Thursday, June 27, 2024

Lakewood oilum that "isn't makpid about kashrus" go to Cleveland summer camp!!!

"Lakewood isn't makpid about kashrus?"

That's right! That's why the Cleveland camp has no kashrus hashgocha, no pas-yisroel (only on shabbos) , etc.

Do you eat at home all that they are serving in the camp? NO!
Don't throw your children to the sharks.


  1. That's right-Lakewood "isn't makpid" by kashrus [right out of the KCL charter].
    Lakewood eats Feraro-pan candies, it's sold in every store.
    Lakewood isn't makpid about yoshon [right out of the KCL charter].

  2. Isn't that Kol Torah camp?
    Shame on them.
    Oibama is the chef?
    who checks or knows anyhting about kashrus standards? NO ONE
    Lakewood fools, makpid at home for kashrus-then they send them to kol-torah and blow it all in one summer.
    It does affect their yiddishkeit.

  3. Cleveland in the summers is known for Yankel Pollock who tells the bochurim he is "Mashgiach" of BMG

    And Zvi Belsky is a maggid shiur there


    Who checks the grapes for bugs or washes them properly at the Moetzes meetings?

  5. Are you referring to Camp Kol Torah?

    Have they stopped using Ungers bread? Do you consider Ungers bread "Not Pas Yisroel?" If so, then why do you consider Unger's Challahs Pas Yisroel for Shabbos?
    Is the Rebbe from Chicago not the mashgiach anymore? Since when?

    Who in Camp Kol Torah do you consider a shark?

    A former Kol Torahnick

  6. shabbo chalas are perhaps pas yisroel.
    who't meat and poultry do they use?
    Mashgiach Pollack's brother is looking for investors?

  7. If they can't have an acceptable hashgocha for Lakewood bochurim? they are sharks-I guess.

  8. Are other camps any better? I don't think so.
    Why pick on them?
    I guess 2 wrongs don't make a right.

  9. They don't use ungers anymore. it's cheaper to buy chemical bread from goyish company, Shabbos he gets from the other bakery. No mashgiach at all there, goyish cooks...also use all government funded lunch program foods...

    1. The main cook there is a frum guy, yarei shomayim. I don't know where you get your info from but it's far from accurate.Stop spreading lies

    2. Do your research, does The frume Guy cook the breakfast lunch and supper? Or does the goyta "Evelyn" do those? ?
      And since when does a frum cook not need a mashgiach? ?
      And where does the bread all week come from? It's not from a local bakery.

  10. Can anyone confirm whether pizza on 9 is still under kcl because ive been there a number of times but the mashgiach is no where to be found. Is this a coincidence?

  11. And since when does a frum cook not need a mashgiach? ?

    Where did you learn your hashgach rules from? Please cite a source in shulchan oruch for your rules.

    According to halacha, a cook who is a shomer Torah uMitzvos (a Rebbe all year!) can confidently be relied upon to tell you something is Kosher.

  12. So you would eat in a restaurant that has a Jewish cook without a hashgocha? ?ever since the concept of hashgocha started reb Moshe already writes that you can't rely on Eid Echud Neman Besorim. And especially when there's a nigoas of money. If this frum cook were to tell the boss of camp kol Torah that he doesn't like something he would throw him out of his job. Everyone knows that Scheinbaum guy is money money money....

    1. According to your logic you can never trust any mashgiach!. Because if he complains too much to his employer he will be fired because his employ er does not want to lose the account and sometimes ghe account can be worth millions.

  13. There is alot of truth to that. And you need a trustworthy hashgocha because of that. At least when there's a mashgiach there's someone else, a outsider to the kitchen that has accountability. But definitely not the cook himself! !!!

  14. It just so happens I happen to know this cook very well and during the year he happens to be a mashgiach in the kitchen of a very well reknowned and respected yeshiva

  15. Is there any yeshivish camp with hashgacha ??

  16. AKO says they got last year some camps to get Hashgochas.

  17. Chassidishe camps have generally been under official hashgocho going back several years. It's weird that the Litvisher are way behind on this

  18. Chasidish camps have heimish hashgacha which Yudel does not consider a hashgacha.
    We are looking for six Mashgiach per kitchen per camp. 3 for 8 hrs shifts per day Mon through Thur. And another 3 for 8 hrs each Fri through Sun.
    Otherwise they are worthless.
    In camps the kitchen is open 24/7 even if they lock up the place. You’re talking about Buchrim in the summer. They get into anywhere if hungry.

  19. "if hungry"

    There is one yungerman who is allemole hingrik as a vadai. You still can't be soimech on his uninvited, superimposed shgooche of him barging into catering kitchens to nose around. Vehameyvin yuvin.

  20. Halevai any store in Lakewood would be as kosher as anything under the KCL - a far more superior hhashgacha than anything in LW. Halevai.

  21. The KCL et al doesn't even claim to be a kashrus organization.

    They are a protection organization, aka Mafia type.

  22. Why to Cleveland ? They can have the same ‘geshmakeh’ food here at the local camps.
    You know genuine kosher food is expensive here and there.
