis Din to act. That she needed money, the dayanim were even mechuyev to go shnorring door to door. But they did not and her pain kept intensifying.

    That so called yeshiva in Monsey did inflict similar & worse things on mishpochos. Sefer Hachinuch points out that the choymer of being metzayer a ger is more than yasom & almanah combined, that their shoyresh in the Torah comes from ger. The Minchas Chinuch gets into the mechanics of why there are more issurim to hurt a ger than anything else and how the Torah is mechayev you to practically move mountains when they need something.

  45. Seems like Rockland got the message. It took a while until the end of his Drooshe.

    ....Many Chassidussen in Monsey no longer take .... unless they can shake big bucks out of them...

    Nu. Hee asher deebarnee....

    Only YSV is on everyones ...list but all of these...Many Chassidussen in Monsey...are OK. they have to make ah parnooseh but not YSV. Let the crocodile parents shell out the mezimahn and theyll get their tzatzkehlach into those... Many Chassidussen in Monsey....
    Also, Rockland has this great idea which he quotes from Rav Shteinmann Zatzal. Lat make a new and improved "Briskeh Horse Thief Yeshivah" and all the criers will feel at home there.
    remember Horse thiefs have litte problems with Health Depts or any other Dept.
    Once again I'm not a chosid of any of the Monsey yeshivahs but to pick one and let the others off the hook is just wrong. It also leads some to believe that these writers have had somekind of direct or indirect sichseechim with YSV.

  46. ....Do you have any idea what kind of raash in Shomayim that crying creates?.....

    The Raash in Shomayim is the same if they cry in Satmar, Vishnitz, bobov, Vien, Bais Dovid, Bais Mikroh or any of the other 'dime a dozen' Yeshivahs.
    You cant premeditate at which yeshivah you'll cry and then blame that yeshivah ONLY for causing that terrible Raash up there.
    All we have to do is as you say: "We have now a new chiyuv on anyone in shtot who saw her tzaar to do something about it to alleviate her pain" and that does not mean to bashmitz moisdos. It means make phone call to ALL moisdos, Cough up the Tution to pay for her, pay a tuter to help her children etc. Of course that cost money so its "ain Lee".
    If the ger has kedimah lets him just apply to the closest yeshivah with the lowest tuition and pull the GER card (or the Almonah card).
    Pull those tales elsewhere.

    Also you seem to imply that Almahnahss and yesomim have the right to just curse all at any given moment...

  47. Dem vos hockt a chynik will obviously never admit when he is WRONG.

    He veiter has no rachmunnes even after hearing musser showcasing what kind of thin ice he's on. He brings to mind the Chazal that certain people will not improve even at a certain shaar.

    He has a "terutz" for everything despite not knowing what he's saying.

    Yes some Chassidishe places extort, but to say "shell out the mezimahn" by the Litvishe is simply not realistic in Monsey. When there's no single owner but rather a Board comprised of rich guys, the Admins benefit nothing if parents throw an extra 10-20 Gs in the yeshiva's coffers. Therefore the Admins don't care. All they care about is being selfish & lazy. They complain upfront that the paperwork is a shter as far as they're concerned. After beating around the bush, even YSV admitted with no sense of shame to the rabbonim that they're comfortable with the level of paper shuffling from this size student body & will not add to their burden, they couldn't care less about anyone, while dredging up new excuses from the sewer as a distraction. That neshomos are damaged & lost while they're too lethargic & pampered to pick up a pen is of no bearing on their conscience. Because there was so much emphasis & heartless sighing over "the paperwork" one of the involved askonim complained to several gedolim of the haunting Gezeireh Shovo inherent in it. When Spielberg undertook his Holocaust project to record interviews with every single survivor, there was a tzad hashoveh by all those who were rescued by Schindler zachur latoiv. When Schindler came to pick these Yidden up, the Nazis yms releasing them sighed every time without fail, kvetched to Schindler that the transfer paperwork is a burden

    When rich guys on a Board are corrupt, there's no avenue of appeal except for those who have protekzia. And protekzia recipients are generally not the material that are 1st choice for yeshivos to grab. Farkert, they're often mediocre or afilu dregs at the bottom of the barrel. YSV has a long running scam to keep the same old boys network in power. They put on an act that all's above board with a big City accounting firm auditing Board "elections" which should be called the FARCE. What "elections"? No one's allowed to "run" as a "candidate" unless they say so. In real life this is election FIXING which is ILLEGAL & IMMORAL. And certainly YSV Board members from Finkel & on often have a "history". Look at Orzel who was convicted of ripping off $600,000 from Satmar. And there are more "ehrliche" guys where he comes from.

