Friday, November 09, 2018

Lakewood's revolve restaurant "LGBTQ" friendly- good for LGBTO groups-KCL certified

You can also have fresh Herbs, that were not checked 
properly for infestation.


  1. Lakewood- We thought that the anti-vaxers were our biggest problem, now we see Lakewood went to the dogs, especially when the vaad endorses the scum, McGreevy, Booker, Clinton, etc.

    Peleg michablim is our sister city.

    Now it looks like San Francisco is also a sister city that Lakewood adopted.

    At least I moved out in time.

  2. KCL doesn't discriminate, a dollar is a dollar.
    They can't inquire about the private lives of each one.

  3. KCL, has a policy DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL

  4. Stop being so particular. Their tri-colored pasta is out of this world!😂

  5. If Horav Yudel would not post these Levin guys hocking about something we never knew about, there would be no room for such wild accusations.
    Don’t vote for this Jewish guy because he eats train and that’s against the Torah and very very disgusting - how can you look at a lobster or a shrimp never mind eating them.
    If they eat such discussting foods for sure they will vote for all that we ( Torah) stand for. Even if they don’t it’s only to promote more taarfus.
    Get the just.......
    Rabbi Levin is fulfilling his tackles in this world - that’s his ‘shores hahneshamah. OK. What does have to do with anyone else??

  6. They just see guys eating out with other guys (like you see all over Lakewood) so they think it’s LBGTQ friendly.

  7. They have good food

  8. Wow!, Now McGreevy, Booker, Schaer, etc. have an eatery in Lakewood.

    Who's doin the invite? bmg or Dr. Roberts?

  9. Friendly with Peter org
    They serve שרצים
