Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Rav Avigdor Miller on Nachal Chareidi

There has been talk in Eretz Yisroel about the frummeh agreeing to join the IDF in separate regiments called nachal chareidi. What does the Rav think about this?

Some people are proposing to take frum boys into the army in frum regiments. You should know that it's a shtus, a complete foolishness. The army is made lichatchilah for the purpose of changing the minds of the boys while in the army. The purpose of the army is to make the youth into Israelis. This is something that their leaders have said long ago. And it's well-known by those who understand things. And we don't want our children to become Israelis. We want them to remain Jews.

All this talk is only a ploy that they're using now to deceive the frummeh into entering the army. The truth is that the Am Yisroel has to keep out of the army. We have to maintain our privilege, as many other countries maintain, that Rabbinical students are patur from the draft, that they should be exempt from the military draft. And let's continue to fight for that, and not to yield and not to listen to the meisisim and meidichim who are talking about frum regiments for the frum boys.
TAPE # E-253 (January 2001)


  1. Today too, in Israel, Rabbinical students are "patur" from the draft.

    If someone is sitting and learning, he has no worries about the draft.

    The boys being drafted today, are boys who are not in yeshiva, or who foolishly did not apply for a deferment.

  2. Hgaon Reb Aaron Shechter shlita was asked if it's appropriate that individuals utilize the name Nazi when referring to tzionim? The Rosh Yeshiva responded that if one understood the true meaning of a tzioni he would suffice in calling them tzionim!

  3. Reply to "Israel Reader":

    You remind me of the story of the Russian journalist who heard from
    the local Soviet news agency how the Russian nation had "gloriously
    rebuilt a city which had been previously devastated and demolished
    during WW II".

    The city was now once again hustling with action, with
    tall buildings gracing the skyline, and lavish parks and playgrounds
    were gracing it's outskirts.

    The journalist replied, "As a journalist I was there recently, and the
    place is deserted - a virtual ghost town!"

    The news agency responded, "Ah! That's your problem - you're a
    journalist! You need to learn to READ MORE and TRAVEL LESS!"

    Dear "Israeli Reader" - Being that it's now erev Shabbos, and the
    obvious reality of this tragic situation doesn't allow for me to
    explain the most basic A-B-C's of the issue,

    I can only leave off right now by saying that Your name fits your comment quite well, and
    you'll certainly never have this "journalist" problem to deal with!
    והמבין יבין

    P.S. For the rest of you readers: Maybe get your hands on an issue of
    "Lehovin" if you're able to. Gotta go! Have a good Shabbos!

  4. You spent about about 190 words saying absolutely nothing, except that you keep Shabbos.
    I do too, and it's Motzei Shabbos here in Israel.

    Of course, you have nothing to say, because you can't deal with facts, which the hucksters who are fundraising in the USA won't share with you.

    Well, if you're reading this, then Shabbos is over for you too.

    I will repeat my three assertions, and I challenge you to refute them.

    1. Today too, in Israel, Rabbinical students are "patur" from the draft.

    2. If someone is sitting and learning, he has no worries about the draft.

    3. The boys being drafted today in Israel, are boys who are not in yeshiva, or who foolishly did not apply for a deferment.

  5. The issue is the definition of being "in" yeshiva. If the tzionim Shem reshayim yirkov are left to decide what being "in" means...... H' Yircham

  6. To:you Details

    I likewise challenge you to refute the three following assertions:

    1. Russian communism not only put unemployment at a standstill, it
    also gave the indigenous peasants the ability to learn how to use
    modern machinery for the first time in their lives.

    2. In addition, the communist party was founded with the express
    purpose of serving the Russian nation "from each according to his/her
    ability to each according to his/her needs".

    3. The only reason people were ever persecuted under this selfsame
    regime was that they were deemed to be "subversive elements seeking to
    undermine the system, thereby harming the Russian people".

    And now - back to your three initial claims:

    1. Today too, in Israel, Rabbinical students are "patur" from the draft.

    2. If someone is sitting and learning, he has no worries about the draft.

    3. The boys being drafted today in Israel, are boys who are not in
    yeshiva, or who foolishly did not apply for a deferment.

    1. According to the "new agreement" between the supposedly "chareidi"
    political parties and Lieberman/Lapid coalition; rabbinical students
    whom were spared from the new "trimming" were to be officially
    recognized as exempted from the army (something which was always the
    case, yet never officially recognized on the books). As soon as they
    naively bit the hook, thereby guaranteeing the secular elements a
    yearly quota of cantonists; the case was - as planned - brought to the
    Supreme court of Sodom and disqualified.

    2. You're talking about a settlement which existed years ago! Today
    the draft registry puts yeshiva students through a plethora of
    unnecessary new rituals, using professionally tried and tested tactics
    to snare away - not necessarily the weak students (whom are generally
    of less value to the army), but rather the "big minds" and the

    (If they discover, for example, that a student is orphaned,
    they slate him out for "further investigation", and try to manipulate
    him in every possible way to leave yeshiva.) They lie, threaten, guilt
    trip, and intimidate potential "merchandise" at every opportunity, and
    create arbitrary rules on a yearly basis to "increase" these
    casualties. Many whom have succumbed to their tactics can attest to
    this. But to the public - these bochrim simply "don't have the
    interest to continue their studies".

    3. Two years ago, a simple mother of yeshiva boys sent a modest
    petition on behalf of her organization dedicated to helping the
    families of those whom were caught in the quicksand of the draft
    edict. Without any interest in publicity she had to explain that the
    recruitment office has dramatically changed course from what was
    originally its clandestine policy towards yeshiva bochurim.

    With no major interest at publicity she pointed out how in the previous two
    weeks alone some 36 bochurim were now stuck in the draft office - for
    SHOWING UP as requested, and then being refused dismissal.
    In recent times anyone "in the know" will treat the draft offices in
    this country the same way one would historically have treated the
    missionary centers. Even if you are heatedly pro-vaxx regarding your
    children and neighbors - the risk of catching measles in no way
    compares to the risk of losing chas v'shalom a child to the army -
    especially for the bochurim deemed "vulnerable". Though without
    taking any definite stance over the issue - It is thus quite
    understandable that Roshei Yeshivos will instruct their Talmidim to
    avoid this office!

  7. The deferments are intended for בני ישיבה who are תורתם אומנותם.

    The part that the huckster fundraisers aren't telling you about, is about the guys on Facebook, who have pictures of themselves doing things that are clearly totally out of consonance with being a "Rabbinical student" (Rabbi A. Miller's lashon).

    Some of these draft dodgers were caught on their way down to Eilat. Eilat is really such a מקום קדוש, because everyone comes down and leaves their קדושה there. No, these boys weren't going there to learn about גבולות הארץ. They don't even know about the גבולות of the issues enumerated in the ברכת אירוסין.

    Sorry if the truth hurts, but don't blame the "tziyonim" for calling them out as fakers.
