Sunday, November 11, 2018

It's about time that we write to Donald Trump, the President of the USA

He deserves to hear our thanks more often.

He's a Republican- That in itself says a lot.

He's not a Liberal- That in itself says a lot.

He's not fearful of enemies- That in itself says a lot.

He has limited the world leaders of taking advantage of the USA- That in itself says a lot.

He has done so much in standing up for Israel- That in itself says a lot.


Please write to him to let him know your appreciation.


  1. I agree with you 100%.
    At a time when leftist Jews are criticizing the President, its important that we in
    the frum community support him completely.

  2. Re; It's about time that we write...

    I would like to add that we should appreciate what Donald Trump said
    about himself, "I'm not your typical president".

    Pirkei Avos (2:3) teaches us, "Beware of governing powers, as they
    only bring one close for their own sake; they appear friendly in their
    time of leisure, and they don't stand by someone in his time of

    Obama had denied Jonathan Pollard the ability to visit his ailing
    father one last time in his life. A few weeks later he boldly claimed
    that "relations between the U.S. and Israel were never any better..."
    He had never intervened seriously during the continuous massacres
    going on in Syria, Iraq, Libya, the Ukraine, and elsewhere - even when
    American lives were in jeopardy.

    By stark contrast, - President Trump had made tough sanctions on
    Turkey - rattling the European markets - to counter an injustice; thus
    effectively demonstrating to the world that his fellow Americans won't
    be stripped of their human rights abroad. Additionally, he tightened
    the screws over Saudi Arabia over a most suspicious corrupted act of
    murder, while subsequently increasing local petroleum output -
    demonstrating that American economic concerns will not cover up for
    human rights abuses, even abroad.

    And let's not forget how he released - point blank - Shalom Rubashkin
    last year, - clearly exposing the red tape of local judicial
    corruption in its naked sense.

    Indeed - Donald Trump is "not your typical president"!