    Chynik Hocker makes no sense insisting all Monsey yeshivos are on par with YSV. Many yeshivos will be harshly hammered by authorities for adding students. YSV will not. This is why the tzebrochenne neshomos & rabbonim have gone to YSV who do have room. Anyone with a few brain cells can understand this. Maybe Chynik Hocker also understands it but has an agenda to keep arguing. And he says that the other readers are the ones with an agenda? Maybe he'll get it one day that his fakerei doesn't pass muster.

    1. Sounds the self-made-disgruntled-ex-YSV-tuna-bagel-in-fake-litvisheh-livish knows what’s going in everywhere and based on his fake knowledge keeps badmouthing all especially YSV.
      With a board and hanhalah as you describe why would any, again ANY, onewants to have his kids there?? Why would all current parents just remove their kids from such a corrupt and non-frim Yeshivah??
      Mostly, who would advise those almonds to destroy they yesomimlach by crying at YSV?

      Answer the question yourself and you can then delete all his droosehs.

  48. continued

    YSV was heavily criticized by the other local yeshivos for the year from Chanuka to Yamim Noyraim that one of their highest officials told MANY mishpochos "just hold on" you're getting in. The shvantz disabled all his phones the entire summer. It took some victims until 2 weeks into Sept (they don't go by Elul) to learn they'd been given the shaft. The reaction of someone else high up in YSV: "well, I don't want to criticize someone in my organization, but I don't understand the man". Even menahelim outside Monsey heard of this avlah which was unprecedented in the history of yeshivos & were asking what would compel such bizarre, lowlife behavior?

    Chynik Hocker seems very preoccupied with the money end so let me make it clear. The upstanding mishpochos turned away include those who can pay full tuition & had a track record of always paying full. Some also offered to pay the "gratuities" demanded by the Chassidish places. Not only did none of this help but they were still treated like DIRT. Even YSV's money guy, the one person that would have an interest to bring in more Benjamins acts like tze macht nisht ken chiluk because it's more important to him to not step on any toes internally. The Mashgiach Ruchni of a major yeshiva said if this is how they treat people with money, he can't even imagine what happens to those without the means to pay tuition!

    1. So
      YSV is not looking for money.
      YSV is not looking for koovid.
      YSV is not looking for Chasidim (as the ther rebbehlach do by serving some kigel mooching davening/shmeesing).
      YSV is not looking for talmidim.
      But YSV just rudely turns down all their applicants.
      Now tell me about fake news, fake mahselach,
      Fake money, fake almoones, fake period.

  49. Yanky Yanky Quite Contrary deserves nuch a shtikl kigel at kiddush by Khal Choishech Bechor Halevi for making a big muddle out of any negative point being conveyed on Yeshiva of Spring Valley, the alma mater of Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz.

    Yanky Yanky Quite Contrary, who just loves to volunteer himself from the OU whenever a Queens Vaad or any other controversy arises that he can construct as an anti-Shain issue, has got it covered from every angle. No matter who you are or what you say, you will either be attacked as biased from a sichsuch with YSV or you never had a sichsuch with them so you are just a yenta who gets areingemisht in things that are none of your business.

    This is a little more creative than Yanky Yanky Quite Contrary's new tzu gein with all exposed corruption directly touching on the Queens Vaad, to just deny it period, lahadam. So where then did these new brilliant strategies emerge? Hmmm. Heyos Yanky Yanky Quite Contrary, Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz & Reish Kol Bnei Galusa R' Joel Shoinfeld are not the most lichtige bulbs, perhaps the Queens Vaad has hired a new outside consultant to burnish their image?

