Friday, January 13, 2017

בבאלטימור התקינו בבית ספר שארית הפליטה מצלמות עם זכרון שנשמר  לחמש שנים מומלץ לכל הישיבות וכו'


  1. Shearis Haplaita changed it's name to TI many years ago.

    So the Board finally smartened up? What kind of huge scandal was finally the gorem that was worse than anything before? And this school has had a really, really notorious molester working there for many years! The molester was protected by Star K, Ner Yishmoel & the beis din who threatened all the victims & put in cherem the only victim with the courage to speak up. R' Dovid Cohen was threatened when he tried to mix in and they laugh off Rabbi Blau from YU as a clueless moderner after he tried to stop it.

  2. Still not a bad idea at all!!!!

  3. You can fool some of the people some of the timeTue Jan 17, 01:08:00 PM 2017

    When someone knows where the cameras are it is not difficult to get around them. This might be a move by the Baltimore establishment to further cover up for E.E. because now they will argue what do you mean he is a molester? We have cameras watching his "every move".

  4. This 'aitza' only can work in Baltimore where they have 'Aittzas' for Shabbos Koidesh.
    But anywhere else there are no 'aitzas' for Shabbos (According to all Gedolay Haposkim From Israel).
