Monday, July 30, 2018

Re: patronizing michalelei shabbos



    Joel Katz under the Queens Vaad is not just catering in the open on Saturday store of Ralph Lauren's daughter, Dylan's Candy Bar, but there are plenty of non-kosher goodies for sale there too.

    This isn't much different that catering at McDonald's, who for years the McDonald's CEO was Cohen.

    If all you hear is silence it's because Chaimel has got his foot stuck in his mouth.

  2. עם הקלטות נוספות של ח"כ המושחת העמלקי גפני ב"כאן" שחושפות את דיל חוק הלאום תמורת חוק הגיוס: "חוק הלאום הוא חוק רע מאוד מאוד מאוד. למה הסכמתי לזה? אחרי שידוע שהחוק הזה הרי נגד הקב"ה ונגד התורה הק'!!! אז למה הסכמנו לזה? בגלל שנתניהו אמר לי שזה חוק שחשוב לו, ולכן כל מה שאתם דורשים בחוק הגיוס אני עושה". ומהליכוד בתגובה לדיווח ב״כאן״ על דיל לכאורה ביחס לחוק הגיוס וחוק הלאום: "הדברים אינם נכונים". אבל... שומו שמים לאיזה דרגה שפילה המסיונר המנובל הרשע גפני התדרדר

    חבירו של גפני לפיד הגיב להדלפות הקלטות גפני: ‏"לאור הגילוי של גפני על הדיל עם נתניהו – שינויים בחוק הגיוס תמורת תמיכה בחוק הלאום – מסתבר שנתניהו מכר לחרדים את חיילי צה״ל היהודים, רק כדי שיוכל למכור את חיילי צה״ל הדרוזים

  3. Ralph is a member by Avi Weiss or episs azoy in Riverdale. But check out mit vemen er hot chassuna gehat and if there is a chiyuv for zein kinder to keep kosher to begin with if zei zeinen nisht fun unzerreh.

  4. Get a life AND a jobTue Jul 31, 11:06:00 AM 2018

    What does 'non-kosher goodies for sale' have to do with a catered party in the back of the store - IF the story is true at all?
    The people invited to the party are not there to buy anything besides they may have entered through another more updated entrance.
    Or maybe YOU were a guest there and were not happy with the Kosher food or so.
    By the way. Is there an issue with catering on Shabbos ( the open on Saturday..) as you seem to indicate?

  5. Trying to understand is this comment against Chaimel or Mr Katz?

  6. big mac attack in kgTue Jul 31, 11:29:00 AM 2018

    sounds like someone read the lauren-mcdonalds comment & is having a 'big yankel attack' on behalf of chaim

    i know someone modern orthodox who was passing by that candy store in the voch & bought a nosh that wasn't kosher, assuming that members of an 'orthodox' synagogue who own it would only sell kosher, especially when it's their private label they make themselves. while most yeshivaleit would not be so quick to assume, there is room for some to err

    you can deny all you want that guests at the catered events will absolutely not buy any retail items but it's not like the store will refuse to sell them either the roughly 50% kosher items in the store or the balance that has no hashgocho, many of those items likely treif

    what would r' shloime on metropolitan ave say? that's the only shul that's heimish enough for you to associate with but you completely disregard whatever he holds (which includes that he eats nothing from queens vaad because he knows the score)

  7. Time to move out of Queens especially KG.
    There are no stores under hashgacha there and some 'not-so-smart-Teitlebaum-hasids' may assume - nay will assume - that all there stores in the area are Kosher (not under the Queens Vaad - Cas V'sholom - that will go against the guru himself) and just may buy something there.
    It may only be 50% (maybe .05% but according to above reasoning highly likely that the number is at least 50%) but if that happens the whole community may end up in 'gaihinum' for being 'machshil' the area chasidim and non chasidim.

    Do we have to go on ??
    Or can we see who we are dealing with here.

    Thank you.

  8. Lack of stores under hashgocho in Kew Gardens is because there is no point to take a bad hashgocho like Queens Vaad. And the Vaad acts like mafia to muscle out any decent hashgocho from coming into the area.

    The VHQ tiger has marked it's turf in Queens and also thinks it owns Long Island, Westchester & Manhattan.

  9. A chassidishe rov in an unnamed out of town city said he didn't trust the local hashgocho so he made a chassuneh in a hotel that he kashered himself. But the Italianos made a wedding there the same night & put out tables of treifeneh snacks in the lobby. The heimishe guests swooped in on the treifeneh snacks to devour them like a fresser fest scene from the Agudah convention.

  10. If holier then thou (used MM only even though in the old days with old owners Shabbos cooking was OK in KG) Teitlebaum gave supervision to the stores owned by his followers which mafia head would muscle him out ? His other Daf Yomi guy? His unofficial Assistant?

    The cheap (can't say cheap if they shop at the Bloom) Jew haters, (MO Jews are still Jews)
    who are not interested in Kosher should at least keep quiet when others do.

  11. Yea. But Teitelbaum didn't know about the cooking.

  12. A chassidishe rov in an unnamed....

    Even though Teitelbaum halt zich Chassidish, it could not have been him.
    He would rather go QueensVaad then go to a hotel. Let alone he himself koshering.
    That would would make as bad as the Queens Vaad if not worse.

    It happens to be that Rav Teitelbaum is a very nice guy and a great Rov.
    He would be even greater if his shul were not in Queens let alone KG.
    But you have to follow the Yerushah and thats where his great father left him his parnaseh.
    Nu. Nu.

  13. Yup, when all their other bogus arguments are defeated, the VHQ bullies in KG turn to attacking Rav T alein, while using his shul which is the only one heimish enough to enable their fake chazir feese appearances that mask the kimat chazir-treif kashrus standard.

    As Schwartz himself wrote in the Queens Vaad propaganda magazine, he owes all his yedios to KVH in Boston.

    Here is a leading rabbi from the beis din over KVH who is into bittul kiddushin. The kashrus standards are not much further than the arayos standards. And it's these kinds of weak to non-existent kashrus standards that Schwartz's modern orthodox bosses in Queens want as well.

  14. What hypocrisy needling R' Shloyme about the old Meal Mart! Queens Vaad caterers have had many chilul Shabbos scandals. And even "mashgichim" who are not Shomer Shabbos ki hu zeh.

  15. At the old MM one would never know what occured on shabbos or what he served. Most of the time
    there was no mashgiach and in KG there never was one.

  16. Meal Mart

    Kew Gardens
