Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Alert: pre-checked / pre-washed fruits & vegies re: infestation

Re: pre-checked / pre-washed fruits & vegies re: infestation

Every kosher certifier & Rav Hamachshir should be completely transparent in stating clearly,what percentage of product is physically checked, If it's checked prior to washing, after washing.

If they are NOT willing to be transparent in that information, we would not use their product.


  1. https://www.kikar.co.il/abroad/274798.html

  2. ....Every kosher certifier & Rav Hamachshir should be completely transparent....

    Don't understand the issue here.

    They are ALL transparent - you can see the insects without a loop ?!?!?!

  3. "If they are willing to be transparent in that information, we would not use their product."

    I think what you mean to say is "If they are NOT willing to be transparent in that information, we would not use their product."
