Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Food distributor charged with selling ordinary cheese as kosher

[Note-There was another scandal re: Heshy Gotessman from NY that had allegedly questionable cheese claiming it was kosher, etc]

By The Canadian Press  |  May 10, 2017                   
A Toronto-area food manufacturer and distributor is facing criminal charges after allegedly trying to pass off ordinary cheese as a kosher product.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has laid five charges against Creation Food and one of its officials, alleging the company forged documents to knowingly sell non-kosher cheddar cheese to Jewish summer camps in the summer of 2015.
The alleged forgery came to light when a kitchen manager at one of the two Ontario camps discovered irregularities in the labelling and paperwork related to the cheese.
Court documents show the CFIA laid charges against Creation and executive Kfir Sadiklar, alleging they created and used forged documents as well as unlawfully sold non-kosher food to the two camps.
Neither the CFIA nor Sadiklar responded to requests for comment.
The allegations against Creation and Sadiklar were levelled by the Kashruth Council of Canada, an organization that certifies food as kosher throughout Canada. The council is commonly known as COR, the same label applied to foods that have passed the company’s certification process and have been deemed suitable for those following a kosher diet.
Creation received COR certification for its manufactured food, but the company ran afoul of the certification criteria and lost its status in 2012 after numerous infractions, said COR managing director Richard Rabkin.

The company continued to act as a distributor of other products that were certified kosher, which is how it resurfaced on COR’s radar in 2015, Rabkin said.
COR’s statement of claim alleges that Creation sold a batch of Gay Lea Foods’ Ivanhoe Old Cheddar Cheese to both the Moshava and Northland B’nai Brith summer camps in June 2015.
Gay Lea does produce a kosher version of the same product, which has been approved by COR and has a unique certificate and product code associated with it, Rabkin said.
Documents allege the kitchen manager at Camp Moshava noticed the package of cheddar cheese did not carry the COR label as usual and emailed Creation seeking clarification.
COR said Sadiklar emailed the manager a copy of the certificate that did not look quite right, prompting further investigation by the certification council.
The product code was not listed in COR’s database, Rabkin said, adding a close examination of the certificate indicated the code had been altered.
Rabkin called the police, who then turned the matter over to the CFIA. The agency laid charges against Creation and Sadiklar on Oct. 24, 2016.
The CFIA said Tuesday it woudn’t comment as the case was before the court.
The agency said it received an average of 40 complaints annually from consumers about potential food misrepresentation and investigates each one.
“The CFIA verifies compliance using various methods, such as investigations into complaints, facility or retail inspections, as well as label reviews and laboratory testing of products, including verification of the nutrient content or calories in the food,” the agency said in an email.


  1. Gottesman still has his harp symbol on cheeses sold in chain supermarkets in the Tri-State area. I heard alleged his shtick is to claim there is a loophole to get around the gantz takonna of gevinas akum, kaviyuchel. Very convenient to find such a "loophole" to get money for "certifying" any goyish cheese out there.

  2. Is that the same cheese supplier that Leib Pinter was using for his "kosher" labeled baloney + cheese sandwiches?

    It was so outrageously bold of someone to do that that in the course of the Congressional investigation into the lunch program fraud, Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzmann called Pinter herself to ask him where he gets the gall to do such a thing. The mechutzef answered her that as long as the original ingredients are kosher, vos iz shlecht to label a za sandwich as kosher?

  3. Spotlight on the vaadWed May 10, 04:08:00 PM 2017

    Must of had Queens Supervision
