Saturday, January 05, 2019

Headlines-Kashrus- 732-806-8700


  1. David's comparison to hospital ratings is interesting. As someone who owns a company which was involved with rating hospitals I can attest to the fact that the ratings are meaningless. They are easily manipulated. I certainly hope kashrus is being governed by a higher authority (pun intended)!

  2. All Kashrut org. have deficiencies.
    Some care about daily fresh eggs & sifting everything but don’t care about chadosh.
    Some get matzah flour from holy fields but get the water after the normal Shliach.
    Some are careful about Chanda’s and pas Yisroel but rely on other agencies for all other issues.
    Some care about the kashrut aspect but ignore the financial issues.
    No one is perfect thus no food is perfectly kosher.
    If one agency rejects a item because it’s not perfectly clean another agency may accept it because nothing is perfectly clean and thus will invoke chazakah thus following regular halachic standards.
    Thus all one should post is that ABC hashgacha accepts it and XYZ hashgacha does not.

  3. Each agency as noted in the program should be transparent!

    1. Transparent does not mean he needs to answer every yeshiva drei kop, but should respond to other agencies.

      David also has an obvious agenda and tries to stear in towards that direction, but the conversation actually proves otherwise.
      My biggest shock was the KCL and how they only come every few months. Everyone in Lakewood should know that.

  4. Other than Rabbi Elefant and Rabbi Auerbach, the interviewees sounded nervous. I wouldn't trust their agencies.

  5. ...My biggest shock was the KCL....

    Nothing to be shocked about. He was pretty clear. Its Kashrus Vs. Price.

    The "Yeshivah leit" in Lakewood can not be charged high prices (Chas VeSholom) that may be incurred by a more expensive upgraded Kashrus system.

    Thus we trust all, as long as the smaller, lower fee is paid. (All we have is three overseeing inspectors plus "My car - of course - I have to get around to the stores").

    Listen to the tape.

    He also has no office or other expenses so that keeps the price very low.

    Just wondering if the "fress" restaurants and "gourmet" establishments pay higher fees to the other side of this two tiered KCL. (It must be two tiered according their own logic).


  7. Spot on! Rabbanim shlita mustn't say "I'm not involved" as when it comes to the dvar Hashem if they are not involved it leads to hefkeros and Chillul Shem Shamayim r'l. The posek states "Aroar Asher lo yokim".....

  8. I know for a fact that SKS does not have a mashgiach tmidi at their factories in China.
    Straight out lie.
