Monday, August 27, 2018

Todays wigs/ sheitels

I don't want to bother now responding to the first two comments here -

much less to repeat what Rav Chaim Kanievsky has to say about that so called hareidi "big-hole" website which distorted his words and intentions outrageously. Some things are better left unsaid to the overall public... 
And the second commenter can make do on fresh
fruits, vegetables, and homemade bread if he actually believes what he
writes. Especially when those giving the meaningless "hechsher" on
wigs admitted THEMSELVES that their supposed "supervision" was
seriously flawed, and that "no hechsher on food products would use
these same standards ever"...
Someone who was tripped up in eating nonkosher food r"l would have
done harm to himself, and the leave a negative ripple-effect on the
Klall. A woman who goes out with a typical modern day wig is
IMMEDIATELY harming herself and others who glance at her. What's more
- most slip-ups in kashrus are done unintentionally out of sheer
negligence and/or monetary interests. 
A married woman going out in public with her modern day wig is, by contrast, INTENDING to create acertain sensation around her, which - whether she understands this or not - inevitably leads others to sinful thoughts, R"L.
When Eliezer came to Lavan's house Lavan ran out and invited him in.
He assured him "I've cleaned out my house from avoda zara!" Have we
sunken today to the level of BRINGING IN the same filth that Lavan
threw out??!! When she lights the Shabbos licht and says a heartfelt
tefillah she is "adorning" herself the whole while with avoda zara

When her husband says Kiddush, bentches her children, sings
zemiros, and says Bircas Hamazon - he is facing avoda zara filth the
whole while! when she goes to shul on Yom Kippur she brings the
"finest shearings of the Balaji temple" with her! 
Does the reader
fully comprehend what is going on here??


  1. This whole post is also based on the assumption that the poskims words were not distorted.
    It is also based on the assumption that your local rabbonim are worthless and all questions must be 'run by' the chosen leading poskim. Not all p'sakim from the leading poskim are always accepted by the masses. Not all p'sakim from the Chozon Ish or Reb Aron or Reb Yoel or the B'datz, just to list some leading poskim, have been the accepted p'sak by all.

    No one is saying that your wrong. But just quote the psak you choose to accept and list the names of those poskim, period. No reason to go on screaming that one is the biggest ..... if you don't accept this psak. No reason to go on screaming how all others erred and are way off the mark. Thus leading the general masses not to follow any p'sakim because maybe they also erred and therefore we will do anything and evrything.

    1. Nah, I get it. Some local Rabbi - who got his semikha at the institution that has made mediocrity in Judaism the primary goal, and loving the gentiles it's secondary goal - has the ability to understand better than the greatest poskim. It all makes sense.

  2. Yudel. U have a buncha sheytil machers in your immediate​ family.
    Are you distancing your self from them because they are being machshil the kllal?


    Why is the OU & Rav Akiva Padwa of London certifying Twin Suns wines with images of the Sun on the bottle which it's assur to create these images?

    Avodah Zara 43b, Tosfas v’hu,” Rosh 3:5, Ran page 38, Rambam Hilchos Avodas Chochavim 3:11, Tur, Shulchan Aruch 141:4, Taz 13, Shach 25

    Even according to the yechidim who are mattir non-protruding images (Darchei Teshuva 141:34, Chochmas Adam 85:5-6, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 168:1), these are printed with high end ink that seem to the touch to protrude. Avnei Yushfei 1:151:1 & Shevet Ha’Levi 7:134:7 point out the issur remains even if altering the color of the sun in the image. Minchas Yitzchok 10:72 explains it doesn't matter if the item is disposable. Although Belsky came up with a "chiddush", kedarkoi, that adding rays coming out of the sun to the image "removes" the issur since solar rays are not visible to the human eye, everyone is cholek on him: see Rav Falk in Am Hatorah 3:5:page 62, V’ain Lamo Michshol 2:page 127:footnote 14, Rav Azriel Auerbach in Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society ibid:page 112:footnote 10.

    At the heimishe vein gesheft next door to Rockland Kosher in Monsey's Shoppers Haven mall, the owner tells the oylam that this is his favorite wine.

    Also at this gesheft is a michshol horabim self-serve wine tasting table with non-mevushal wines.

    When the chassidishe owner is asked how he is allowed to leave non-mevushol without a mashgiach for freya & goyim, er iz alein moydeh that 5% of his customers are not frumma Yidden. This is his "terutz" as if the 5% are bottul beroiv.

    And it is obvious that he does not like the question.

  4. Getting hammered by Rechnitz is not the only musser that the chadorim need to hear.

    Ami Magazine reported in the Rosh Hashana edition that when R' Aron Leib Shteinman ztl was on his American road trip for chizuk, he was approached by several mechanchim who kvetched that today's children are mechutzofim like never before. R' Aron Leib put them in their place that kinder are gutteh and they want to be gutteh. The problem is zogt er that they see the adults like you in positions of chinuch & authority who are the ones not behaving properly. So then how do you expect the kids to act with such role models????

    (It's shocking that Yitzy Frankfurter actually published this in his magazine when he is usually from the first to cover up for the Establishment)

  5. Some Nescafe coffees not cooked for Shabbos purposes

  6. For those using date syrup as the siman on the Rosh Hashana, thinking it is cleaner from bugs than the whole fruit ...

    rabbonim did a study & found some syrup brands to also be infested


    fish infested with worms despite being under Eretz Yisroeldik heimishe hashgochos

    Belz is one of the hashgochos & it's alleged Chug Chasam Sofer Petach Tikva also certifies despite not being visible here


    Real shrimp - not imitation - under the upstanding hashgocho of Star K
