Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Steinbest "SW" sweaters many are Shatnez-by family of Rabbi Yecheil Michel Steinmetz of Boro Park

Attached is consumer notice from January 2013 which publicized the shatnez issue
affecting then the Steinbest woolen sweaters. It stated in number

8) "Men’s 100% woolen sweater made in China. No brand label attached."

It was referring to the Steinbest sweaters which at that time did not have any brand labels attached to them. Currently,  the Steinbest sweaters have a label with the brand name, "SW", attached to them.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 11:55 AM VAAD < wrote:

Urgent Shatnez Update- November 12, 2018
All sweaters and tops containing wool or linen must be tested at a professional shatnez laboratory.

Recently, the Borough Park Shatnez Laboratory (phone # 718-435-0992) had discovered shatnez in a Steinbest Co.  men's black 100% woolen sweater. The sweater contained the brand label, "SW".

Steinbest Co. is a Jewish owned company with its headquarters  based in Williamsburg, New York. Its men's 100% woolen sweaters are sold exclusively in Jewish owned stores.

In the previous years, shatnez had been discovered in many of the men's black woolen sweaters manufactured by Steinbest Co. No recall had then been undertaken by

the company, and it is assumed that numerous people are oblivious to the issue and are wearing shatnez.

Please publicize.

Vaad L’Mishmeres Shatnez


1 comment:

  1. Are they being oiver on lifnei eevair by selling such sweaters?