  50. yeshiva of backstabbing valleySun Jul 05, 11:19:00 AM 2020

    ysv president orzel's nephew also named orzel had kinah that schron's son was building a nice big house in village of chestnut ridge south of monsey so he went to village hall to masser on him and in fact got schron in trouble. the moyser didn't know when he massered that the village takes the name of all the complainers & records their complaint on their website, so everyone saw who the backstabbing moyser was

    1. Moser ahehr, miser aheen.
      You admit yourself that it is illegal.
      Bottom line what they do, is illegal as always.
      Deh gantz Monsey is built on “illegal”.
      Illegal additions.
      Illegal basements.
      Illegal tax free properties.
      Illegal askoonim.
      Illegal tax evasion.
      With a history and a chinich like that what’s the problem?
      Everything goes in Monsey.
      Illegal actions.
      Illegal Masering.
      Illegal din toirahs.
      Illegal Dayionim.
      Illegal pauskim.
      Illegal Balleh Batim.
      Illegal Yeshivehs.
      Illegal chasidim.
      Illegal Rebbehs.

  51. OU mashgiach Yanky from Queens & West Side Kosher, you'd better behave. It was exactly these kids of disruptions in list form when you were attacking Feivy Mendlowitz with a pack of lies that got you kicked off of Google+.

    Grow up.

  52. Faveleh is one big pack of filthy lies.

  53. Business as usual from the OU's Mr. 'holier than thou' Yanky.

    He's so busy attacking everyone else as corrupt & engaging in illegal acts. Now it's the Yidden of the gantz greater Monsey who number over 100,000 neshomos.

    Kshoit atzmecha, you faker.

    What about the tatten's embezzlement conviction, fleeing the country at one point & disbarment?

    What about all the Physical injury to people & property damage you did varfing rocks by Yerushalmi hafgonos? Did you pay back for any of the hezek, Mr. Possul leEdus?

    What about all the motzee shem ra you pronounce on people who you are angry at for advocating against molesters?

    What about all the molestation & niuf victims of mechuton Bryks?

    What about the mesachek bakuvya in gambling casinos of shvogger Bryks?

    How's the 1st cousin who went off the derech to be a Conservative Cantor? Seems from his most recent divorce that he was living with someone who was never a Yehudis. That's 'progressive' as the Conservative now allow intermarriage. Maybe you shouldn't have mocked R' Yudel for warning from R' Shlomo Zalman ztl. Let's see, her last name could be a Jewish name by pronounciation except it has the German goyish spelling. And her father & brother have the same first name which only the goyim feer zich like that. And the mechutonim are named Henderson.

  54. JBAC & Reb Fav'hell make a good pair.
    They'll be neighbours down there in Dasan VaAvirom Territory.

  55. Who is yankele already?
    and the other ones?
    Schwartz, we know already.
    Bryks mechutan, is who?
    Who had to leave the coubntry?
    Don't post in riddles- Dugrei, please.

  56. Aye. Kew Gardens.
    With a resume like this maybe you have a shidduch for me?

    I fit right into Queens.
    I fit right into Monsey.
    I fit right into California.
    I fit right into the UO.
    I fit right into Yerushalayim.
    I fit right into hafganahs.
    I fit right into moitzee shem rah.
    I fit right into Molesters.
    I fit right into anti molesters.
    I fit right in with the fakers.
    I fit right in with the angry people.

    I have nice Mechitoonim.
    I have nice Zaidehs.
    I have nice rocks in my pocket.
    I have nice many kuvyahs in my pockets.
    I have nice many nice victims.
    I have nice a disbarment on my resume
    I have nice some very nice embezzlement on my resume
    I have nice some different passports to share.
    I have nice connections to the conservatives.
    I have nice connections to Chazzanim.
    I have nice connections to the progressives.
    I have nice connections to the goyim with same pop/kid names.
    I have nice connections to the sefardim with same pop/kid names.
    I have nice connections with German yehudises.
    I have nice connections with German non yehudises.
    I have nice connections with non german yehudises.
    I have nice plots in that hard-to-get real estate.

    I follow Reb Shlomo Zalman to the tee.
    I follow the posul leedus to the tee.
    I follow Holier then thou to the tee.
    I follow the Monsey corruption to the tee.
    I follow the Monsey illegal acts to the tee.
    I follow the make up artist to the tee.
    I follow the Kshoit atzmecha club to the tee.
    I follow all BBQs on Erev Shabbos.

    Last but not least I have a good friends who can vouch for me.
    Namely CooGardneh Goon & Paulie MeDealBitch.

    Nu. Do you have someone nice for me??

