Saturday, January 31, 2015

Alert: Liver "store broiled"

Store broiled liver may be a serious issue, i.e. store packaged "Kiryas Joel liver" may have been broiled (cooked) on the equipment as liver that you wouldn't use. Therefore only buy if packaged by Kiryas Joel not store broiled.


  1. R. Yudel- what are talking about? Explain why & what the problem is... enough with mysterious agenda pushing, bashmutzing

  2. If there was a real halachik issue why don't you explain.
    Otherwise you sound like my 5 year old kid telling me why its better not to go to shul this Shabbos....

  3. You mean the Far Rockaway store that mislabeling a different shechita as KJ? A certain organizer of Chol Hamoed excursions was doing the same thing.
