Friday, September 08, 2017

Is your schools food acceptably kosher for "U" ??

Many or most yeshiva / Bais Yaakov kitchens operate without a mashgiach or for that matter not a single responsible yid working in the kitchen.

Who is knowledgable in product purchasing at the Moisid? No one per se.
Is that acceptable to you? check it out, you may be surprised. In Israel the Rabanut is requiring in yeshivas, bais yaakovs, etc a full time knowledgable mashgiach.

1 comment:

  1. The Rabbanut is Requiring.....

    Did You say RABBANUT?!?!?!?
    The ones you and others claim to be the treifen'aks in Israel?!?!?!?
    You meant the Aida.
    You meant Rav Landau.
    You meant Belz..Agudah..Bdat'z Yerushalayim.
    Please please say I'm Right!!!!

    Or maybe the Aida, Landau, Belz, Agudah and Bdat'z don't agree with you Reb Yudel.
    They say that the frum people in charge IS enough.