  57. Yanky is the eccentric OU mashgiach with the off again on again relationship with Chaim Schwartz.

    He is a crazy kanoyi who is just all fake & a huge hypocrite. He thinks he's a mon deomar because he has a few nobodies who put him on a pedestal and pay attention to all his shtussim mit lukshin. His propaganda starts with Rav Shain is "WORSE THAN HITLER!" Feivel Mendlowitz belongs in his view in the deepest recesses of the netherworld. Then all the other askonim against molesters plus critics of OU-VHQ he has all kinds of nasty names for and also bellows that they don't belong in Gan Eden. Then actual molestation victims plus all kinds of people who have a different hashkofa from him he stam ridicules them. He is ruthless, will stoop to the lowest klalos for the first two groups, and the most demeaning insults to hurt the feelings of the last group. He was making fun of an askan against molesters for being an alter bochur. And if he finds out anyone is a nitzrach who takes from Tomchei Shabbos, he has a field day & broadcasts it all over as if it's some laughing matter. What do you expect from a za lowlife after all who was a violent ferd in hafgonos from a young age & falsely claims the Edah was mattir him, when farkert, Rav Sternbuch says he is possul as an eid.

    His father who is a convicted crook who fled to Israel initially is the mechuton of child molester + adulterer Bryks. After eventually returning to Queens, his big mouth kuved zucher father became an officer of the Bais Yaakov which between that & protection from the always corrupt Queens Vaad is how Mrs. Bryks is able to teach there and take young talmidos to her house with her predator husband hanging around.

  58. What kind of mental illness is that an OU mashgiach who is supposed to be on the job wastes all kinds of time writing pseudo-Shira from his phone into the blog?

    Haazinu OU mashgiach this is your last warning, veSishma Yanky don't make yourself regret it!

  59. 3:20
    Zugst zaiyir git.
    Kim in schpigle.

  60. After returning to Queens as a well known crook and he just walked by customs without getting arrested and held without bail as all run always are held. Immm. Got to think about that one.
    Bais Yaakov took a known molester as a officer at their school. Immm. Got to think about that one.
    The Mrs takes student home for the molester husband...Immm. Got to think about that one.
    Making fun of a nivul peh anti molester. Immm. Got to think about that one.

    ...who takes from Tomchay Shabbos...
    Aye. CooGardneh not all the Tomchay Shabbos boxes are for you. Other people also BBQ on Erez Shabbos. Like your Hero vaad executive and local kew garden rabbi.

  61. "returning to Queens as a well known crook"

    and a liar

    Yet the OU mashgiach sees fit to run around for years attacking everyone else, that 'they' are the lowlives.

    Take a good long keek in der shpiggel indeed

    Defendant has been convicted of one count of conspiracy in the fifth degree, six counts of offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree, and two counts of perjury in the first degree.

  62. Yanky is not bothered ki hu zeh by the horrific chilul Hashem from his own shtub. That fraud racket was in the newspapers when it happened. But he is obsessed with all kinds of imaginary avlos that he dreams up against the rest of the world. And do you know why Yanky gets bent out of shape when anyone including the gedolei Brisk dismiss the Agudah as Fressers? It's because his brother Mutty halt zich a major Agudah Fresser. And Mutty proves the point! You know how the Agudah can't go anywhere, do anything, without food exceeding the limits of Shlomo Hamelech? When the Agudah makes their "Conversation" shtuss in Far Rockaway, Mutty hosted the food spread for them one year. And that was some "Conversation". One of the phony windbags speaking there was toyevah propagandist Yehiel Kalish who was still living there and didn't yet own a membership in the non-Orthodox temple in Chicago.

    Everything fits here. You know how instead of being oisek in tikunoi shel Oylam, there are major Agudah Fressers who make their money from being slumlords or selling sports team tchatchkelach? So what is brother Mutty's "tafkid"? He sets up shop in Shvartz neighborhoods as a stereotypical "ambulance chaser lawyer" and encourages the locals to sue anyone they can think of so he can use them for his $$ cut. Agudah Fressers can be multilingual. Mutty is even fluent in Ebonics!

  63. Yanky- Who?
    Pirutim please.

  64. Take a good long keek in der shpiggel indeed from 1:26

    If one is allowed to keek in der shpiggel, which would make no difference to CooGardneh, all I see is CooGardneh. Nothing else there.

