Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Kashrus mashgichim at food service establishments- W-2 or 1099 ?

The W-2 or 1099 must be from the

Kosher Certifier,

not from the foodservice entity.


  1. I hear the OU started paying based on W-2's.

  2. Again.... the OU does not have mashgichim; they use the employees of the company.

  3. Not so, the OU does have mashgichim.
    The heimish rely on the baal habaas.
    All of the treif viloations were by frum owners, not by goishe owners.
    Remember, Doheny, Shevach, kehila, tartikuv, neitra, hashgochas, etc

    1. The ONLY mashgichim work in the office. The day to day responsibility of kashrus in the plants fall on the "working mashgiach".
      That is why violations happen; because the OU relies on the baal.

  4. If Mashgichim get paid w-2 by food certifier they'll get paid 6-10 moths late with the excuse that the establishment did not pay yet and we don't have that kind of money in the bank.
    You (Yudel) know it as well as all others.
    It has been tried and failed miserably.

  5. The Chinese takeout in Lakewood - who pays Yudel?

  6. 04:00:00 PM

    As we all know, Yudel is no longer in the hashgacha business. Its been taken over by Hisachdis of Lakewood V'haglilos.

    The only public income Yudels has is the Pesach Hotel and Aravot. All other income 'zimin' - Zero.

  7. Yudel still gives hechser on the free water outside his house!

  8. What's with the frum owners who supplied Traif cheese in Canada. Same company switched from COR to heimishe hasgochochoo in Toronto
