Wednesday, August 02, 2017

it's not funny- Reform & Conservative kosher standards

I don’t know where it’s from or who made it, but it states that one should “take some time to learn different kosher symbols before you Jew-shame someone.

It then lists three symbols: the widely known “OU” symbol and two others — one denoting copyright protection; the other denoting registered trademark protection.

Noting the “C” and the “R” within circles, the meme refers to the former as for Conservative Jews; the other for Reform. So they eat anything & everything.  See you at the wall.


  1. i never heard or read something so dumb in my life

  2. Kellogs flavored cereals without the KVH symbol are mamesh treif.
    They contain gelatin.

    1. Kellogs never has a KVH symbol.they only had a k despite being certified by KVH. This gelatin is an old story...don't know which or how it just resurfaced now.
