Thursday, June 29, 2017

From an Email

"sorry.. i didnt mean to bomb you on multiple emails, but i was not sure which address still works..
an interesting complement to either you or your wife...
i was told today by a yungermahn that speaks to me about kashrus:
following my advice, his wife called one of the local basement chefs who had made a bunch of cakes for distribution by a local business for their workers (lkovod yom tov..) ..
she inquired about some of the ingredients... to which to person responded by asking "are you mrs. shain?".. my friend was mystified at the question and said"no... why do you think i am mrs. shain?"  -- they are a younger couple and do not know you or your wife...
the person answered that in all the years she is in business , the only other person that bothered calling to ask any kashrus questions at all was mrs. shain...
yashrkoach... halevei we should be more successful


  1. You mean this whole site is a front for the Mrs. ?????

  2. Maybe if more of us would be asking those kashrus questions, the kashrus standards would improve.

    1. Wow, ppl are starting to catch on. Amazing
