Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Birdsboro brand Noam beef from Uruguay

Very reliable standard including their Bais Yosef standards.


  1. Smooth payments thus far.

  2. Quality on Birdsboro is horrible. They think that all you have to have a 1/2 decent hechsher and you can send out any chazerai you want. They have a captive audience because of the hechsher. Like Rubashkin who sold crap but they sold it because of the hechser, not the quality.

    I just cut open a salami. They threw in old corned beef and did't bother to chop it before throwing it in. Bad tasting and gritty.

  3. If you eat solomans then you can eat this also

  4. where they sell it in Lakewood?

  5. Who sells Birdsboro? What is the quality of their beef, not processed meat, eg. cold cuts?

  6. Where's Jackabowitz ?

  7. Joey S said that the quality was horrible. I agree. Franks tend to shrivel up and taste too dry. You want plumpness when you bite into a frank.

    Who taught them how to make franks?

  8. You are paying for the kashrus with Birdsboro beef ... chewy .... tough .. looks like when they did nikur they took off all the fat !!
    I stick to Solomon for kashrus and quality..
