Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lakewood-smell the coffee


  1. I personaly was helped by Rav A.R. and my life was spared!!

  2. It would be better if the endorsed Rabbonim from Armenosayich write their names.

  3. We have to establish a shalom bayis Bes din that every case should be brought to. The practice of a single rav telling a women not to go to the mikva is against halacha and breaks apart the home. Such a shaila can only be paskened by a Beis din of 3. There has to be a system where couples can turn to with shalom bayis issues. When a local rav is approached he should refer it right away to the Beis din whose goal should be to deal with these issues kids Moshe vyisrael.

  4. Where do Women go?
    The 'pashkivil' says for men only.
    Guess what that means?
    Who is behind this?
    [Anonymous Rabbonim - if even that]

  5. Silly letter. Blames therapists and rabbonim without looking at the core of the problem. Lack of middos and couples totally unprepared for married life.

    1. All couples work on their marriage w ed are humans and have faults no one is perfect but when therapists social workers demand unrealistic perfection from one party it ruins and ends the marriage. The goal is to control and their ego gets in the way instead of focusing to fix the marriage.

  6. The owner of a heimishe mental health moyssad told me, and I found it to be true when helping people find therapists, that 99% if not more of the expert therapists today take no insurance, only cash.

    So now all the good therapists are out of reach of most due to greed and the shvache therapists that are left can be very dangerous and cause divorces that are completely unwarranted. One shvache therapist was pushing for divorce not realizing that birth control causes hormone imbalance in many women to the point vos zei machen zich (and their husbands) meshiga. Rabbonim have to be aware of this as well before being quick to give out heterim which are then left unmonitored.

    1. The him is he agencies are just as greedy they are staffed with interns in training who don't get paid. They give them any case to work with no matter if they have no experience. They are on the business for the almighty dollar. In some cases they even called the authorities on frum parents to have their kids taken away. All to protect themselves themselves heir agency and their pockets. Do yourselves a favor only go to the private ones who take cash it's worth the money.

  7. Many of the so-called askanon are out to show their power and to use their desire to bully people in what can pass as a kosher selfless leshaim shemayim act. They should never be involved in shalom Bais issues. To them it becomes personal as they try to show how they cab help the side that reached out to them. Lies, intimidation, restraining orders and dirtier methods are constantly used. They have become so wrapped in their quest for power that they really gave no limits.Stay far away from such sick people.This is not just anti establishment rhetoric, these are truly dangerous people.

  8. You can build a mountain with all the dirt against these shalom vais destroyers.

  9. It is true. They lose track of the shalom bayis issues and instead of trying to solve then they flex there bully muscles

  10. It's really not funny how bad these people are. Lakewood is one of the most dangerous places to live. Not one case is handled by daas Torah. It us handled by tough guys and kol d'elim gvar- the strongest man wins.

  11. Before Yudi Kolko was neutralized from molesting kids in yeshivos & camps he was believe it or not also moonlighting as an 'askan' for sholom bayis issues. Kolko destroyed the marriage of a yungerman who is the nephew of a very bakanta rov. The first several years after the UOJ blog was launched, Kolko's supporters were attacking & bashmutzing the nephew as the mechaber. This included one shvantz maggid shiur in Torah Temimah who is rov of a shul who was publicly screaming in droshos against the nephew that he is public enemy #1.

    When real mechaber was finally identified, none of these pro-molesting lowlives apologized for slandering the nephew for years.

    Queens molester Ephraim Bryks also passes himself off as an askan fighting for women. YU's Rabbi Blau has publicly warned women to stay away from him and not to be fooled by the chashivus given to Bryks by Belsky from Torah Vodaas-OU and Queens Vaad's Peretz Steinberg & Paysach Krohn (brother in law of Bryks).

  12. I would Imagine the Finkel mentioned in the letter is referring to Rabbi Gavriel Finkel of Bais Din Vaad Hadayonim in Lakewood.

    I am aware of many cases where he has advised a Women to Go To court and Take out Restraining orders against Her Husband after Just Listening to one side of the story

    I was told Finkel had a lot of Power in the old days being that he is Reb Malkiel Kotlers Uncle Through Marriage (Finkels sister is Reb Malkiels Mother-in-law)

    However over the past few years his Bais Din fell apart due to a number of reasons

  13. I know of a story of someone went to a respectable rav in town
    The rav only heard one side and got involved
    The damage he caused is not reparable
    And the rav doesn't even know the damage he caused

  14. It happens in Baltimore too . . .

  15. There are also very greedy agencies among the type who provide speech, OT & special ed for kids. Two in particular that are large enough that they also run centers.

    One of them was recently in the news that NY State says they stole millions of dollars by claiming what they were not entitled to. They do very greedy things besides this that are detrimental to the kids.

    The other agency has been in the news over the years that employees accuse one of the owner of illegally pocketing a lot of the money. These people if they have openings in the center for kids with learning disabilities that they want to fill because the government gives them money to fill the spots, will try to falsely label some kids as learning disabled & try to sabotage the kids from going into a normal setting just to get their grubba fingers on the money. This second agency are mamash rotzchim.


    Nestle now following in the footsteps of Hellman's mayonnaise to use free range eggs (the ones much more likely to have blood spots)

    But that's just great for the OU whose head of all bird inyanim is a modern orthodox Liberal who likes to use his "sechel" to be mevatel halacha. He thinks that ignorant gedolei haposkim don't know science and falsely label blood spots as a sign of life.

  17. "One of them was recently in the news that NY State says they stole millions of dollars"

    This one is owned by modern orthodox crooks in Flatbush. One of them is shvogger of an alter bochur who learned in Lakewood for many years.

    "The other agency has been in the news over the years that employees accuse one of the owner of illegally pocketing a lot of the money ... This second agency are mamash rotzchim."

    Monsey branch of the big bakanta agency
