Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Aida Yerushalem always considered "QUINOA" as "Kitnious"


  1. The Aida (Yerushalayim - not Aida Miller) also always ruled that you can't vote in Israeli elections.

    The Aida also would not approve of one going to a hotel for Pesach - let alone give a hechsher.

    Its 'wonderful' to use the Aida (both Yerushalayim AND Miller) when it 'suits' you. It makes YOU frimmer them all others.

  2. Since when does the eida have the last and final word

  3. The Aida considers Cottonseed Oil to be Kitniyos as well. It is much more relevant to us that HaGaon Rav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a says that is is kitniyos, as in the letter.

    (Why can't the headline match the letter posted?)


  5. Many additional pratim in this old article:

    [21] "...Although the OU’s other main posek, Rav Herschel Schachter, permits quinoa, until recently the OU did not grant it Pesach approval out of deference to Rav Belsky’s ruling.This is what the OU released about quinoa in the past:“There is a difference of opinion among Rabbinic decisors (machloket ha-poskim) as to whether quinoa is considered kitniyot. Ask your Rabbi for his guidance. Additionally, while quinoa is not one of the five grains that can create chametz (wheat, oat, barley, spelt and rye), and quinoa is not grown in the same vicinity as the grains mentioned above, the processing of quinoa is sometimes done at the same location where they process wheat and wheat flour. It is highly doubtful that the mills are effectively cleaned between grains. The concern of wheat flour or particles finding their way into the quinoa flour would be a serious one”..."

    [23] "...This does not mean that Rav Belsky has actually changed his position. In fact, this author has heard from several of his talmidim, as well as my father, renowned kashrus expert Rabbi Manish Spitz, who spoke with Rav Belsky directly, that he still personally does not recommend quinoa for Pesach use..."

    [36] "...In this author’s estimation, the point Rav Tendler was making is that there seems to be a common misconception that Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l, in his oft-cited teshuva defining peanuts' Kitniyos status (Shu”t Igros Moshe O.C. vol. 3, 63), gave a blanket hetter for any "New World" food item. In this author’s opinion, this is not entirely correct, as was mentioned previously that everyone considers corn as Kitniyos, even though it was introduced long after the Kitniyos restriction. Rather, Rav Moshe used that as a sevarah (and he was neither the first nor the only posek to do so) to explain why potatoes were not included in the restriction, as well as peanuts for those who did not have an existing minhag. Meaning, Rav Moshe held that minhag and similarity to all Kitniyos factors also play an important role in classifying Kitniyos; ergo, he did not intend to give a carte blanche hetter for every 'new food'. As such, Rav Tendler was relating, it would seem tenuous at best to apply that teshuva as the exclusive basis to a hetter permitting quinoa for Pesach. This is also the understanding of his uncle, Rav Moshe’s son, Rav Dovid Feinstein (see Kuntress Yad Dodi pg. 119: Hilchos Pesach, Question 51) as well as Rav Moshe Dovid Tendler, Rav Moshe's son-in-law; both whom do not recommend Ashkezaim eating quinoa on Pesach. Rav Asher Weiss (the Minchas Asher) has recently written a yet-unpublished teshuva as well, questioning a blanket hetter for every ‘New World’ food item. See Other well-known Rabbanim who have gone on record as considering quinoa Kitniyos include Rav Osher Yaakov Westheim of Manchester, Rav Yaakov Ariel of Ramat Gan, and Rav Yaakov Reisman of Far Rockaway..."




  8. According to many Rabbis Quinoa MAY be Kitniot,however according to its Agricultural definition Quinoa is Definitely not, in the Kitnit category.In addition there is no Masoret of not eating quinoa.
    Chag Sameach from the Holyland (Not Lakewood)

  9. In the other item that disappeared about kitniyos, R' Yudel was correct that the Tzelemer was mattir cottonseed.

    I was thinking of the Minchas Yitzchok who is the one who has a problem with cottonseed.

    The person who commented about kitniyos oils being an "invention" of R' Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld is either a big am haaretz or one of those left wing modern orthodox liars who make up stories to enable themselves to fress anything kitniyos they want while being arrogantly poretz geder.

    It is clear from the Ramoh 453:1 that kitniyos oils are also forbidden to consume. The Ramoh there is mattir using the oil as fuel for licht unlike the Maharil who assered even that. And I think it is safe to assume that the Maharil had the mesorah on consuming kitniyos oil from the Geonim.

  10. In the other item that disappeared about kitniyos, R' Yudel was correct that the Tzelemer was mattir cottonseed.

    I was thinking of the Minchas Yitzchok who is the one who has a problem with cottonseed.

    The person who commented about kitniyos oils being an "invention" of R' Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld is either a big am haaretz or one of those left wing modern orthodox liars who make up stories to enable themselves to fress anything kitniyos they want while being arrogantly poretz geder.

    It is clear from the Ramoh 453:1 that kitniyos oils are also forbidden to consume. The Ramoh there is mattir using the oil as fuel for licht unlike the Maharil who assered even that. And I think it is safe to assume that the Maharil had the mesorah on consuming kitniyos oil from the Geonim.
