Monday, July 02, 2018

A Lakewood Shabbos Bar Mitzvah

One family of the guests does not eat meat, so they made for them a small parve cholent.

At the day Seudah, that family was served the small Parve cholent, or so they thought. They saw meat in the cholent.

The host was beside himself.

They discovered that the waiters helped themselves to a breakfast of cholent. They realized that the small cholent was almost finished, so they scooped out from the large meat cholent to refill the parve cholent.

All under the watchful eyes of the Lakewood kashrus's Mashgiach, who went to daven with a minyan  and came back at 10:30 AM and had "bossur she'nisalem.


  1. Sounds like the waiters also don't eat (KCL) meat.... Nu Nu.

  2. At the end of the fda if was done under the mashgiach , its not a kashrus issue. An issue of someone eating meat when they have a hakpodoh not to is not a kashrus issue perhaps but not kashrus.


  3. At the end of the day, it was done under the mashgiach , its not a kashrus issue. An issue of someone eating meat when they have a hakpodoh not to, is not a kashrus issue perhaps, but not a kashrus issie..
