Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Goal of a Girls school?

The goal of a girls school should be to transmit proper Jewish values and not to see how many Ramban's students can learn in a year.


  1. Thank you for your opinion.
    However, practically speaking, it is not everyone else's opinion. Especially for the Seminary bound girls.
    You have a right to dictate what goes on in your home. Not other's homes.
    (That is if your lucky and they follow your dictates).

    1. Its not his... its the only reason bais yaakov was made and had backing of gedolim. Learn history. I must add that eventhough hes right they need to do things in school to keep busy so maybe not rambans; but they need material and jewish stuff is better than secular. Just saying! Women are social no matter what so they respond in group setting differently than men and as long as they are together you will have the peer pressure anyways. We really need teachers with brains that no how to guid this rather than pack on the books and classes. Thank you for letting me vent....

  2. For Jewish values alone its a lot cheaper to keep them home and let the 'baaleh boss'teh do the job. There'll be a lot less issues here in Lakewood in particular and elsewhere in general.

  3. Please check with Spotlight if its true that the the Queens Vaad is opening schools for "Jewish values only" girls and for "AA eligible" Bochrim specifically from the 08701 zip code.

  4. So why don't you make a school with these goals. We are very short of girls high schools in Lakewood. I'm sure you would get a big enrollment.

  5. The Girls need to spend quality time at home with their Families and Mothers and help out with family chores and helping their mother watch the younger siblings when they get home not be bogged down with endless homework and exams

  6. So why not make such a school. The tuitions would be cheaper because you do not need major teachers.
