Sunday, November 11, 2018

Kashrus Alert: Re:NEW Lakewood based INSECT INFORMATION CENTER מכון לבדיקת תולעים

Re: KCL recent signs re: "Triple washed" infested vegetables..... 
Any one knowledgeable in bedikas toloiyim, know that ALL triple washed vegetables are infested.
Rational? If it's not infested, you don't need triple-washed.
When it is infested? triple washed will not clean it.

Therefore only use the vegetables with reliable hashgochas from experts / mumchim. 

ALERT:NEW Lakewood based INSECT INFORMATION CENTER מכון לבדיקת תולעים
No one affiliated with this Organization is an expert .
מומחה לבדיקת תולעים

They have limited knowledge in the practical aspect of infestation. They can only talk / orate about the subject.

Do not rely on them at all.

We are ready to put Rabbi Bodner and Rabbi Eisen to a public test to ascertain if they are expert in bedikas of insects.  We will give $500.00 to Tzedakah if they pass the test.


  1. Rabbis Straus, Feingold, Benjio from Lakewood are in agreement that Rabbis Eisen and Bodner are not to be relied upon at all re: infestation.

  2. Rabbi Eisen, in preparation of his droshas / speeches , demonstrations in infestation, always has to have R' Shimon Yoffe among others to preper for him "infested vegies / fruits", otherwise he wouldn't be able to find it.

  3. Rabbi Bodner with Rabbi Weisner of the kcl had signs printed up that certain brand figs are clean not infested, then lo and behold an expert in infestation showed Rabbi Bodner the figs are heavily infested and he doesn't know infestation.

  4. We fell in bad with the money hungry kcl that still has very little kashrus knowledge.
    Now this new one?

  5. Since Every Tom, Dick and Harry claims to be an expert the best thing to do is not use any infested veggies even when some other TD&H claims they are clean.
    How do you really know which are clean? Because Yudel said so? How do you know that he knows more then others? Because he makes more noise?
    If it were a question of poison or disease or some other health issue you would not use any of it under any circumstances then why would insect infestation be less important???

  6. Can we please see a recent letter or alert from Rabbi Bodner?

  7. How could you not post an 'honorable' mention of Rabbi Bodner's old shutef Gissinger who went from the biggest 'machmir' around (that R' Yaakov ztl held was fake) to now openly advocating for no checking at all, after he realized he saves more money with no checking in foodservice than he did as Bodek's 1980s overnight 'machmir'.

  8. Although BMG has Yankel Pollock warn all the chassanim it's verboten, I was wondering if Gissinger is offering any package deals of his nisht G-rated chosson shmoozen together with a catered bugged up salad?

  9. Follower, you can check with the mispalel in Gissinger's shul, Yudi Kolko. Although Kolko was banned by Lake Compounce water park in Connecticut from organizing trips there for little yeshiva boys after New York Magazine tummeled about it, the raid is he has moved on to other 'package deals'.

    Kolko organizes water park activities for children several times each summer in Connecticut (at Lake Compounce, a children's water park)

  10. And of course Kolkata comes to each and every event saying he forgot his pants plus other pants.
    Get a life - Travel Agent. If you were busy you would have no time to blog about these “ very very VERY VERY” important stuff.

  11. I don't know the Rabbi mentioned. I would however suggest that prior to posting recognize that if in fact they are Talmidi chochumim, hmevza Talmidi chochumim sofo livasos es H'torah

  12. Kolkatakles of an OU mashgiachThu Nov 01, 12:25:00 PM 2018

    "kolkata"? that's a city in india

    must be the OU mashgiach from queens with the spelling challenges who goes on the attack whenever a menuvol endangering children is exposed, in addition to his attacks to cover up OU & queens vaad failures

    since the mashgiach is very defensive of his extended mishpooche he figures he should automatically stick up for all menuvolim bichlal

  13. It's time that people got familiar with Hilchos Loshon Hara and remember all the tenaim required to speak even when permitted. Eating Kosher is important but so is following the halachos of Shmiras Haloshon. Watch what goes in your mouth but also watch what comes out. Yes, the written is also a problem.

  14. New generation halachasThu Nov 08, 03:13:00 PM 2018

    In order to Avoid ALL the CHOFETZ CHAYIM's warning about Loshon Horo, Moitzee Shaim Rah and/or Rechilus there is the new modern protection clause by saying before you start talking: "Nisht Loshon Hauro, Moitzee Shem Rah udeh Rechilus Geh'reht" As in "nisht oif Shabbos Geh'reht" before closing a deal during shabbos Laining or Davening.