    And talking about our holy CooGardneh he just revealed something else about himself:

    "oisek in tikunoi shel Oylam"

    Tikum Olam is the motto of his good good friend the coffee Rav Hamacheer.

    Don't forget that Erev Shabbos BBQs which our CooGardneh is king of does not constitute Fressing since by Coogardneh all mouth intake is koovid Shabbos - AKA Toiameh'hoo - starting from 42 min. after Shabbos and extending right through Tzais Hakochoovim - Rabeinee Tahm - the following week.

    And the B'keeis in all minay fraud and g'naivahs is a CooGardneh speciallty. If you need quick Bucks with some odds of getting caught (Parnooseh, Parnooseh) CooGardneh is the Numero Uno Address.

  65. Now we get it why the Queens nudnik lies to protect Yeshiva of Spring Valley. It's in his genes.

    If there were Tuna Beigelettes or Chassidishe veining by YSV, I am not aware of it. There were however many real tears from others. His lack of sympathy is despicable just like YSV are.

    Why would parents want such a "yeshiva"? There are many factors.

    You can't just switch yeshivos in Monsey due to a certain immaturity the mosdos have of feeling like it's competition so they don't allow switches. Even the Yated took them to task in a rare move of allowing criticism of the establishment.

    In some cases there is a fake sense of chashivus for shallow people, they think YSV is choshuv in their circles.

    And it's not like YSV is stacked with the bessereh mentchen. Some big losers who have money there are always hocking that all these people come from Brooklyn to get into YSV & we don't know who they are, so they have to be vetted very well. Who is one of biggest hockers with this line? A guy who his father is a gvir from Concord. The guy wears denim jeans. He speaks nivul peh. He can't or won't learn so he went to a touring "yeshiva" in Israel. And how did his father get rich & honored at the YSV dinner? He was convicted of fraud.

    Now that the nudnik can finally "relate" to all this it's not like he will shut up because the facts matter not, this about something else to him.

  66. “... You can't just switch yeshivos in Monsey due to a certain immaturity the mosdos...”

    But that is YSV’s problem.
    Other people and moisdes’ immaturity is automatically a YSV Bahyah.
    In CooGardneh language its worse then 5T & Queens put together.
    Then comes this CooGardneh special:
    “.... He speaks nivul peh. He can't or won't learn...”
    You mean Paulie the Proud einikel can’t get his Kleineh illuyim in either????

  67. Der yeshiva vu far Achzoriyus meh ShpringtWed Jul 08, 12:14:00 PM 2020

    What a fool. He asks why do people who already had their kids in YSV keep their kids in YSV. When the facts are explained to him that other yeshivos won't take them, he still argues, but doesn't even know what he's arguing.

    For the benefit of the other readers here who are not fools, I will add that YSV has the same immaturity, they will not take kids from other yeshivos.

    None of them, YSV included, will even take a new kindergartener if there are any siblings in a different yeshiva.

    A few years ago there was 7th grade boy that Bais Mikroh was not for him so rabbonim pressured Yudi Frankel to take him into YSV. Ferd Frankel says ok. Then a week before Labor day, Ferd Frankel says, nah, actually I don't want him. Ferd Frankel the "Indian Giver" wouldn't even give a reason. Bais Mikroh says sorry kid, you burned your bridge that you wanted to leave us, they wouldn't take him back. Ferd Frankel knows that a boy not in 8th grade in any cheder does not get into a mesivta. Ferd Frankel didn't give a hoot that he is ruining a bochur for life. But's it's all in a day's work in the achzoriyus of Yudi Frankel & YSV.

  68. None of them, YSV included, will even take a new kindergartener if there are any siblings in a different yeshiva.

    This policy was in effect in the VERY old days of deh Eidim. He probably got that policy as a masorah from the Zaideh.

    Paulie may know about this even though he is not trustworthy of any thing.

    A few years ago there was .....
    So tell us. Iz your Kaddishel still frim? Did he go to public school? Is he in Jail? you could respond to the unasked questions as well.

  69. If 1:28 pm was a Musser Haskail example for the Klal with HIS sense of kindheartedness & nosai b'oyl im chaveroy, the Klal would chalila be like a bunch of Shvartzas.

  70. ... like a bunch of Shvartzas....

    They can't get into YSV either. Or any other place in Monsey. Or Queens. Or 5T.
    (Not even to mop the floors).
