Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Alert: Shatnez notice


  1. The ben Torah shaatnez checker in the Bates area of Monsey closed down. He put up a sign outside encouraging everyone to go to the cleaners in Towne Square Mall next to Evergreen. The cleaners ships everything off to KJ. Is KJ reliable or affiliated with Williamsburg?

  2. Ask Rav Gruber about his anisakis shita which is somewhere between the gedolim & Belsky, so unfortunately it is still no good.

    He claims there is no such thing as the worms doing anything different over the last 2000 years, so all anisakis is mutter unless you slice fish fillets very thin & the worms crawl away from the knife to out of the flesh.

    This is why sushi under Rav Gruber is coated in infested fish eggs & why his gesheften are selling infested fish species.

    Rav Gruber's supporters make the false claim that it is only frumma Litvisher hashgochos that are machmir on anisakis. When you name to them call the chassidishe hashgochos that also do not allow anisakis, they look dumbstruck.

    1. Shulchan aruch is pretty clear on Anisakis. It's muttar

  3. Wed Dec 14, 10:52:00 AM 2016
    What does your comment have to do with Shatnez?

  4. Who gives shgooche on KJ Shatnez checking? R' Getzel Berkovitz or Burich Teitelbaum?

  5. Rav Gruber is also fort still a dayan in Sachdis which helps explain things dort.

  6. Shulchan Aruch is clear for anisakis that do not migrate throughout the fish. The new metzius is a different story. Rav Elyashev ztl strongly disagreed with Belsky. Belsky 'conveniently' came up with a fishy story that R' Moishe was "mattir" to him in a 'private' conversation that no one else happened to be present for. R' Dovid signed a letter against Belsky with R' Feivel Cohen that they don't believe Belsky. Belsky then pulled a fast one to weasel out of sitting down with Rav Elyashev. Rav Elyashev already held that no one can rely on any Belsky psak in any miktzoah of halacha but was fort willing to sit down with him for such an important issue affecting the Klal. Belsky cynically imposed conditions that were disrespectful to the gadol hador, which he knew the gadol hador would refuse the ridiculous conditions.

    The shliach of multiple gedolei Eretz Yisroel, Rav Karp, summed up Belsky in a nutshell at the assifas kashrus in Flatbush: "Aless a bee mattir zein"

    American hashgochos for the most part are unfortunately hiding behind Belsky's fake heter on anisakis.
