Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pre-Bankruptcy "scheme".

An individual (for the time being shall remain nameless) raised funds from investors living in Monsey and other Jewish areas for a great business " EXPENSIVE LUGGAGE".

The Luggage business fell on hard times (we don't know if it was by design) and they were planning a chapter 7 Bankruptcy and  all of the investors would lose everything, lock stock n barrel.

There was quite an inventory of "luggage" in the warehouse. Unbeknown to the investors, the luggage was trucked off to mishpucha in Lakewood to sell off over a period of time. The Mishpucha also gave him an office upstairs on James St NPGS.

Now he declared "ich bin bankrut" and nothing is in the warehouse, all empty and he filed bankruptcy, and the investors lost all of their money.

You may still be able to pick up some luggage at NPGS facilities.

To which Bais Din will he go? of course only Lakewood, because no one in most lakewood bais din will challenge the slick operator. Zeev doesn't go to bais-din-period.


  1. Ghost of CIS PublishingThu Aug 20, 12:31:00 PM 2015

    Upgelernt fun Zissel Ellinson that the gesheft and the sechoyra are tzvai dinim? Which of course lehalacha and logically speaking there is no such thing.

  2. Sounds like someone we know - formaly from Monsey - lost some 'dineros'.
    Oy. Yoy. Yoy.

  3. Sorry to hear about yet another haymishe scam but the following is not the most effective way to recoup your money.

    There was once a very nervous fellow in yeshiva. One day he jumped on the cottage industry bandwagon of being from all the Tom, Dick & Harrys who opened a yeshiva. Back in his yeshiva days he lost money with both CIS & the gelatin scam. So he would wait in Shoprite when the scammers' mishpochos went shopping to follow them around, scream at the kids that their father has no recht to fress taanugim when he's owed money and proceed to grab pastrami & other geshmake essen out of the shopping cart.

  4. The tzedreiter pastrami "chapper" is lucky that he wasn't arrested. Was he running around doing that in Shoprite with 2 different 6 gigahertz cordless phones on each ear kedarko, or was Shoprite too far away from the phone base at home? Bederech klal he was multi-tasking on all the various dinei Torah he was initiating against people, hence one phone iz nisht geven genug. It was quite a scene to behold when he was yapping in multiple languages English, Yiddish & Ivrit on different phone calls at the same time.

  5. This is a direct result of a corrupt educational system and an unsustainable lifestyle forced upon us by post war so-called gedolim. It is מופרך מכל וכל from a Torah'dig standpoint. It's time we take our leadership to task and relentlessly hammer them until real changes are implemented. Only the gifted few should be allowed to be בטלנים יושבי אוהלים. The rest ought to be educated enough to have real jobs to earn an honest sustainable living. If it means moving out of the tri-state jungle, so be it. Let there be a שארית לפלטה, of honest men healthy ברוחני ובגשמי.
